Liquidsoap 1.2.1 : JSON export

Exporting values using JSON.

Liquidsoap can export any language value in JSON using json_of.

The format is the following :

The two particular cases are:

Output format is pretty printed by default. A compact output can be obtained by using the optional argument: compact=true.

Importing values using JSON.

If compiled with json-wheel support, Liquidsoap can also parse JSON data into values. using of_json.

The format is a subset of the format of exported values with the notable difference that only ground types (int, floats, string, ...) are supported and not variable references, sources, formats, requests and functions:

The JSON standards specify that a proper JSON payload can only be an array or an object. However, simple integers, floats, strings and null values are also accepted by Liquidsoap.

The function of_json has the following type:


The default parameter is very important in order to assure type inference of the parsed value. Its value constrains the parser to only recognize JSON data of the the default value's type and is returned in case parsing fails.

Suppose that we want to receive a list of metadata, encoded as an object:

{ "title": "foo",
 "artist": "bar" }

Then, you would use of_json with default value [("error","fail")] and do:

# Parse metadata from json
m = of_json(default= [("error","fail")], json_string)

The type of the default value constrains the parser. For instance, in the above example, a JSON string "[1,2,3,4]" will not be accepted and the function will return the values passed as default.

You can use the default value in two different ways: