Module Av.Format

val get_input_name : (Avutil.input, _) Avutil.format -> string

Return the name of the input format

val get_input_long_name : (Avutil.input, _) Avutil.format -> string

Return the long name of the input format

val find_input_format : string -> (Avutil.input, 'a) Avutil.format option

Guess input format based on its short name.

val get_output_name : (Avutil.output, _) Avutil.format -> string

Return the name of the output format

val get_output_long_name : (Avutil.output, _) Avutil.format -> string

Return the long name of the output format

val guess_output_format : ?short_name:string -> ?filename:string -> ?mime:string -> unit -> (Avutil.output, 'a) Avutil.format option

Guess output format based on the passed arguments.

Return the audio codec id of the output audio format

Return the video codec id of the output video format

Return the subtitle codec id of the output subtitle format