• Memory Management

    As we are nearing the release of liquidsoap 2.2.0, some of our users have raised concerns with memory usage in the application. We made a couple of solid improvements here and there but there is probably more to do. [Read More]
  • Ogg bitstream compliance

    One of the interesting things with a long-term project is the ability to look back in the past, some times way far back and consider the consequences of certain decisions. One example of that came up recently with ogg bitstream muxing and demuxing.. [Read More]
  • Precise scheduling of tracks

    After responding to a user request about scheduling a top of the hour source, it seemed like this would be a good opportunity to document a little bit more how to properly schedule time-specific tracks with liquidsoap and also investigate the CPU usage from the current scheduling implementation used in this response. [Read More]