Liquidsoap scripting language reference
The Source / … categories contain all functions that return sources. The Input functions are those which build elementary sources (playing files, synthesizing sound, etc.). The Output functions are those which take a source and register it for being streamed to the outside (file, soundcard, audio server, etc.). The Visualization functions are experimental ones that let you visualize in real-time some aspects of the audio stream. The Sound Processing functions are those which basically work on the source as a continuous audio stream. They would typically be mixers of streams, audio effects or analysis. Finally, Track Processing functions are basically all others, often having a behaviour that depends on or affects the extra information that liquidsoap puts in streams: track limits and metadata.
- Interaction
- Internet
- Metadata
- Source / Audio processing
- Source / FFmpeg filter
- Source / Fade
- Source / Input
- Source / Output
- Source / Sound synthesis
- Source / Track processing
- Source / Video processing
- Source / Visualization
- Track / Video processing
- Uncategorized
Add a skip telnet command to a source when it does not have one by default.
(source('c).{on_wake_up : ((() -> unit)) -> 'b, skip : () -> 'a}) -> 'b
(of typesource('c).{on_wake_up : ((() -> unit)) -> 'b, skip : () -> 'a}
): The source to attach the command to.
Submit songs using audioscrobbler, respecting the full protocol: First signal song as now playing when starting, and then submit song when it ends.
(username : string, password : string, ?api_key : string?,
?api_secret : string?, ?delay : float, ?force : bool,
?metadata_preprocessor : (([string * string]) -> [string * string]),
source('a)) -> source('a)
(of typestring
(of typestring
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typefloat
, which defaults to10.0
): Submit song when there is only this delay left, in seconds.force
(of typebool
, which defaults tofalse
): If remaining time is null, the song will be assumed to be skipped or cut, and not submitted. Set this totrue
to prevent this behaviormetadata_preprocessor
(of type([string * string]) -> [string * string]
, which defaults to<fun>
): Metadata pre-processor callback. Can be used to change metadata on-the-fly before sending to nowPlaying/scrobble. If returning an empty metadata, nothing is sent at all.(unlabeled)
(of typesource('a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
Create a multiband compressor whose parameters are interactive variables.
(?id : string?, ?bands : int, source(audio=pcm('a), 'b)) ->
source(audio=pcm('a).{gain? : never, rms? : never}, 'b)
'b is a set of tracks to be muxed into a source and a set of internal tracks
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Id of the source. Variable names are prefixed with this.bands
(of typeint
, which defaults to5
): Number of bands.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(audio=pcm('a), 'b) where 'b is a set of tracks to be muxed into a source and a set of internal tracks
): Source to compress.
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to stream.gain
(of type() -> float
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type() -> float
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
Read a boolean from an interactive input.
(?description : string, ?osc : string, string, bool) -> () -> bool
(of typestring
, which defaults to""
): Description of the variable.osc
(of typestring
, which defaults to""
): OSC address.(unlabeled)
(of typestring
): Name of the variable.(unlabeled)
(of typebool
): Initial value.
(of type() -> unit
(of type(bool) -> unit
Read a float from an interactive input.
(?min : float, ?max : float, ?step : float, ?description : string,
?unit : string, ?osc : string, string, float) -> () -> float
(of typefloat
, which defaults to-inf
): Minimal value.max
(of typefloat
, which defaults toinf
): Maximal value.step
(of typefloat
, which defaults to0.1
): Typical variation of the value.description
(of typestring
, which defaults to""
): Description of the variable.unit
(of typestring
, which defaults to""
): Unit for the variable.osc
(of typestring
, which defaults to""
): OSC address.(unlabeled)
(of typestring
): Name of the variable.(unlabeled)
(of typefloat
): Initial value.
(of type() -> unit
(of type(float) -> unit
Expose interactive variables through harbor http server. Once this is called, with default parameters, you can browse http://localhost:8000/interactive to change the value of interactive variables using sliders.
(?transport : http_transport
.{default_port : int, name : string, protocol : string}, ?port : int,
?uri : string) -> unit
(of typehttp_transport.{default_port : int, name : string, protocol : string}
, which defaults to<unix_transport>.{default_port=80, protocol="http", name="unix"}
): Http transport. Usehttp.transport.ssl
or http.transport.secure_transport`, when available, to enable HTTPS outputport
(of typeint
, which defaults to8000
): Port of the server.uri
(of typestring
, which defaults to"/interactive"
): URI of the server.
Read an integer from an interactive input.
(?description : string, ?osc : string, string, int) -> () -> int
(of typestring
, which defaults to""
): Description of the variable.osc
(of typestring
, which defaults to""
): OSC address.(unlabeled)
(of typestring
): Name of the variable.(unlabeled)
(of typeint
): Initial value.
(of type() -> unit
(of type(int) -> unit
Load the value of interactive variables from a file.
(string) -> unit
(of typestring
): Name of the file.
Make the value of interactive variables persistent: they are loaded from the given file and stored there whenever updated. This function should be called after all interactive variables have been defined (variables not declared yet will not be loaded).
(string) -> unit
(of typestring
): Name of the file.
Save the value of all interactive variables in a file.
(string) -> unit
(of typestring
): Name of the file.
Read a string from an interactive input.
(?description : string, ?osc : string, string, string) -> () -> string
(of typestring
, which defaults to""
): Description of the variable.osc
(of typestring
, which defaults to""
): OSC address.(unlabeled)
(of typestring
): Name of the variable.(unlabeled)
(of typestring
): Initial value.
(of type() -> unit
(of type(string) -> unit
Register a callback when a unit interactive input is set.
(?description : string, ?osc : string, string, (() -> unit)) -> unit
(of typestring
, which defaults to""
): Description of the variable.osc
(of typestring
, which defaults to""
): OSC address.(unlabeled)
(of typestring
): Name of the variable.(unlabeled)
(of type() -> unit
): Function triggered when the value is set.
(of type() -> unit
(of type() -> unit
Submit a track to the spinitron track system and return the parsed response
(?host : string, api_key : string, ?live : bool, ?start : string?,
?duration : int?, artist : string, ?release : string?, ?label : string?,
?genre : string?, song : string, ?composer : string?, ?isrc : string?) ->
(of typestring
, which defaults to""
(of typestring
): API keylive
(of typebool
, which defaults tofalse
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
(of typestring
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typestring
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typestring
(of typestring?
(of typestring?
(of typebool?
(of typestring?
(of typestring?
(of typeint?
(of typestring?
(of typestring?
(of typeint
(of typestring?
(of typestring?
(of typestring?
(of typestring?
(of typestring?
(of type{playlist : {href : string}?, self : {href : string}?}?
(of typebool?
(of typestring?
(of typebool?
(of typestring?
(of typestring?
(of typeint
(of typestring?
(of typestring?
(of typeint?
(of typebool?
(of typestring
(of typestring?
(of typestring
(of typestring?
(of typestring?
(of typebool?
(of typestring?
Submit a spin using the given metadata to the spinitron track system
and return the parsed response. artist
(or title
) must be present either as
metadata or as optional argument.
(?host : string, api_key : string, ?live : bool, ?start : string?,
?duration : int?, ?release : string?, ?label : string?, ?genre : string?,
?composer : string?, ?isrc : string?,
?mapper : (([string * string]) -> [string * string]), ?artist : string?,
?song : string?, [string * string]) -> unit
(of typestring
, which defaults to""
(of typestring
): API keylive
(of typebool
, which defaults tofalse
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of type([string * string]) -> [string * string]
, which defaults to<fun>
): Metadata mapper that can be used to map metadata fields to spinitron’s expected. Returned metadata are added to the submitted metadata. By default,title
is mapped tosong
if neither of those passed otherwise.artist
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of type[string * string]
): Metadata to submit. Overrides optional arguments when present.
(of typestring
(of typestring?
(of typestring?
(of typebool?
(of typestring?
(of typestring?
(of typeint?
(of typestring?
(of typestring?
(of typeint
(of typestring?
(of typestring?
(of typestring?
(of typestring?
(of typestring?
(of type{playlist : {href : string}?, self : {href : string}?}?
(of typebool?
(of typestring?
(of typebool?
(of typestring?
(of typestring?
(of typeint
(of typestring?
(of typestring?
(of typeint?
(of typebool?
(of typestring
(of typestring?
(of typestring
(of typestring?
(of typestring?
(of typebool?
(of typestring?
Specialized version of source.on_metadata
that submits
spins using the source’s metadata to the spinitron track system.
and song
(or title
) must
be present either as metadata or as optional argument.
(?id : string?, ?host : string, api_key : string, ?live : bool,
?start : string?, ?duration : int?, ?release : string?, ?label : string?,
?genre : string?, ?composer : string?, ?isrc : string?,
?mapper : (([string * string]) -> [string * string]), ?artist : string?,
?song : string?, source('a)) -> source('a)
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typestring
, which defaults to""
(of typestring
): API keylive
(of typebool
, which defaults tofalse
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of type([string * string]) -> [string * string]
, which defaults to<fun>
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typesource('a)
): Metadata to submit. Overrides optional arguments when present.
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
Submit a track to the spinitron track system and return the raw response.
(?host : string, api_key : string, ?live : bool, ?start : string?,
?duration : int?, artist : string, ?release : string?, ?label : string?,
?genre : string?, song : string, ?composer : string?, ?isrc : string?) ->
(of typestring
, which defaults to""
(of typestring
): API keylive
(of typebool
, which defaults tofalse
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
(of typestring
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typestring
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of type[string * string]
): HTTP headers.http_version
(of typestring
): Version of the HTTP protocol.status_code
(of typeint
): Status code.status_message
(of typestring
): Status message.
Harbor middleware to add CORS headers
(?origin : string?,
?origin_callback : ((
body : (?timeout : float) -> string,
data : (?timeout : float) -> string,
headers : [string * string],
http_version : string,
method : string,
path : string,
query : [string * string]
}) -> string?)?,
?methods : [string], ?allowed_headers : [string]?,
?exposed_headers : [string], ?credentials : bool, ?max_age : int?,
?preflight_continue : bool, ?options_status_code : int) ->
body : (?timeout : float) -> string,
data : (?timeout : float) -> string,
headers : [string * string],
http_version : string,
method : string,
path : string,
query : [string * string]
}, (() -> string)
content_type : ((string?) -> unit)
.{current : () -> string?
data : (({string}) -> unit)
.{current : () -> {string}
header : (string, string) -> unit,
headers : (([string * string]) -> unit)
.{current : () -> [string * string]
html : ({string}) -> unit,
http_version : ((string) -> unit)
.{current : () -> string
json : (?compact : bool, 'a) -> unit,
multipart_form : (?boundary : string?,
attributes : [string * string],
contents : {string},
headers : ['b * 'c],
name : string
}]) -> unit,
redirect : (?status_code : int, string) -> unit,
send_status : ('d.{write : (string) -> unit}) -> unit,
status_code : ((int) -> unit)
.{current : () -> int
status_message : ((string?) -> unit)
.{current : () -> string?
status_sent : () -> bool
body : (?timeout : float) -> string,
data : (?timeout : float) -> string,
headers : [string * string],
http_version : string,
method : string,
path : string,
query : [string * string]
}, (() -> string)
content_type : ((string?) -> unit)
.{current : () -> string?
data : (({string}) -> unit)
.{current : () -> {string}
header : (string, string) -> unit,
headers : (([string * string]) -> unit)
.{current : () -> [string * string]
html : ({string}) -> unit,
http_version : ((string) -> unit)
.{current : () -> string
json : (?compact : bool, 'a) -> unit,
multipart_form : (?boundary : string?,
attributes : [string * string],
contents : {string},
headers : ['b * 'c],
name : string
}]) -> unit,
redirect : (?status_code : int, string) -> unit,
send_status : ('d.{write : (string) -> unit}) -> unit,
status_code : ((int) -> unit)
.{current : () -> int
status_message : ((string?) -> unit)
.{current : () -> string?
status_sent : () -> bool
}) -> unit)) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults to"*"
): Configures the Access-Control-Allow-Origin CORS headerorigin_callback
(of type(( { body : (?timeout : float) -> string, data : (?timeout : float) -> string, headers : [string * string], http_version : string, method : string, path : string, query : [string * string] }) -> string?)?
, which defaults tonull
): Origin callback for advanced uses. If passed, overridesorigin
argument. Takes the request as input and returns the allowed origin. Returnnull
to skip all CORS headers.methods
(of type[string]
, which defaults to["GET", "HEAD", "PUT", "PATCH", "POST", "DELETE"]
): Configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods CORS header.allowed_headers
(of type[string]?
, which defaults tonull
): Configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers CORS header. If not specified, defaults to reflecting the headers specified in the request’s Access-Control-Request-Headers header.exposed_headers
(of type[string]
, which defaults to[]
): Configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers CORS header. If not specified, no custom headers are exposed.credentials
(of typebool
, which defaults tofalse
): Configures the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials CORS header. Set to true to pass the header, otherwise it is omitted.max_age
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Configures the Access-Control-Max-Age CORS header. Set to an integer to pass the header, otherwise it is omitted.preflight_continue
(of typebool
, which defaults tofalse
): Pass the CORS preflight response to the nexnhandler.options_status_code
(of typeint
, which defaults to204
): Provides a status code to use for successful OPTIONS requests, since some legacy browsers (IE11, various SmartTVs) choke on 204.
Query ChatGPT API.
(key : string, ?base_url : string, ?model : string, ?timeout : float?,
content : string,
name? : string,
role : string,
tool_call_id? : string,
tool_calls? : [
function :
{arguments : string, name : string
id : string,
type : string
}]) -> unit
(of typestring
): OpenAI API key.base_url
(of typestring
, which defaults to""
): Base URL for the API querymodel
(of typestring
, which defaults to"gpt-3.5-turbo"
): Language model.timeout
(of typefloat?
, which defaults to30.0
): Timeout for network operations in seconds.(unlabeled)
(of type[ { content : string, name? : string, role : string, tool_call_id? : string, tool_calls? : [ { function : {arguments : string, name : string }, id : string, type : string }] }]
): Messages initially exchanged.
(of type[ { finish_reason : string, index : int, message : {content : string, role : string } }]
(of typeint
(of typestring
(of typestring
(of type{completion_tokens : int, prompt_tokens : int, total_tokens : int}
Generate speech using openai. Returns the encoded audio data.
(key : string, ?base_url : string, ?model : string, ?timeout : float?,
voice : string, ?response_format : string, ?speed : float,
on_data : ((string?) -> unit), string) -> unit
(of typestring
): OpenAI API key.base_url
(of typestring
, which defaults to""
): Base URL for the API querymodel
(of typestring
, which defaults to"tts-1"
): Language model.timeout
(of typefloat?
, which defaults to30.0
): Timeout for network operations in seconds.voice
(of typestring
): The voice to use when generating the audio. Supported voices are"alloy"
, and"shimmer"
(of typestring
, which defaults to"mp3"
): The format to audio in. Supported formats are:"mp3"
, and"flac"
(of typefloat
, which defaults to1.0
): The speed of the generated audio. Select a value from0.25
is the default.on_data
(of type(string?) -> unit
(of typestring
): ~on_data Function executed when receiving the audio data.
Start an interface for the “telnet” server over http.
(?transport : http_transport
.{default_port : int, name : string, protocol : string}, ?port : int,
?uri : string) -> unit
(of typehttp_transport.{default_port : int, name : string, protocol : string}
, which defaults to<unix_transport>.{default_port=80, protocol="http", name="unix"}
): Http transport. Usehttp.transport.ssl
or http.transport.secure_transport`, when available, to enable HTTPS outputport
(of typeint
, which defaults to8000
): Port of the server.uri
(of typestring
, which defaults to"/telnet"
): URI of the server.
Store and retrieve file covers using metadata. This returns a set of
getter/setter methods that can be used to store and retrieve cover art.
Typical usage is to set cover art in a on_metadata
and retrieve it in a video.add_image
operator. See
for an implementation example.
(?id : string?, ?mime_types : [string * string], default : string) ->
() -> request
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of type[string * string]
, which defaults to[("image/gif", "gif"), ("image/jpg", "jpeg"), ("image/jpeg", "jpeg"), ("image/png", "png"), ("image/webp", "webp")]
): Recognized mime types and their corresponding file extensions.default
(of typestring
): Default cover file when no cover is available
(of type([string * string]) -> unit
Append speech-synthesized tracks reading the metadata.
(?id : string?, ?pattern : (([string * string]) -> string), source('a)) ->
source('a) where 'a is an orderable type
(of typestring?
, which defaults to"source.say_metadata"
(of type([string * string]) -> string
, which defaults to<fun>
): Pattern to use(unlabeled)
(of typesource('a) where 'a is an orderable type
): The source to use
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.cancel_pending
(of type() -> unit
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.pending
(of type() -> source('A)? where 'A is an orderable type
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).selected
(of type() -> source('A)? where 'A is an orderable type
): Currently selected source.self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.set_pending
(of type(source('A)?) -> unit where 'A is an orderable type
(of type(?cancel_pending : bool) -> unit
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
Source / Audio processing
Accelerate a stream by dropping frames. This is useful for testing scripts.
(?id : string?, ?randomize : {float}, ?ratio : {float}, source('a)) ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.randomize
(of type{float}
, which defaults to1.0
): Randomization (0 means no randomization).ratio
(of type{float}
, which defaults to2.0
): A value higher than 1 means speeding up.(unlabeled)
(of typesource('a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
This function is experimental.
Add some bass to the sound.
(?frequency : {float}, ?gain : {float}, source(audio=pcm('a), 'b)) ->
source(audio=pcm('a), 'b)
'b is a set of internal tracks and a set of tracks to be muxed into a source
(of type{float}
, which defaults to200.0
): Frequency below which sound is considered as bass.gain
(of type{float}
, which defaults to10.0
): Amount of boosting (dB).(unlabeled)
(of typesource(audio=pcm('a), 'b) where 'b is a set of internal tracks and a set of tracks to be muxed into a source
): Source whose bass should be boosted
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
Comb filter
(?id : string?, ?delay : float, ?feedback : {float}, source(audio=pcm('a),
'b)) -> source(audio=pcm('a), 'b)
where 'b is a set of tracks to be muxed into a source
(of typestring?
, which defaults to"comb"
): Force the value of the track ID.delay
(of typefloat
, which defaults to0.001
): Delay in
(of type{float}
, which defaults to-6.0
): Feedback coefficient in dB.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(audio=pcm('a), 'b) where 'b is a set of tracks to be muxed into a source
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
Compand the signal.
(?id : string?, ?mu : float, source(audio=source(pcm('a)), 'b)) ->
source(audio=pcm('a), 'b)
where 'b is a set of tracks to be muxed into a source
(of typestring?
, which defaults to"compand"
): Force the value of the track
(of typefloat
, which defaults to1.0
(of typesource(audio=source(pcm('a)), 'b) where 'b is a set of tracks to be muxed into a source
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
Compress the signal.
(?id : string?, ?attack : {float}, ?release : {float}, ?lookahead : {float},
?threshold : {float}, ?track_sensitive : bool, ?knee : {float},
?pre_gain : {float}, ?gain : {float}, ?ratio : {float}, ?window : {float},
?wet : {float}, source(audio=pcm('a), 'b)) -> source(audio=pcm('a)
.{gain? : never, rms? : never}, 'b)
where 'b is a set of tracks to be muxed into a source
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the track ID.attack
(of type{float}
, which defaults to50.0
): Attack time (ms).release
(of type{float}
, which defaults to400.0
): Release time (ms).lookahead
(of type{float}
, which defaults to0.0
): Lookahead (ms).threshold
(of type{float}
, which defaults to-10.0
): Threshold level (dB).track_sensitive
(of typebool
, which defaults tofalse
): Reset on every track.knee
(of type{float}
, which defaults to1.0
): Knee width (dB).pre_gain
(of type{float}
, which defaults to0.0
): Pre-amplification (dB).gain
(of type{float}
, which defaults to0.0
): Post-amplification (dB).ratio
(of type{float}
, which defaults to2.0
): Gain reduction ratio (reduction is ratio:1). Must be at least 1.window
(of type{float}
, which defaults to0.0
): RMS window length (second).0.
means peak mode.wet
(of type{float}
, which defaults to1.0
): How much of input sound to output (between 0 and 1, 0 means only original sound, 1 means only compressed sound).(unlabeled)
(of typesource(audio=pcm('a), 'b) where 'b is a set of tracks to be muxed into a source
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to stream.gain
(of type() -> float
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type() -> float
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
Exponential compressor.
(?id : string?, ?mu : float, source(audio=pcm('a), 'b)) ->
source(audio=pcm('a), 'b)
where 'b is a set of tracks to be muxed into a source
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the track
(of typefloat
, which defaults to2.0
): Exponential compression factor, typically greater than 1.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(audio=pcm('a), 'b) where 'b is a set of tracks to be muxed into a source
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
Multiband compression. The list in argument specifies - the
below which we should apply compression (it is
above previous band) - the attack
time (ms) - the
time (ms) - the compression ratio
the threshold
for compression - the gain
the band
(?limit : bool, ?wet : {float}, source(audio=pcm('a), 'b),
attack : {float},
frequency : {float},
gain : {float},
ratio : {float},
release : {float},
threshold : {float}
}]) -> source(audio=pcm('a).{gain? : never, rms? : never}, 'b)
'b is a set of tracks to be muxed into a source and a set of internal tracks
(of typebool
, which defaults totrue
): Also apply limiting to bands.wet
(of type{float}
, which defaults to1.0
(of typesource(audio=pcm('a), 'b) where 'b is a set of tracks to be muxed into a source and a set of internal tracks
): Parameters for compression bands.(unlabeled)
(of type[ { attack : {float}, frequency : {float}, gain : {float}, ratio : {float}, release : {float}, threshold : {float} }]
): Source on which multiband compression should be applied.
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to stream.gain
(of type() -> float
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type() -> float
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
Mix between dry and wet sources. Useful for testing effects. Typically:
c = interactive.float("wetness", min=0., max=1., 1.)
s = dry_wet(c, s, effect(s))
and vary c
to hear the difference between the source
without and with the effect.
(?power : bool, {float}, source('a), source('a)) -> source('a)
where 'a is a set of internal tracks
(of typebool
, which defaults tofalse
): Iftrue
use constant power mixing.(unlabeled)
(of type{float}
): Wetness coefficient, from 0 (fully dry) to 1 (fully wet).(unlabeled)
(of typesource('a) where 'a is a set of internal tracks
): Dry source.(unlabeled)
(of typesource('a) where 'a is a set of internal tracks
): Wet source.
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
A bandpass filter obtained by chaining a low-pass and a high-pass filter.
(?id : string?, low : {float}, high : {float}, ?q : float, source('a)) ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of type{float}
): Lower frequency of the bandpass filter.high
(of type{float}
): Higher frequency of the bandpass filter.q
(of typefloat
, which defaults to1.0
): Q factor.(unlabeled)
(of typesource('a)
): Force the value of the source ID.
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
Increases the pitch, making voices sound like on helium.
(source(audio=pcm('a), 'b)) -> source(audio=pcm('a), 'b)
(of typesource(audio=pcm('a), 'b)
): The input source.
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
A limiter. This is a compress
with tweaked
(?id : string?, ?attack : {float}, ?release : {float}, ?ratio : {float},
?threshold : {float}, ?pre_gain : {float}, ?gain : {float},
source(audio=pcm('a), 'b)) -> source(audio=pcm('a)
.{gain? : never, rms? : never}, 'b)
where 'b is a set of tracks to be muxed into a source
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of type{float}
, which defaults to50.0
(of type{float}
, which defaults to200.0
(of type{float}
, which defaults to20.0
(of type{float}
, which defaults to-2.0
(of type{float}
, which defaults to0.0
(of type{float}
, which defaults to0.0
(of typesource(audio=pcm('a), 'b) where 'b is a set of tracks to be muxed into a source
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to stream.gain
(of type() -> float
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type() -> float
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
Remove low frequencies often produced by microphones.
(?frequency : float, source(audio=pcm('a), 'b)) -> source(audio=pcm('a), 'b)
(of typefloat
, which defaults to200.0
): Frequency under which sound should be lowered.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(audio=pcm('a), 'b)
): The input source.
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
Mixing table controllable via source methods and optional server/telnet commands.
(?id : string?, ?register_server_commands : bool, [source(audio='a, 'b)]) ->
source(audio='a, 'b)
'b is a set of tracks to be muxed into a source and a set of internal tracks,
'a is a track and a track of type: pcm, pcm_s16, pcm_f32, canvas, metadata or track_marks and a track of type: pcm, pcm_s16 or pcm_f32
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.register_server_commands
(of typebool
, which defaults totrue
): Register corresponding server commands(unlabeled)
(of type[source(audio='a, 'b)] where 'b is a set of tracks to be muxed into a source and a set of internal tracks, 'a is a track and a track of type: pcm, pcm_s16, pcm_f32, canvas, metadata or track_marks and a track of type: pcm, pcm_s16 or pcm_f32
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.inputs
(of type[ { selected : (() -> bool) .{set : (bool) -> unit }, single : (() -> bool) .{set : (bool) -> unit }, source : source(audio='B, 'A), volume : (() -> float) .{set : (float) -> unit } }] where 'A is a set of tracks to be muxed into a source and a set of internal tracks, 'B is a track and a track of type: pcm, pcm_s16, pcm_f32, canvas, metadata or track_marks and a track of type: pcm, pcm_s16 or pcm_f32
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
Compress and normalize, producing a more uniform and “full” sound.
(source(audio=pcm('a), 'b)) -> source(audio=pcm('a)
.{gain? : never, rms? : never}, 'b)
where 'b is a set of tracks to be muxed into a source
(of typesource(audio=pcm('a), 'b) where 'b is a set of tracks to be muxed into a source
): The input source.
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to stream.gain
(of type() -> float
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type() -> float
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
(source(audio=pcm('a), 'b)) -> source(audio=pcm('a)
.{gain? : never, rms? : never}, 'b)
'b is a set of internal tracks and a set of tracks to be muxed into a source
(of typesource(audio=pcm('a), 'b) where 'b is a set of internal tracks and a set of tracks to be muxed into a source
): The input source.
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
Source / FFmpeg filter
Ffmpeg filter: Convert input audio to 3d scope video output.
(?rate : string?, ?r : string?, ?size : string?, ?s : string?, ?fov : float?,
?roll : float?, ?pitch : float?, ?yaw : float?, ?xzoom : float?,
?yzoom : float?, ?zzoom : float?, ?xpos : float?, ?ypos : float?,
?zpos : float?, ?length : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)r
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)size
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: hd720)s
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: hd720)fov
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set camera FoV. (default: 90.)roll
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set camera roll. (default: 0.)pitch
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set camera pitch. (default: 0.)yaw
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set camera yaw. (default: 0.)xzoom
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set camera zoom. (default: 1.)yzoom
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set camera zoom. (default: 1.)zzoom
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set camera zoom. (default: 1.)xpos
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set camera position. (default: 0.)ypos
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set camera position. (default: 0.)zpos
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set camera position. (default: 0.)length
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set length. (default: 15)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Convert input audio to 3d scope video output.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?rate : string?, ?r : string?, ?size : string?, ?s : string?, ?fov : float?,
?roll : float?, ?pitch : float?, ?yaw : float?, ?xzoom : float?,
?yzoom : float?, ?zzoom : float?, ?xpos : float?, ?ypos : float?,
?zpos : float?, ?length : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)r
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)size
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: hd720)s
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: hd720)fov
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set camera FoV. (default: 90.)roll
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set camera roll. (default: 0.)pitch
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set camera pitch. (default: 0.)yaw
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set camera yaw. (default: 0.)xzoom
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set camera zoom. (default: 1.)yzoom
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set camera zoom. (default: 1.)zzoom
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set camera zoom. (default: 1.)xpos
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set camera position. (default: 0.)ypos
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set camera position. (default: 0.)zpos
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set camera position. (default: 0.)length
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set length. (default: 15)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Benchmark part of a filtergraph.
(?action : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set action. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (start), 1 (stop))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Benchmark part of a filtergraph.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?action : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set action. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (start), 1 (stop))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Convert input audio to audio bit scope video output.
(?rate : string?, ?r : string?, ?size : string?, ?s : string?,
?colors : string?, ?mode : int?, ?m : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)r
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)size
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: 1024x256)s
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: 1024x256)colors
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels colors. (default: red|green|blue|yellow|orange|lime|pink|magenta|brown)mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set output mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (bars), 1 (trace))m
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set output mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (bars), 1 (trace))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Convert input audio to audio bit scope video output.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?rate : string?, ?r : string?, ?size : string?, ?s : string?,
?colors : string?, ?mode : int?, ?m : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)r
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)size
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: 1024x256)s
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: 1024x256)colors
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels colors. (default: red|green|blue|yellow|orange|lime|pink|magenta|brown)mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set output mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (bars), 1 (trace))m
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set output mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (bars), 1 (trace))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Audio compressor.
(?level_in : float?, ?mode : int?, ?threshold : float?, ?ratio : float?,
?attack : float?, ?release : float?, ?makeup : float?, ?knee : float?,
?link : int?, ?detection : int?, ?level_sc : float?, ?mix : float?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input gain. (default: 1.)mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (downward), 1 (upward))threshold
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set threshold. (default: 0.125)ratio
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set ratio. (default: 2.)attack
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set attack. (default: 20.)release
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set release. (default: 250.)makeup
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set make up gain. (default: 1.)knee
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set knee. (default: 2.82843)link
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set link type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (average), 1 (maximum))detection
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set detection. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (peak), 1 (rms))level_sc
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set sidechain gain. (default: 1.)mix
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set mix. (default: 1.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Audio compressor.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?level_in : float?, ?mode : int?, ?threshold : float?, ?ratio : float?,
?attack : float?, ?release : float?, ?makeup : float?, ?knee : float?,
?link : int?, ?detection : int?, ?level_sc : float?, ?mix : float?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input gain. (default: 1.)mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (downward), 1 (upward))threshold
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set threshold. (default: 0.125)ratio
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set ratio. (default: 2.)attack
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set attack. (default: 20.)release
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set release. (default: 250.)makeup
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set make up gain. (default: 1.)knee
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set knee. (default: 2.82843)link
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set link type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (average), 1 (maximum))detection
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set detection. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (peak), 1 (rms))level_sc
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set sidechain gain. (default: 1.)mix
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set mix. (default: 1.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Simple audio dynamic range compression/expansion filter.
(?contrast : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set contrast. (default: 33.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Simple audio dynamic range compression/expansion filter.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?contrast : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set contrast. (default: 33.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Copy the input audio unchanged to the output.
(ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Copy the input audio unchanged to the output.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Cross fade two input audio streams.
(?nb_samples : int?, ?ns : int?, ?duration : int?, ?d : int?,
?overlap : bool?, ?o : bool?, ?curve1 : int?, ?c1 : int?, ?curve2 : int?,
?c2 : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph,, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of samples for cross fade duration. (default: 44100)ns
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of samples for cross fade duration. (default: 44100)duration
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set cross fade duration. (default: 0)d
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set cross fade duration. (default: 0)overlap
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): overlap 1st stream end with 2nd stream start. (default: true)o
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): overlap 1st stream end with 2nd stream start. (default: true)curve1
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set fade curve type for 1st stream. (default: 0, possible values: -1 (nofade), 0 (tri), 1 (qsin), 2 (esin), 3 (hsin), 4 (log), 5 (ipar), 6 (qua), 7 (cub), 8 (squ), 9 (cbr), 10 (par), 11 (exp), 12 (iqsin), 13 (ihsin), 14 (dese), 15 (desi), 16 (losi), 17 (sinc), 18 (isinc))c1
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set fade curve type for 1st stream. (default: 0, possible values: -1 (nofade), 0 (tri), 1 (qsin), 2 (esin), 3 (hsin), 4 (log), 5 (ipar), 6 (qua), 7 (cub), 8 (squ), 9 (cbr), 10 (par), 11 (exp), 12 (iqsin), 13 (ihsin), 14 (dese), 15 (desi), 16 (losi), 17 (sinc), 18 (isinc))curve2
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set fade curve type for 2nd stream. (default: 0, possible values: -1 (nofade), 0 (tri), 1 (qsin), 2 (esin), 3 (hsin), 4 (log), 5 (ipar), 6 (qua), 7 (cub), 8 (squ), 9 (cbr), 10 (par), 11 (exp), 12 (iqsin), 13 (ihsin), 14 (dese), 15 (desi), 16 (losi), 17 (sinc), 18 (isinc))c2
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set fade curve type for 2nd stream. (default: 0, possible values: -1 (nofade), 0 (tri), 1 (qsin), 2 (esin), 3 (hsin), 4 (log), 5 (ipar), 6 (qua), 7 (cub), 8 (squ), 9 (cbr), 10 (par), 11 (exp), 12 (iqsin), 13 (ihsin), 14 (dese), 15 (desi), 16 (losi), 17 (sinc), 18 (isinc))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Cross fade two input audio streams.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?nb_samples : int?, ?ns : int?, ?duration : int?, ?d : int?,
?overlap : bool?, ?o : bool?, ?curve1 : int?, ?c1 : int?, ?curve2 : int?,
?c2 : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of samples for cross fade duration. (default: 44100)ns
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of samples for cross fade duration. (default: 44100)duration
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set cross fade duration. (default: 0)d
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set cross fade duration. (default: 0)overlap
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): overlap 1st stream end with 2nd stream start. (default: true)o
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): overlap 1st stream end with 2nd stream start. (default: true)curve1
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set fade curve type for 1st stream. (default: 0, possible values: -1 (nofade), 0 (tri), 1 (qsin), 2 (esin), 3 (hsin), 4 (log), 5 (ipar), 6 (qua), 7 (cub), 8 (squ), 9 (cbr), 10 (par), 11 (exp), 12 (iqsin), 13 (ihsin), 14 (dese), 15 (desi), 16 (losi), 17 (sinc), 18 (isinc))c1
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set fade curve type for 1st stream. (default: 0, possible values: -1 (nofade), 0 (tri), 1 (qsin), 2 (esin), 3 (hsin), 4 (log), 5 (ipar), 6 (qua), 7 (cub), 8 (squ), 9 (cbr), 10 (par), 11 (exp), 12 (iqsin), 13 (ihsin), 14 (dese), 15 (desi), 16 (losi), 17 (sinc), 18 (isinc))curve2
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set fade curve type for 2nd stream. (default: 0, possible values: -1 (nofade), 0 (tri), 1 (qsin), 2 (esin), 3 (hsin), 4 (log), 5 (ipar), 6 (qua), 7 (cub), 8 (squ), 9 (cbr), 10 (par), 11 (exp), 12 (iqsin), 13 (ihsin), 14 (dese), 15 (desi), 16 (losi), 17 (sinc), 18 (isinc))c2
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set fade curve type for 2nd stream. (default: 0, possible values: -1 (nofade), 0 (tri), 1 (qsin), 2 (esin), 3 (hsin), 4 (log), 5 (ipar), 6 (qua), 7 (cub), 8 (squ), 9 (cbr), 10 (par), 11 (exp), 12 (iqsin), 13 (ihsin), 14 (dese), 15 (desi), 16 (losi), 17 (sinc), 18 (isinc))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type(, -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Split audio into per-bands streams. This filter has dynamic outputs: returned value is a tuple of audio and video outputs. Total number of outputs is determined at runtime.
(?split : string?, ?order : int?, ?level : float?, ?gain : string?,
?precision : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
[] * []
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set split frequencies. (default: 500)order
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter order. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (2nd), 1 (4th), 2 (6th), 3 (8th), 4 (10th), 5 (12th), 6 (14th), 7 (16th), 8 (18th), 9 (20th))level
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input gain. (default: 1.)gain
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set output bands gain. (default: 1.f)precision
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set processing precision. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (auto), 1 (float), 2 (double))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Split audio into per-bands streams. This filter has dynamic outputs: returned value is a tuple of audio and video outputs. Total number of outputs is determined at runtime.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?split : string?, ?order : int?, ?level : float?, ?gain : string?,
?precision : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set split frequencies. (default: 500)order
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter order. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (2nd), 1 (4th), 2 (6th), 3 (8th), 4 (10th), 5 (12th), 6 (14th), 7 (16th), 8 (18th), 9 (20th))level
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input gain. (default: 1.)gain
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set output bands gain. (default: 1.f)precision
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set processing precision. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (auto), 1 (float), 2 (double))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
(of type[] * []
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Reduce audio bit resolution.
(?level_in : float?, ?level_out : float?, ?bits : float?, ?mix : float?,
?mode : int?, ?dc : float?, ?aa : float?, ?samples : float?, ?lfo : bool?,
?lforange : float?, ?lforate : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set level in. (default: 1.)level_out
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set level out. (default: 1.)bits
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set bit reduction. (default: 8.)mix
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set mix. (default: 0.5)mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (lin), 1 (log))dc
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set DC. (default: 1.)aa
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set anti-aliasing. (default: 0.5)samples
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set sample reduction. (default: 1.)lfo
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): enable LFO. (default: false)lforange
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set LFO depth. (default: 20.)lforate
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set LFO rate. (default: 0.3)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Reduce audio bit resolution.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?level_in : float?, ?level_out : float?, ?bits : float?, ?mix : float?,
?mode : int?, ?dc : float?, ?aa : float?, ?samples : float?, ?lfo : bool?,
?lforange : float?, ?lforate : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set level in. (default: 1.)level_out
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set level out. (default: 1.)bits
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set bit reduction. (default: 8.)mix
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set mix. (default: 0.5)mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (lin), 1 (log))dc
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set DC. (default: 1.)aa
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set anti-aliasing. (default: 0.5)samples
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set sample reduction. (default: 1.)lfo
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): enable LFO. (default: false)lforange
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set LFO depth. (default: 20.)lforate
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set LFO rate. (default: 0.3)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Delay filtering to match a cue.
(?cue : int?, ?preroll : int?, ?buffer : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): cue unix timestamp in microseconds. (default: 0)preroll
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): preroll duration in seconds. (default: 0)buffer
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): buffer duration in seconds. (default: 0)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Delay filtering to match a cue.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?cue : int?, ?preroll : int?, ?buffer : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): cue unix timestamp in microseconds. (default: 0)preroll
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): preroll duration in seconds. (default: 0)buffer
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): buffer duration in seconds. (default: 0)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Add region of interest to frame.
(?x : string?, ?y : string?, ?w : string?, ?h : string?, ?qoffset : string?,
?clear : bool?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Region distance from left edge of frame.. (default: 0)y
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Region distance from top edge of frame.. (default: 0)w
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Region width.. (default: 0)h
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Region height.. (default: 0)qoffset
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Quantisation offset to apply in the region.. (default: -1/10)clear
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): Remove any existing regions of interest before adding the new one.. (default: false)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Add region of interest to frame.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?x : string?, ?y : string?, ?w : string?, ?h : string?, ?qoffset : string?,
?clear : bool?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Region distance from left edge of frame.. (default: 0)y
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Region distance from top edge of frame.. (default: 0)w
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Region width.. (default: 0)h
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Region height.. (default: 0)qoffset
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Quantisation offset to apply in the region.. (default: -1/10)clear
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): Remove any existing regions of interest before adding the new one.. (default: false)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Remove impulsive noise from input audio.
(?window : float?, ?w : float?, ?overlap : float?, ?o : float?,
?arorder : float?, ?a : float?, ?threshold : float?, ?t : float?,
?burst : float?, ?b : float?, ?method : int?, ?m : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set window size. (default: 55.)w
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set window size. (default: 55.)overlap
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set window overlap. (default: 75.)o
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set window overlap. (default: 75.)arorder
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set autoregression order. (default: 2.)a
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set autoregression order. (default: 2.)threshold
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set threshold. (default: 2.)t
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set threshold. (default: 2.)burst
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set burst fusion. (default: 2.)b
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set burst fusion. (default: 2.)method
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set overlap method. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (add), 0 (a), 1 (save), 1 (s))m
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set overlap method. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (add), 0 (a), 1 (save), 1 (s))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Remove impulsive noise from input audio.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?window : float?, ?w : float?, ?overlap : float?, ?o : float?,
?arorder : float?, ?a : float?, ?threshold : float?, ?t : float?,
?burst : float?, ?b : float?, ?method : int?, ?m : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set window size. (default: 55.)w
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set window size. (default: 55.)overlap
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set window overlap. (default: 75.)o
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set window overlap. (default: 75.)arorder
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set autoregression order. (default: 2.)a
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set autoregression order. (default: 2.)threshold
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set threshold. (default: 2.)t
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set threshold. (default: 2.)burst
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set burst fusion. (default: 2.)b
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set burst fusion. (default: 2.)method
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set overlap method. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (add), 0 (a), 1 (save), 1 (s))m
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set overlap method. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (add), 0 (a), 1 (save), 1 (s))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Remove clipping from input audio.
(?window : float?, ?w : float?, ?overlap : float?, ?o : float?,
?arorder : float?, ?a : float?, ?threshold : float?, ?t : float?,
?hsize : int?, ?n : int?, ?method : int?, ?m : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set window size. (default: 55.)w
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set window size. (default: 55.)overlap
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set window overlap. (default: 75.)o
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set window overlap. (default: 75.)arorder
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set autoregression order. (default: 8.)a
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set autoregression order. (default: 8.)threshold
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set threshold. (default: 10.)t
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set threshold. (default: 10.)hsize
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set histogram size. (default: 1000)n
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set histogram size. (default: 1000)method
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set overlap method. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (add), 0 (a), 1 (save), 1 (s))m
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set overlap method. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (add), 0 (a), 1 (save), 1 (s))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Remove clipping from input audio.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?window : float?, ?w : float?, ?overlap : float?, ?o : float?,
?arorder : float?, ?a : float?, ?threshold : float?, ?t : float?,
?hsize : int?, ?n : int?, ?method : int?, ?m : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set window size. (default: 55.)w
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set window size. (default: 55.)overlap
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set window overlap. (default: 75.)o
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set window overlap. (default: 75.)arorder
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set autoregression order. (default: 8.)a
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set autoregression order. (default: 8.)threshold
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set threshold. (default: 10.)t
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set threshold. (default: 10.)hsize
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set histogram size. (default: 1000)n
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set histogram size. (default: 1000)method
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set overlap method. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (add), 0 (a), 1 (save), 1 (s))m
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set overlap method. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (add), 0 (a), 1 (save), 1 (s))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Apply decorrelation to input audio.
(?stages : int?, ?seed : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filtering stages. (default: 6)seed
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set random seed. (default: -1)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Apply decorrelation to input audio.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?stages : int?, ?seed : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filtering stages. (default: 6)seed
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set random seed. (default: -1)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Delay one or more audio channels.
(?delays : string?, ?all : bool?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set list of delays for each channelall
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): use last available delay for remained channels. (default: false)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Delay one or more audio channels.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?delays : string?, ?all : bool?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set list of delays for each channelall
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): use last available delay for remained channels. (default: false)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Remedy denormals by adding extremely low-level noise.
(?level : float?, ?type : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set level. (default: -351.)type
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (dc), 1 (ac), 2 (square), 3 (pulse))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Remedy denormals by adding extremely low-level noise.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?level : float?, ?type : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set level. (default: -351.)type
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (dc), 1 (ac), 2 (square), 3 (pulse))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Compute derivative of input audio.
(ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Compute derivative of input audio.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Draw a graph using input audio metadata.
(?m1 : string?, ?fg1 : string?, ?m2 : string?, ?fg2 : string?, ?m3 : string?,
?fg3 : string?, ?m4 : string?, ?fg4 : string?, ?bg : string?, ?min : float?,
?max : float?, ?mode : int?, ?slide : int?, ?size : string?, ?s : string?,
?rate : string?, ?r : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set 1st metadata key. (default: )fg1
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set 1st foreground color expression. (default: 0xffff0000)m2
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set 2nd metadata key. (default: )fg2
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set 2nd foreground color expression. (default: 0xff00ff00)m3
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set 3rd metadata key. (default: )fg3
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set 3rd foreground color expression. (default: 0xffff00ff)m4
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set 4th metadata key. (default: )fg4
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set 4th foreground color expression. (default: 0xffffff00)bg
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set background color. (default: white)min
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set minimal value. (default: -1.)max
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set maximal value. (default: 1.)mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set graph mode. (default: 2, possible values: 0 (bar), 1 (dot), 2 (line))slide
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set slide mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (frame), 1 (replace), 2 (scroll), 3 (rscroll), 4 (picture))size
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set graph size. (default: 900x256)s
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set graph size. (default: 900x256)rate
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)r
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Draw a graph using input audio metadata.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?m1 : string?, ?fg1 : string?, ?m2 : string?, ?fg2 : string?, ?m3 : string?,
?fg3 : string?, ?m4 : string?, ?fg4 : string?, ?bg : string?, ?min : float?,
?max : float?, ?mode : int?, ?slide : int?, ?size : string?, ?s : string?,
?rate : string?, ?r : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set 1st metadata key. (default: )fg1
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set 1st foreground color expression. (default: 0xffff0000)m2
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set 2nd metadata key. (default: )fg2
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set 2nd foreground color expression. (default: 0xff00ff00)m3
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set 3rd metadata key. (default: )fg3
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set 3rd foreground color expression. (default: 0xffff00ff)m4
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set 4th metadata key. (default: )fg4
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set 4th foreground color expression. (default: 0xffffff00)bg
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set background color. (default: white)min
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set minimal value. (default: -1.)max
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set maximal value. (default: 1.)mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set graph mode. (default: 2, possible values: 0 (bar), 1 (dot), 2 (line))slide
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set slide mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (frame), 1 (replace), 2 (scroll), 3 (rscroll), 4 (picture))size
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set graph size. (default: 900x256)s
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set graph size. (default: 900x256)rate
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)r
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Audio Spectral Dynamic Range Controller.
(?transfer : string?, ?attack : float?, ?release : float?,
?channels : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the transfer expression. (default: p)attack
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the attack. (default: 50.)release
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the release. (default: 100.)channels
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels to filter. (default: all)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Audio Spectral Dynamic Range Controller.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?transfer : string?, ?attack : float?, ?release : float?,
?channels : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the transfer expression. (default: p)attack
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the attack. (default: 50.)release
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the release. (default: 100.)channels
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels to filter. (default: all)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Apply Dynamic Equalization of input audio.
(?threshold : float?, ?dfrequency : float?, ?dqfactor : float?,
?tfrequency : float?, ?tqfactor : float?, ?attack : float?,
?release : float?, ?ratio : float?, ?makeup : float?, ?range : float?,
?mode : int?, ?tftype : int?, ?direction : int?, ?auto : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set detection threshold. (default: 0.)dfrequency
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set detection frequency. (default: 1000.)dqfactor
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set detection Q factor. (default: 1.)tfrequency
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set target frequency. (default: 1000.)tqfactor
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set target Q factor. (default: 1.)attack
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set attack duration. (default: 20.)release
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set release duration. (default: 200.)ratio
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set ratio factor. (default: 1.)makeup
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set makeup gain. (default: 0.)range
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set max gain. (default: 50.)mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set mode. (default: 0, possible values: -1 (listen), 0 (cut), 1 (boost))tftype
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set target filter type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (bell), 1 (lowshelf), 2 (highshelf))direction
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set direction. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (downward), 1 (upward))auto
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set auto threshold. (default: -1, possible values: -1 (disabled), 0 (off), 1 (on))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Apply Dynamic Equalization of input audio.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?threshold : float?, ?dfrequency : float?, ?dqfactor : float?,
?tfrequency : float?, ?tqfactor : float?, ?attack : float?,
?release : float?, ?ratio : float?, ?makeup : float?, ?range : float?,
?mode : int?, ?tftype : int?, ?direction : int?, ?auto : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set detection threshold. (default: 0.)dfrequency
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set detection frequency. (default: 1000.)dqfactor
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set detection Q factor. (default: 1.)tfrequency
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set target frequency. (default: 1000.)tqfactor
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set target Q factor. (default: 1.)attack
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set attack duration. (default: 20.)release
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set release duration. (default: 200.)ratio
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set ratio factor. (default: 1.)makeup
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set makeup gain. (default: 0.)range
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set max gain. (default: 50.)mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set mode. (default: 0, possible values: -1 (listen), 0 (cut), 1 (boost))tftype
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set target filter type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (bell), 1 (lowshelf), 2 (highshelf))direction
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set direction. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (downward), 1 (upward))auto
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set auto threshold. (default: -1, possible values: -1 (disabled), 0 (off), 1 (on))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Apply Dynamic Smoothing of input audio.
(?sensitivity : float?, ?basefreq : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set smooth sensitivity. (default: 2.)basefreq
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set base frequency. (default: 22050.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Apply Dynamic Smoothing of input audio.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?sensitivity : float?, ?basefreq : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set smooth sensitivity. (default: 2.)basefreq
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set base frequency. (default: 22050.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Add echoing to the audio.
(?in_gain : float?, ?out_gain : float?, ?delays : string?, ?decays : string?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set signal input gain. (default: 0.6)out_gain
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set signal output gain. (default: 0.3)delays
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set list of signal delays. (default: 1000)decays
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set list of signal decays. (default: 0.5)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Add echoing to the audio.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?in_gain : float?, ?out_gain : float?, ?delays : string?, ?decays : string?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set signal input gain. (default: 0.6)out_gain
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set signal output gain. (default: 0.3)delays
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set list of signal delays. (default: 1000)decays
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set list of signal decays. (default: 0.5)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Audio emphasis.
(?level_in : float?, ?level_out : float?, ?mode : int?, ?type : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input gain. (default: 1.)level_out
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output gain. (default: 1.)mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (reproduction), 1 (production))type
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter type. (default: 4, possible values: 0 (col), 1 (emi), 2 (bsi), 3 (riaa), 4 (cd), 5 (50fm), 6 (75fm), 7 (50kf), 8 (75kf))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Audio emphasis.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?level_in : float?, ?level_out : float?, ?mode : int?, ?type : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input gain. (default: 1.)level_out
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output gain. (default: 1.)mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (reproduction), 1 (production))type
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter type. (default: 4, possible values: 0 (col), 1 (emi), 2 (bsi), 3 (riaa), 4 (cd), 5 (50fm), 6 (75fm), 7 (50kf), 8 (75kf))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Filter audio signal according to a specified expression.
(?exprs : string?, ?channel_layout : string?, ?c : string?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the ‘|’-separated list of channels expressionschannel_layout
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channel layoutc
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channel layout(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Filter audio signal according to a specified expression.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?exprs : string?, ?channel_layout : string?, ?c : string?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the ‘|’-separated list of channels expressionschannel_layout
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channel layoutc
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channel layout(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Generate an audio signal generated by an expression.
(?exprs : string?, ?nb_samples : int?, ?n : int?, ?sample_rate : string?,
?s : string?, ?duration : int?, ?d : int?, ?channel_layout : string?,
?c : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the ‘|’-separated list of channels expressionsnb_samples
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the number of samples per requested frame. (default: 1024)n
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the number of samples per requested frame. (default: 1024)sample_rate
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the sample rate. (default: 44100)s
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the sample rate. (default: 44100)duration
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set audio duration. (default: -1)d
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set audio duration. (default: -1)channel_layout
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channel layoutc
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channel layout(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Generate an audio signal generated by an expression.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?exprs : string?, ?nb_samples : int?, ?n : int?, ?sample_rate : string?,
?s : string?, ?duration : int?, ?d : int?, ?channel_layout : string?,
?c : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the ‘|’-separated list of channels expressionsnb_samples
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the number of samples per requested frame. (default: 1024)n
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the number of samples per requested frame. (default: 1024)sample_rate
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the sample rate. (default: 44100)s
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the sample rate. (default: 44100)duration
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set audio duration. (default: -1)d
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set audio duration. (default: -1)channel_layout
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channel layoutc
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channel layout(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type() -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Enhance high frequency part of audio.
(?level_in : float?, ?level_out : float?, ?amount : float?, ?drive : float?,
?blend : float?, ?freq : float?, ?ceil : float?, ?listen : bool?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set level in. (default: 1.)level_out
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set level out. (default: 1.)amount
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set amount. (default: 1.)drive
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set harmonics. (default: 8.5)blend
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set blend harmonics. (default: 0.)freq
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set scope. (default: 7500.)ceil
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set ceiling. (default: 9999.)listen
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): enable listen mode. (default: false)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Enhance high frequency part of audio.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?level_in : float?, ?level_out : float?, ?amount : float?, ?drive : float?,
?blend : float?, ?freq : float?, ?ceil : float?, ?listen : bool?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set level in. (default: 1.)level_out
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set level out. (default: 1.)amount
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set amount. (default: 1.)drive
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set harmonics. (default: 8.5)blend
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set blend harmonics. (default: 0.)freq
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set scope. (default: 7500.)ceil
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set ceiling. (default: 9999.)listen
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): enable listen mode. (default: false)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Fade in/out input audio.
(?type : int?, ?t : int?, ?start_sample : int?, ?ss : int?,
?nb_samples : int?, ?ns : int?, ?start_time : int?, ?st : int?,
?duration : int?, ?d : int?, ?curve : int?, ?c : int?, ?silence : float?,
?unity : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the fade direction. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (in), 1 (out))t
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the fade direction. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (in), 1 (out))start_sample
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of first sample to start fading. (default: 0)ss
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of first sample to start fading. (default: 0)nb_samples
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of samples for fade duration. (default: 44100)ns
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of samples for fade duration. (default: 44100)start_time
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set time to start fading. (default: 0)st
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set time to start fading. (default: 0)duration
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set fade duration. (default: 0)d
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set fade duration. (default: 0)curve
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set fade curve type. (default: 0, possible values: -1 (nofade), 0 (tri), 1 (qsin), 2 (esin), 3 (hsin), 4 (log), 5 (ipar), 6 (qua), 7 (cub), 8 (squ), 9 (cbr), 10 (par), 11 (exp), 12 (iqsin), 13 (ihsin), 14 (dese), 15 (desi), 16 (losi), 17 (sinc), 18 (isinc))c
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set fade curve type. (default: 0, possible values: -1 (nofade), 0 (tri), 1 (qsin), 2 (esin), 3 (hsin), 4 (log), 5 (ipar), 6 (qua), 7 (cub), 8 (squ), 9 (cbr), 10 (par), 11 (exp), 12 (iqsin), 13 (ihsin), 14 (dese), 15 (desi), 16 (losi), 17 (sinc), 18 (isinc))silence
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the silence gain. (default: 0.)unity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the unity gain. (default: 1.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Fade in/out input audio.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?type : int?, ?t : int?, ?start_sample : int?, ?ss : int?,
?nb_samples : int?, ?ns : int?, ?start_time : int?, ?st : int?,
?duration : int?, ?d : int?, ?curve : int?, ?c : int?, ?silence : float?,
?unity : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the fade direction. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (in), 1 (out))t
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the fade direction. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (in), 1 (out))start_sample
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of first sample to start fading. (default: 0)ss
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of first sample to start fading. (default: 0)nb_samples
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of samples for fade duration. (default: 44100)ns
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of samples for fade duration. (default: 44100)start_time
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set time to start fading. (default: 0)st
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set time to start fading. (default: 0)duration
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set fade duration. (default: 0)d
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set fade duration. (default: 0)curve
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set fade curve type. (default: 0, possible values: -1 (nofade), 0 (tri), 1 (qsin), 2 (esin), 3 (hsin), 4 (log), 5 (ipar), 6 (qua), 7 (cub), 8 (squ), 9 (cbr), 10 (par), 11 (exp), 12 (iqsin), 13 (ihsin), 14 (dese), 15 (desi), 16 (losi), 17 (sinc), 18 (isinc))c
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set fade curve type. (default: 0, possible values: -1 (nofade), 0 (tri), 1 (qsin), 2 (esin), 3 (hsin), 4 (log), 5 (ipar), 6 (qua), 7 (cub), 8 (squ), 9 (cbr), 10 (par), 11 (exp), 12 (iqsin), 13 (ihsin), 14 (dese), 15 (desi), 16 (losi), 17 (sinc), 18 (isinc))silence
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the silence gain. (default: 0.)unity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the unity gain. (default: 1.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Generate a Fractional delay FIR coefficients.
(?delay : float?, ?d : float?, ?sample_rate : int?, ?r : int?,
?nb_samples : int?, ?n : int?, ?taps : int?, ?t : int?,
?channel_layout : string?, ?c : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set fractional delay. (default: 0.)d
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set fractional delay. (default: 0.)sample_rate
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set sample rate. (default: 44100)r
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set sample rate. (default: 44100)nb_samples
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the number of samples per requested frame. (default: 1024)n
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the number of samples per requested frame. (default: 1024)taps
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of taps for delay filter. (default: 0)t
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of taps for delay filter. (default: 0)channel_layout
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channel layout. (default: stereo)c
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channel layout. (default: stereo)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Generate a Fractional delay FIR coefficients.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?delay : float?, ?d : float?, ?sample_rate : int?, ?r : int?,
?nb_samples : int?, ?n : int?, ?taps : int?, ?t : int?,
?channel_layout : string?, ?c : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set fractional delay. (default: 0.)d
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set fractional delay. (default: 0.)sample_rate
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set sample rate. (default: 44100)r
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set sample rate. (default: 44100)nb_samples
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the number of samples per requested frame. (default: 1024)n
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the number of samples per requested frame. (default: 1024)taps
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of taps for delay filter. (default: 0)t
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of taps for delay filter. (default: 0)channel_layout
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channel layout. (default: stereo)c
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channel layout. (default: stereo)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type() -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Denoise audio samples using FFT.
(?noise_reduction : float?, ?nr : float?, ?noise_floor : float?,
?nf : float?, ?noise_type : int?, ?nt : int?, ?band_noise : string?,
?bn : string?, ?residual_floor : float?, ?rf : float?, ?track_noise : bool?,
?tn : bool?, ?track_residual : bool?, ?tr : bool?, ?output_mode : int?,
?om : int?, ?adaptivity : float?, ?ad : float?, ?floor_offset : float?,
?fo : float?, ?noise_link : int?, ?nl : int?, ?band_multiplier : float?,
?bm : float?, ?sample_noise : int?, ?sn : int?, ?gain_smooth : int?,
?gs : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the noise reduction. (default: 12.)nr
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the noise reduction. (default: 12.)noise_floor
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the noise floor. (default: -50.)nf
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the noise floor. (default: -50.)noise_type
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the noise type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (white), 0 (w), 1 (vinyl), 1 (v), 2 (shellac), 2 (s), 3 (custom), 3 (c))nt
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the noise type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (white), 0 (w), 1 (vinyl), 1 (v), 2 (shellac), 2 (s), 3 (custom), 3 (c))band_noise
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the custom bands noisebn
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the custom bands noiseresidual_floor
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the residual floor. (default: -38.)rf
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the residual floor. (default: -38.)track_noise
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): track noise. (default: false)tn
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): track noise. (default: false)track_residual
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): track residual. (default: false)tr
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): track residual. (default: false)output_mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set output mode. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (input), 0 (i), 1 (output), 1 (o), 2 (noise), 2 (n))om
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set output mode. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (input), 0 (i), 1 (output), 1 (o), 2 (noise), 2 (n))adaptivity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set adaptivity factor. (default: 0.5)ad
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set adaptivity factor. (default: 0.5)floor_offset
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set noise floor offset factor. (default: 1.)fo
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set noise floor offset factor. (default: 1.)noise_link
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the noise floor link. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (none), 1 (min), 2 (max), 3 (average))nl
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the noise floor link. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (none), 1 (min), 2 (max), 3 (average))band_multiplier
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set band multiplier. (default: 1.25)bm
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set band multiplier. (default: 1.25)sample_noise
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set sample noise mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (none), 1 (start), 1 (begin), 2 (stop), 2 (end))sn
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set sample noise mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (none), 1 (start), 1 (begin), 2 (stop), 2 (end))gain_smooth
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set gain smooth radius. (default: 0)gs
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set gain smooth radius. (default: 0)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Denoise audio samples using FFT.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?noise_reduction : float?, ?nr : float?, ?noise_floor : float?,
?nf : float?, ?noise_type : int?, ?nt : int?, ?band_noise : string?,
?bn : string?, ?residual_floor : float?, ?rf : float?, ?track_noise : bool?,
?tn : bool?, ?track_residual : bool?, ?tr : bool?, ?output_mode : int?,
?om : int?, ?adaptivity : float?, ?ad : float?, ?floor_offset : float?,
?fo : float?, ?noise_link : int?, ?nl : int?, ?band_multiplier : float?,
?bm : float?, ?sample_noise : int?, ?sn : int?, ?gain_smooth : int?,
?gs : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the noise reduction. (default: 12.)nr
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the noise reduction. (default: 12.)noise_floor
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the noise floor. (default: -50.)nf
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the noise floor. (default: -50.)noise_type
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the noise type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (white), 0 (w), 1 (vinyl), 1 (v), 2 (shellac), 2 (s), 3 (custom), 3 (c))nt
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the noise type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (white), 0 (w), 1 (vinyl), 1 (v), 2 (shellac), 2 (s), 3 (custom), 3 (c))band_noise
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the custom bands noisebn
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the custom bands noiseresidual_floor
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the residual floor. (default: -38.)rf
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the residual floor. (default: -38.)track_noise
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): track noise. (default: false)tn
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): track noise. (default: false)track_residual
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): track residual. (default: false)tr
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): track residual. (default: false)output_mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set output mode. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (input), 0 (i), 1 (output), 1 (o), 2 (noise), 2 (n))om
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set output mode. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (input), 0 (i), 1 (output), 1 (o), 2 (noise), 2 (n))adaptivity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set adaptivity factor. (default: 0.5)ad
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set adaptivity factor. (default: 0.5)floor_offset
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set noise floor offset factor. (default: 1.)fo
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set noise floor offset factor. (default: 1.)noise_link
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the noise floor link. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (none), 1 (min), 2 (max), 3 (average))nl
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the noise floor link. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (none), 1 (min), 2 (max), 3 (average))band_multiplier
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set band multiplier. (default: 1.25)bm
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set band multiplier. (default: 1.25)sample_noise
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set sample noise mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (none), 1 (start), 1 (begin), 2 (stop), 2 (end))sn
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set sample noise mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (none), 1 (start), 1 (begin), 2 (stop), 2 (end))gain_smooth
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set gain smooth radius. (default: 0)gs
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set gain smooth radius. (default: 0)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Apply arbitrary expressions to samples in frequency domain.
(?real : string?, ?imag : string?, ?win_size : int?, ?win_func : int?,
?overlap : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels real expressions. (default: re)imag
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels imaginary expressions. (default: im)win_size
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set window size. (default: 4096)win_func
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set window function. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (rect), 4 (bartlett), 1 (hann), 1 (hanning), 2 (hamming), 3 (blackman), 5 (welch), 6 (flattop), 7 (bharris), 8 (bnuttall), 11 (bhann), 9 (sine), 10 (nuttall), 12 (lanczos), 13 (gauss), 14 (tukey), 15 (dolph), 16 (cauchy), 17 (parzen), 18 (poisson), 19 (bohman), 20 (kaiser))overlap
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set window overlap. (default: 0.75)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Apply arbitrary expressions to samples in frequency domain.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?real : string?, ?imag : string?, ?win_size : int?, ?win_func : int?,
?overlap : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels real expressions. (default: re)imag
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels imaginary expressions. (default: im)win_size
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set window size. (default: 4096)win_func
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set window function. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (rect), 4 (bartlett), 1 (hann), 1 (hanning), 2 (hamming), 3 (blackman), 5 (welch), 6 (flattop), 7 (bharris), 8 (bnuttall), 11 (bhann), 9 (sine), 10 (nuttall), 12 (lanczos), 13 (gauss), 14 (tukey), 15 (dolph), 16 (cauchy), 17 (parzen), 18 (poisson), 19 (bohman), 20 (kaiser))overlap
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set window overlap. (default: 0.75)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Buffer input frames and send them when they are requested.
(ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Buffer input frames and send them when they are requested.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Apply Finite Impulse Response filter with supplied coefficients in additional stream(s). This filter has dynamic inputs: last two arguments are lists of audio and video inputs. Total number of inputs is determined at runtime. This filter has dynamic outputs: returned value is a tuple of audio and video outputs. Total number of outputs is determined at runtime.
(?dry : float?, ?wet : float?, ?length : float?, ?gtype : int?,
?irgain : float?, ?irfmt : int?, ?maxir : float?, ?response : bool?,
?channel : int?, ?size : string?, ?rate : string?, ?minp : int?,
?maxp : int?, ?nbirs : int?, ?ir : int?, ?precision : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, [], []) ->
[] * []
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set dry gain. (default: 1.)wet
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set wet gain. (default: 1.)length
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set IR length. (default: 1.)gtype
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set IR auto gain type. (default: 0, possible values: -1 (none), 0 (peak), 1 (dc), 2 (gn), 3 (ac), 4 (rms))irgain
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set IR gain. (default: 1.)irfmt
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set IR format. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (mono), 1 (input))maxir
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set max IR length. (default: 30.)response
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): show IR frequency response. (default: false)channel
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set IR channel to display frequency response. (default: 0)size
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: hd720)rate
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)minp
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set min partition size. (default: 8192)maxp
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set max partition size. (default: 8192)nbirs
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of input IRs. (default: 1)ir
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): select IR. (default: 0)precision
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set processing precision. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (auto), 1 (float), 2 (double))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
(of type[]
(of type[]
Ffmpeg filter: Apply Finite Impulse Response filter with supplied coefficients in additional stream(s). This filter has dynamic inputs: last two arguments are lists of audio and video inputs. Total number of inputs is determined at runtime. This filter has dynamic outputs: returned value is a tuple of audio and video outputs. Total number of outputs is determined at runtime.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?dry : float?, ?wet : float?, ?length : float?, ?gtype : int?,
?irgain : float?, ?irfmt : int?, ?maxir : float?, ?response : bool?,
?channel : int?, ?size : string?, ?rate : string?, ?minp : int?,
?maxp : int?, ?nbirs : int?, ?ir : int?, ?precision : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set dry gain. (default: 1.)wet
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set wet gain. (default: 1.)length
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set IR length. (default: 1.)gtype
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set IR auto gain type. (default: 0, possible values: -1 (none), 0 (peak), 1 (dc), 2 (gn), 3 (ac), 4 (rms))irgain
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set IR gain. (default: 1.)irfmt
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set IR format. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (mono), 1 (input))maxir
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set max IR length. (default: 30.)response
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): show IR frequency response. (default: false)channel
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set IR channel to display frequency response. (default: 0)size
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: hd720)rate
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)minp
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set min partition size. (default: 8192)maxp
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set max partition size. (default: 8192)nbirs
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of input IRs. (default: 1)ir
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): select IR. (default: 0)precision
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set processing precision. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (auto), 1 (float), 2 (double))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
(of type[] * []
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type([], []) -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Generate a FIR coefficients audio stream.
(?taps : int?, ?t : int?, ?frequency : string?, ?f : string?,
?magnitude : string?, ?m : string?, ?phase : string?, ?p : string?,
?sample_rate : int?, ?r : int?, ?nb_samples : int?, ?n : int?,
?win_func : int?, ?w : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of taps. (default: 1025)t
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of taps. (default: 1025)frequency
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set frequency points. (default: 0 1)f
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set frequency points. (default: 0 1)magnitude
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set magnitude values. (default: 1 1)m
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set magnitude values. (default: 1 1)phase
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set phase values. (default: 0 0)p
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set phase values. (default: 0 0)sample_rate
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set sample rate. (default: 44100)r
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set sample rate. (default: 44100)nb_samples
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the number of samples per requested frame. (default: 1024)n
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the number of samples per requested frame. (default: 1024)win_func
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set window function. (default: 3, possible values: 0 (rect), 4 (bartlett), 1 (hann), 1 (hanning), 2 (hamming), 3 (blackman), 5 (welch), 6 (flattop), 7 (bharris), 8 (bnuttall), 11 (bhann), 9 (sine), 10 (nuttall), 12 (lanczos), 13 (gauss), 14 (tukey), 15 (dolph), 16 (cauchy), 17 (parzen), 18 (poisson), 19 (bohman), 20 (kaiser), 0 (rect), 4 (bartlett), 1 (hann), 1 (hanning), 2 (hamming), 3 (blackman), 5 (welch), 6 (flattop), 7 (bharris), 8 (bnuttall), 11 (bhann), 9 (sine), 10 (nuttall), 12 (lanczos), 13 (gauss), 14 (tukey), 15 (dolph), 16 (cauchy), 17 (parzen), 18 (poisson), 19 (bohman), 20 (kaiser))w
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set window function. (default: 3, possible values: 0 (rect), 4 (bartlett), 1 (hann), 1 (hanning), 2 (hamming), 3 (blackman), 5 (welch), 6 (flattop), 7 (bharris), 8 (bnuttall), 11 (bhann), 9 (sine), 10 (nuttall), 12 (lanczos), 13 (gauss), 14 (tukey), 15 (dolph), 16 (cauchy), 17 (parzen), 18 (poisson), 19 (bohman), 20 (kaiser), 0 (rect), 4 (bartlett), 1 (hann), 1 (hanning), 2 (hamming), 3 (blackman), 5 (welch), 6 (flattop), 7 (bharris), 8 (bnuttall), 11 (bhann), 9 (sine), 10 (nuttall), 12 (lanczos), 13 (gauss), 14 (tukey), 15 (dolph), 16 (cauchy), 17 (parzen), 18 (poisson), 19 (bohman), 20 (kaiser))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Generate a FIR coefficients audio stream.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?taps : int?, ?t : int?, ?frequency : string?, ?f : string?,
?magnitude : string?, ?m : string?, ?phase : string?, ?p : string?,
?sample_rate : int?, ?r : int?, ?nb_samples : int?, ?n : int?,
?win_func : int?, ?w : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of taps. (default: 1025)t
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of taps. (default: 1025)frequency
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set frequency points. (default: 0 1)f
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set frequency points. (default: 0 1)magnitude
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set magnitude values. (default: 1 1)m
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set magnitude values. (default: 1 1)phase
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set phase values. (default: 0 0)p
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set phase values. (default: 0 0)sample_rate
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set sample rate. (default: 44100)r
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set sample rate. (default: 44100)nb_samples
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the number of samples per requested frame. (default: 1024)n
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the number of samples per requested frame. (default: 1024)win_func
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set window function. (default: 3, possible values: 0 (rect), 4 (bartlett), 1 (hann), 1 (hanning), 2 (hamming), 3 (blackman), 5 (welch), 6 (flattop), 7 (bharris), 8 (bnuttall), 11 (bhann), 9 (sine), 10 (nuttall), 12 (lanczos), 13 (gauss), 14 (tukey), 15 (dolph), 16 (cauchy), 17 (parzen), 18 (poisson), 19 (bohman), 20 (kaiser), 0 (rect), 4 (bartlett), 1 (hann), 1 (hanning), 2 (hamming), 3 (blackman), 5 (welch), 6 (flattop), 7 (bharris), 8 (bnuttall), 11 (bhann), 9 (sine), 10 (nuttall), 12 (lanczos), 13 (gauss), 14 (tukey), 15 (dolph), 16 (cauchy), 17 (parzen), 18 (poisson), 19 (bohman), 20 (kaiser))w
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set window function. (default: 3, possible values: 0 (rect), 4 (bartlett), 1 (hann), 1 (hanning), 2 (hamming), 3 (blackman), 5 (welch), 6 (flattop), 7 (bharris), 8 (bnuttall), 11 (bhann), 9 (sine), 10 (nuttall), 12 (lanczos), 13 (gauss), 14 (tukey), 15 (dolph), 16 (cauchy), 17 (parzen), 18 (poisson), 19 (bohman), 20 (kaiser), 0 (rect), 4 (bartlett), 1 (hann), 1 (hanning), 2 (hamming), 3 (blackman), 5 (welch), 6 (flattop), 7 (bharris), 8 (bnuttall), 11 (bhann), 9 (sine), 10 (nuttall), 12 (lanczos), 13 (gauss), 14 (tukey), 15 (dolph), 16 (cauchy), 17 (parzen), 18 (poisson), 19 (bohman), 20 (kaiser))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type() -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Convert the input audio to one of the specified formats.
(?sample_fmts : string?, ?f : string?, ?sample_rates : string?, ?r : string?,
?channel_layouts : string?, ?cl : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): A ‘|’-separated list of sample formats.f
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): A ‘|’-separated list of sample formats.sample_rates
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): A ‘|’-separated list of sample rates.r
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): A ‘|’-separated list of sample rates.channel_layouts
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): A ‘|’-separated list of channel
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): A ‘|’-separated list of channel layouts.(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Convert the input audio to one of the specified formats.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?sample_fmts : string?, ?f : string?, ?sample_rates : string?, ?r : string?,
?channel_layouts : string?, ?cl : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): A ‘|’-separated list of sample formats.f
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): A ‘|’-separated list of sample formats.sample_rates
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): A ‘|’-separated list of sample rates.r
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): A ‘|’-separated list of sample rates.channel_layouts
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): A ‘|’-separated list of channel
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): A ‘|’-separated list of channel layouts.(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Apply frequency shifting to input audio.
(?shift : float?, ?level : float?, ?order : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set frequency shift. (default: 0.)level
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output level. (default: 1.)order
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter order. (default: 8)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Apply frequency shifting to input audio.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?shift : float?, ?level : float?, ?order : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set frequency shift. (default: 0.)level
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output level. (default: 1.)order
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter order. (default: 8)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Denoise audio stream using Wavelets.
(?sigma : float?, ?levels : int?, ?wavet : int?, ?percent : float?,
?profile : bool?, ?adaptive : bool?, ?samples : int?, ?softness : float?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set noise sigma. (default: 0.)levels
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of wavelet levels. (default: 10)wavet
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set wavelet type. (default: 4, possible values: 0 (sym2), 1 (sym4), 2 (rbior68), 3 (deb10), 4 (sym10), 5 (coif5), 6 (bl3))percent
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set percent of full denoising. (default: 85.)profile
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): profile noise. (default: false)adaptive
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): adaptive profiling of noise. (default: false)samples
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set frame size in number of samples. (default: 8192)softness
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set thresholding softness. (default: 1.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Denoise audio stream using Wavelets.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?sigma : float?, ?levels : int?, ?wavet : int?, ?percent : float?,
?profile : bool?, ?adaptive : bool?, ?samples : int?, ?softness : float?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set noise sigma. (default: 0.)levels
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of wavelet levels. (default: 10)wavet
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set wavelet type. (default: 4, possible values: 0 (sym2), 1 (sym4), 2 (rbior68), 3 (deb10), 4 (sym10), 5 (coif5), 6 (bl3))percent
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set percent of full denoising. (default: 85.)profile
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): profile noise. (default: false)adaptive
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): adaptive profiling of noise. (default: false)samples
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set frame size in number of samples. (default: 8192)softness
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set thresholding softness. (default: 1.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Audio gate.
(?level_in : float?, ?mode : int?, ?range : float?, ?threshold : float?,
?ratio : float?, ?attack : float?, ?release : float?, ?makeup : float?,
?knee : float?, ?detection : int?, ?link : int?, ?level_sc : float?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input level. (default: 1.)mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (downward), 1 (upward))range
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set max gain reduction. (default: 0.06125)threshold
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set threshold. (default: 0.125)ratio
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set ratio. (default: 2.)attack
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set attack. (default: 20.)release
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set release. (default: 250.)makeup
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set makeup gain. (default: 1.)knee
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set knee. (default: 2.828427125)detection
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set detection. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (peak), 1 (rms))link
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set link. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (average), 1 (maximum))level_sc
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set sidechain gain. (default: 1.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Audio gate.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?level_in : float?, ?mode : int?, ?range : float?, ?threshold : float?,
?ratio : float?, ?attack : float?, ?release : float?, ?makeup : float?,
?knee : float?, ?detection : int?, ?link : int?, ?level_sc : float?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input level. (default: 1.)mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (downward), 1 (upward))range
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set max gain reduction. (default: 0.06125)threshold
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set threshold. (default: 0.125)ratio
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set ratio. (default: 2.)attack
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set attack. (default: 20.)release
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set release. (default: 250.)makeup
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set makeup gain. (default: 1.)knee
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set knee. (default: 2.828427125)detection
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set detection. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (peak), 1 (rms))link
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set link. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (average), 1 (maximum))level_sc
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set sidechain gain. (default: 1.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Show various filtergraph stats.
(?size : string?, ?s : string?, ?opacity : float?, ?o : float?, ?mode : int?,
?m : int?, ?flags : int?, ?f : int?, ?rate : string?, ?r : string?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set monitor size. (default: hd720)s
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set monitor size. (default: hd720)opacity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set video opacity. (default: 0.9)o
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set video opacity. (default: 0.9)mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (full), 1 (compact))m
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (full), 1 (compact))flags
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set flags. (default: 1, possible values: 1 (queue), 4 (frame_count_in), 2 (frame_count_out), 16384 (frame_count_delta), 8 (pts), 4096 (pts_delta), 16 (time), 8192 (time_delta), 32 (timebase), 64 (format), 128 (size), 256 (rate), 512 (eof), 2048 (sample_count_in), 1024 (sample_count_out), 32768 (sample_count_delta))f
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set flags. (default: 1, possible values: 1 (queue), 4 (frame_count_in), 2 (frame_count_out), 16384 (frame_count_delta), 8 (pts), 4096 (pts_delta), 16 (time), 8192 (time_delta), 32 (timebase), 64 (format), 128 (size), 256 (rate), 512 (eof), 2048 (sample_count_in), 1024 (sample_count_out), 32768 (sample_count_delta))rate
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)r
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Show various filtergraph stats.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?size : string?, ?s : string?, ?opacity : float?, ?o : float?, ?mode : int?,
?m : int?, ?flags : int?, ?f : int?, ?rate : string?, ?r : string?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set monitor size. (default: hd720)s
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set monitor size. (default: hd720)opacity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set video opacity. (default: 0.9)o
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set video opacity. (default: 0.9)mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (full), 1 (compact))m
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (full), 1 (compact))flags
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set flags. (default: 1, possible values: 1 (queue), 4 (frame_count_in), 2 (frame_count_out), 16384 (frame_count_delta), 8 (pts), 4096 (pts_delta), 16 (time), 8192 (time_delta), 32 (timebase), 64 (format), 128 (size), 256 (rate), 512 (eof), 2048 (sample_count_in), 1024 (sample_count_out), 32768 (sample_count_delta))f
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set flags. (default: 1, possible values: 1 (queue), 4 (frame_count_in), 2 (frame_count_out), 16384 (frame_count_delta), 8 (pts), 4096 (pts_delta), 16 (time), 8192 (time_delta), 32 (timebase), 64 (format), 128 (size), 256 (rate), 512 (eof), 2048 (sample_count_in), 1024 (sample_count_out), 32768 (sample_count_delta))rate
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)r
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Convert input audio to histogram video output.
(?dmode : int?, ?rate : string?, ?r : string?, ?size : string?, ?s : string?,
?scale : int?, ?ascale : int?, ?acount : int?, ?rheight : float?,
?slide : int?, ?hmode : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set method to display channels. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (single), 1 (separate))rate
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)r
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)size
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: hd720)s
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: hd720)scale
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set display scale. (default: 3, possible values: 3 (log), 1 (sqrt), 2 (cbrt), 0 (lin), 4 (rlog))ascale
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set amplitude scale. (default: 1, possible values: 1 (log), 0 (lin))acount
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): how much frames to accumulate. (default: 1)rheight
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set histogram ratio of window height. (default: 0.1)slide
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set sonogram sliding. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (replace), 1 (scroll))hmode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set histograms mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (abs), 1 (sign))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Convert input audio to histogram video output.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?dmode : int?, ?rate : string?, ?r : string?, ?size : string?, ?s : string?,
?scale : int?, ?ascale : int?, ?acount : int?, ?rheight : float?,
?slide : int?, ?hmode : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set method to display channels. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (single), 1 (separate))rate
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)r
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)size
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: hd720)s
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: hd720)scale
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set display scale. (default: 3, possible values: 3 (log), 1 (sqrt), 2 (cbrt), 0 (lin), 4 (rlog))ascale
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set amplitude scale. (default: 1, possible values: 1 (log), 0 (lin))acount
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): how much frames to accumulate. (default: 1)rheight
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set histogram ratio of window height. (default: 0.1)slide
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set sonogram sliding. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (replace), 1 (scroll))hmode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set histograms mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (abs), 1 (sign))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Apply Infinite Impulse Response filter with supplied coefficients. This filter has dynamic outputs: returned value is a tuple of audio and video outputs. Total number of outputs is determined at runtime.
(?zeros : string?, ?z : string?, ?poles : string?, ?p : string?,
?gains : string?, ?k : string?, ?dry : float?, ?wet : float?,
?format : int?, ?f : int?, ?process : int?, ?r : int?, ?precision : int?,
?e : int?, ?normalize : bool?, ?n : bool?, ?mix : float?, ?response : bool?,
?channel : int?, ?size : string?, ?rate : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, -> [] * []
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set B/numerator/zeros/reflection coefficients. (default: 1+0i 1-0i)z
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set B/numerator/zeros/reflection coefficients. (default: 1+0i 1-0i)poles
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set A/denominator/poles/ladder coefficients. (default: 1+0i 1-0i)p
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set A/denominator/poles/ladder coefficients. (default: 1+0i 1-0i)gains
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels gains. (default: 1|1)k
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels gains. (default: 1|1)dry
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set dry gain. (default: 1.)wet
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set wet gain. (default: 1.)format
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set coefficients format. (default: 1, possible values: -2 (ll), -1 (sf), 0 (tf), 1 (zp), 2 (pr), 3 (pd), 4 (sp))f
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set coefficients format. (default: 1, possible values: -2 (ll), -1 (sf), 0 (tf), 1 (zp), 2 (pr), 3 (pd), 4 (sp))process
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set kind of processing. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (d), 1 (s), 2 (p))r
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set kind of processing. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (d), 1 (s), 2 (p))precision
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filtering precision. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (dbl), 1 (flt), 2 (i32), 3 (i16))e
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set precision. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (dbl), 1 (flt), 2 (i32), 3 (i16))normalize
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): normalize coefficients. (default: true)n
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): normalize coefficients. (default: true)mix
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set mix. (default: 1.)response
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): show IR frequency response. (default: false)channel
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set IR channel to display frequency response. (default: 0)size
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: hd720)rate
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Apply Infinite Impulse Response filter with supplied coefficients. This filter has dynamic outputs: returned value is a tuple of audio and video outputs. Total number of outputs is determined at runtime.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?zeros : string?, ?z : string?, ?poles : string?, ?p : string?,
?gains : string?, ?k : string?, ?dry : float?, ?wet : float?,
?format : int?, ?f : int?, ?process : int?, ?r : int?, ?precision : int?,
?e : int?, ?normalize : bool?, ?n : bool?, ?mix : float?, ?response : bool?,
?channel : int?, ?size : string?, ?rate : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set B/numerator/zeros/reflection coefficients. (default: 1+0i 1-0i)z
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set B/numerator/zeros/reflection coefficients. (default: 1+0i 1-0i)poles
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set A/denominator/poles/ladder coefficients. (default: 1+0i 1-0i)p
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set A/denominator/poles/ladder coefficients. (default: 1+0i 1-0i)gains
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels gains. (default: 1|1)k
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels gains. (default: 1|1)dry
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set dry gain. (default: 1.)wet
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set wet gain. (default: 1.)format
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set coefficients format. (default: 1, possible values: -2 (ll), -1 (sf), 0 (tf), 1 (zp), 2 (pr), 3 (pd), 4 (sp))f
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set coefficients format. (default: 1, possible values: -2 (ll), -1 (sf), 0 (tf), 1 (zp), 2 (pr), 3 (pd), 4 (sp))process
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set kind of processing. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (d), 1 (s), 2 (p))r
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set kind of processing. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (d), 1 (s), 2 (p))precision
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filtering precision. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (dbl), 1 (flt), 2 (i32), 3 (i16))e
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set precision. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (dbl), 1 (flt), 2 (i32), 3 (i16))normalize
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): normalize coefficients. (default: true)n
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): normalize coefficients. (default: true)mix
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set mix. (default: 1.)response
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): show IR frequency response. (default: false)channel
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set IR channel to display frequency response. (default: 0)size
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: hd720)rate
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
(of type[] * []
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Compute integral of input audio.
(ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Compute integral of input audio.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Temporally interleave audio inputs. This filter has dynamic inputs: last two arguments are lists of audio and video inputs. Total number of inputs is determined at runtime.
(?nb_inputs : int?, ?n : int?, ?duration : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph,
[], []) ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of inputs. (default: 2)n
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of inputs. (default: 2)duration
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): how to determine the end-of-stream. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (longest), 1 (shortest), 2 (first))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
(of type[]
(of type[]
Ffmpeg filter: Temporally interleave audio inputs. This filter has dynamic inputs: last two arguments are lists of audio and video inputs. Total number of inputs is determined at runtime.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?nb_inputs : int?, ?n : int?, ?duration : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of inputs. (default: 2)n
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of inputs. (default: 2)duration
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): how to determine the end-of-stream. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (longest), 1 (shortest), 2 (first))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type([], []) -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Report audio filtering latency.
(ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Report audio filtering latency.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Audio lookahead limiter.
(?level_in : float?, ?level_out : float?, ?limit : float?, ?attack : float?,
?release : float?, ?asc : bool?, ?asc_level : float?, ?level : bool?,
?latency : bool?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input level. (default: 1.)level_out
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output level. (default: 1.)limit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set limit. (default: 1.)attack
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set attack. (default: 5.)release
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set release. (default: 50.)asc
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): enable asc. (default: false)asc_level
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set asc level. (default: 0.5)level
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): auto level. (default: true)latency
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): compensate delay. (default: false)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Audio lookahead limiter.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?level_in : float?, ?level_out : float?, ?limit : float?, ?attack : float?,
?release : float?, ?asc : bool?, ?asc_level : float?, ?level : bool?,
?latency : bool?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input level. (default: 1.)level_out
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output level. (default: 1.)limit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set limit. (default: 1.)attack
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set attack. (default: 5.)release
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set release. (default: 50.)asc
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): enable asc. (default: false)asc_level
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set asc level. (default: 0.5)level
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): auto level. (default: true)latency
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): compensate delay. (default: false)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Apply a two-pole all-pass filter.
(?frequency : float?, ?f : float?, ?width_type : int?, ?t : int?,
?width : float?, ?w : float?, ?mix : float?, ?m : float?,
?channels : string?, ?c : string?, ?normalize : bool?, ?n : bool?,
?order : int?, ?o : int?, ?transform : int?, ?a : int?, ?precision : int?,
?r : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set central frequency. (default: 3000.)f
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set central frequency. (default: 3000.)width_type
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter-width type. (default: 3, possible values: 1 (h), 3 (q), 2 (o), 4 (s), 5 (k))t
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter-width type. (default: 3, possible values: 1 (h), 3 (q), 2 (o), 4 (s), 5 (k))width
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set width. (default: 0.707)w
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set width. (default: 0.707)mix
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set mix. (default: 1.)m
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set mix. (default: 1.)channels
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels to filter. (default: all)c
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels to filter. (default: all)normalize
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): normalize coefficients. (default: false)n
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): normalize coefficients. (default: false)order
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter order. (default: 2)o
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter order. (default: 2)transform
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set transform type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (di), 1 (dii), 2 (tdi), 3 (tdii), 4 (latt), 5 (svf), 6 (zdf))a
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set transform type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (di), 1 (dii), 2 (tdi), 3 (tdii), 4 (latt), 5 (svf), 6 (zdf))precision
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filtering precision. (default: -1, possible values: -1 (auto), 0 (s16), 1 (s32), 2 (f32), 3 (f64))r
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filtering precision. (default: -1, possible values: -1 (auto), 0 (s16), 1 (s32), 2 (f32), 3 (f64))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Apply a two-pole all-pass filter.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?frequency : float?, ?f : float?, ?width_type : int?, ?t : int?,
?width : float?, ?w : float?, ?mix : float?, ?m : float?,
?channels : string?, ?c : string?, ?normalize : bool?, ?n : bool?,
?order : int?, ?o : int?, ?transform : int?, ?a : int?, ?precision : int?,
?r : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set central frequency. (default: 3000.)f
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set central frequency. (default: 3000.)width_type
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter-width type. (default: 3, possible values: 1 (h), 3 (q), 2 (o), 4 (s), 5 (k))t
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter-width type. (default: 3, possible values: 1 (h), 3 (q), 2 (o), 4 (s), 5 (k))width
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set width. (default: 0.707)w
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set width. (default: 0.707)mix
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set mix. (default: 1.)m
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set mix. (default: 1.)channels
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels to filter. (default: all)c
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels to filter. (default: all)normalize
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): normalize coefficients. (default: false)n
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): normalize coefficients. (default: false)order
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter order. (default: 2)o
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter order. (default: 2)transform
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set transform type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (di), 1 (dii), 2 (tdi), 3 (tdii), 4 (latt), 5 (svf), 6 (zdf))a
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set transform type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (di), 1 (dii), 2 (tdi), 3 (tdii), 4 (latt), 5 (svf), 6 (zdf))precision
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filtering precision. (default: -1, possible values: -1 (auto), 0 (s16), 1 (s32), 2 (f32), 3 (f64))r
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filtering precision. (default: -1, possible values: -1 (auto), 0 (s16), 1 (s32), 2 (f32), 3 (f64))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Generate all RGB colors.
(?rate : string?, ?r : string?, ?duration : int?, ?d : int?, ?sar : string?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)r
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)duration
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set video duration. (default: -1)d
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set video duration. (default: -1)sar
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video sample aspect ratio. (default: 1/1)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Generate all RGB colors.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?rate : string?, ?r : string?, ?duration : int?, ?d : int?, ?sar : string?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)r
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)duration
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set video duration. (default: -1)d
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set video duration. (default: -1)sar
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video sample aspect ratio. (default: 1/1)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type() -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Generate all yuv colors.
(?rate : string?, ?r : string?, ?duration : int?, ?d : int?, ?sar : string?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)r
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)duration
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set video duration. (default: -1)d
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set video duration. (default: -1)sar
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video sample aspect ratio. (default: 1/1)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Generate all yuv colors.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?rate : string?, ?r : string?, ?duration : int?, ?d : int?, ?sar : string?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)r
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)duration
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set video duration. (default: -1)d
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set video duration. (default: -1)sar
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video sample aspect ratio. (default: 1/1)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type() -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Loop audio samples.
(?loop : int?, ?size : int?, ?start : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): number of loops. (default: 0)size
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): max number of samples to loop. (default: 0)start
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the loop start sample. (default: 0)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Loop audio samples.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?loop : int?, ?size : int?, ?start : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): number of loops. (default: 0)size
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): max number of samples to loop. (default: 0)start
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the loop start sample. (default: 0)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Extract an alpha channel as a grayscale image component.
(ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Extract an alpha channel as a grayscale image component.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Copy the luma value of the second input into the alpha channel of the first input.
(?eof_action : int?, ?shortest : bool?, ?repeatlast : bool?,
?ts_sync_mode : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph,, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Action to take when encountering EOF from secondary input . (default: 0, possible values: 0 (repeat), 1 (endall), 2 (pass))shortest
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): force termination when the shortest input terminates. (default: false)repeatlast
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): extend last frame of secondary streams beyond EOF. (default: true)ts_sync_mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How strictly to sync streams based on secondary input timestamps. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (default), 1 (nearest))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Copy the luma value of the second input into the alpha channel of the first input.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?eof_action : int?, ?shortest : bool?, ?repeatlast : bool?,
?ts_sync_mode : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Action to take when encountering EOF from secondary input . (default: 0, possible values: 0 (repeat), 1 (endall), 2 (pass))shortest
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): force termination when the shortest input terminates. (default: false)repeatlast
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): extend last frame of secondary streams beyond EOF. (default: true)ts_sync_mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How strictly to sync streams based on secondary input timestamps. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (default), 1 (nearest))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type(, -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Merge two or more audio streams into a single multi-channel stream. This filter has dynamic inputs: last two arguments are lists of audio and video inputs. Total number of inputs is determined at runtime.
(?inputs : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, [],
[]) ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): specify the number of inputs. (default: 2)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
(of type[]
(of type[]
Ffmpeg filter: Merge two or more audio streams into a single multi-channel stream. This filter has dynamic inputs: last two arguments are lists of audio and video inputs. Total number of inputs is determined at runtime.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?inputs : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): specify the number of inputs. (default: 2)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type([], []) -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Manipulate audio frame metadata.
(?mode : int?, ?key : string?, ?value : string?, ?function : int?,
?expr : string?, ?file : string?, ?direct : bool?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set a mode of operation. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (select), 1 (add), 2 (modify), 3 (delete), 4 (print))key
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set metadata keyvalue
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set metadata valuefunction
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): function for comparing values. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (same_str), 1 (starts_with), 2 (less), 3 (equal), 4 (greater), 5 (expr), 6 (ends_with))expr
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set expression for expr functionfile
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set file where to print metadata informationdirect
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): reduce buffering when printing to user-set file or pipe. (default: false)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Manipulate audio frame metadata.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?mode : int?, ?key : string?, ?value : string?, ?function : int?,
?expr : string?, ?file : string?, ?direct : bool?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set a mode of operation. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (select), 1 (add), 2 (modify), 3 (delete), 4 (print))key
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set metadata keyvalue
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set metadata valuefunction
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): function for comparing values. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (same_str), 1 (starts_with), 2 (less), 3 (equal), 4 (greater), 5 (expr), 6 (ends_with))expr
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set expression for expr functionfile
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set file where to print metadata informationdirect
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): reduce buffering when printing to user-set file or pipe. (default: false)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Audio mixing. This filter has dynamic inputs: last two arguments are lists of audio and video inputs. Total number of inputs is determined at runtime.
(?inputs : int?, ?duration : int?, ?dropout_transition : float?,
?weights : string?, ?normalize : bool?, ffmpeg.filter.graph,
[], []) ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Number of inputs.. (default: 2)duration
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How to determine the end-of-stream.. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (longest), 1 (shortest), 2 (first))dropout_transition
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): Transition time, in seconds, for volume renormalization when an input stream ends.. (default: 2.)weights
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Set weight for each input.. (default: 1 1)normalize
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): Scale inputs. (default: true)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
(of type[]
(of type[]
Ffmpeg filter: Audio mixing. This filter has dynamic inputs: last two arguments are lists of audio and video inputs. Total number of inputs is determined at runtime.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?inputs : int?, ?duration : int?, ?dropout_transition : float?,
?weights : string?, ?normalize : bool?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Number of inputs.. (default: 2)duration
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How to determine the end-of-stream.. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (longest), 1 (shortest), 2 (first))dropout_transition
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): Transition time, in seconds, for volume renormalization when an input stream ends.. (default: 2.)weights
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Set weight for each input.. (default: 1 1)normalize
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): Scale inputs. (default: true)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type([], []) -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Read audio from a movie source. This filter has dynamic outputs: returned value is a tuple of audio and video outputs. Total number of outputs is determined at runtime.
(?filename : string?, ?format_name : string?, ?f : string?,
?stream_index : int?, ?si : int?, ?seek_point : float?, ?sp : float?,
?streams : string?, ?s : string?, ?loop : int?, ?discontinuity : int?,
?dec_threads : int?, ?format_opts : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) ->
[] * []
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set format namef
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set format namestream_index
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set stream index. (default: -1)si
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set stream index. (default: -1)seek_point
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set seekpoint (seconds). (default: 0.)sp
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set seekpoint (seconds). (default: 0.)streams
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set streamss
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set streamsloop
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set loop count. (default: 1)discontinuity
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set discontinuity threshold. (default: 0)dec_threads
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the number of threads for decoding. (default: 0)format_opts
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set format options for the opened file(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Read audio from a movie source. This filter has dynamic outputs: returned value is a tuple of audio and video outputs. Total number of outputs is determined at runtime.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?filename : string?, ?format_name : string?, ?f : string?,
?stream_index : int?, ?si : int?, ?seek_point : float?, ?sp : float?,
?streams : string?, ?s : string?, ?loop : int?, ?discontinuity : int?,
?dec_threads : int?, ?format_opts : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set format namef
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set format namestream_index
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set stream index. (default: -1)si
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set stream index. (default: -1)seek_point
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set seekpoint (seconds). (default: 0.)sp
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set seekpoint (seconds). (default: 0.)streams
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set streamss
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set streamsloop
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set loop count. (default: 1)discontinuity
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set discontinuity threshold. (default: 0)dec_threads
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the number of threads for decoding. (default: 0)format_opts
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set format options for the opened file(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
(of type[] * []
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type() -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Amplify changes between successive video frames.
(?radius : int?, ?factor : float?, ?threshold : float?, ?tolerance : float?,
?low : float?, ?high : float?, ?planes : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set radius. (default: 2)factor
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set factor. (default: 2.)threshold
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set threshold. (default: 10.)tolerance
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set tolerance. (default: 0.)low
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set low limit for amplification. (default: 65535.)high
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set high limit for amplification. (default: 65535.)planes
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set what planes to filter. (default: 7)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Amplify changes between successive video frames.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?radius : int?, ?factor : float?, ?threshold : float?, ?tolerance : float?,
?low : float?, ?high : float?, ?planes : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set radius. (default: 2)factor
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set factor. (default: 2.)threshold
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set threshold. (default: 10.)tolerance
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set tolerance. (default: 0.)low
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set low limit for amplification. (default: 65535.)high
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set high limit for amplification. (default: 65535.)planes
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set what planes to filter. (default: 7)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Multiply two audio streams.
(ffmpeg.filter.graph,, ->
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Multiply two audio streams.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type(, -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Apply high-order audio parametric multi band equalizer. This filter has dynamic outputs: returned value is a tuple of audio and video outputs. Total number of outputs is determined at runtime.
(?params : string?, ?curves : bool?, ?size : string?, ?mgain : float?,
?fscale : int?, ?colors : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
[] * []
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Default:curves
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): draw frequency response curves. (default: false)size
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: hd720)mgain
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set max gain. (default: 60.)fscale
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set frequency scale. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (lin), 1 (log))colors
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels curves colors. (default: red|green|blue|yellow|orange|lime|pink|magenta|brown)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Apply high-order audio parametric multi band equalizer. This filter has dynamic outputs: returned value is a tuple of audio and video outputs. Total number of outputs is determined at runtime.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?params : string?, ?curves : bool?, ?size : string?, ?mgain : float?,
?fscale : int?, ?colors : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Default:curves
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): draw frequency response curves. (default: false)size
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: hd720)mgain
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set max gain. (default: 60.)fscale
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set frequency scale. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (lin), 1 (log))colors
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels curves colors. (default: red|green|blue|yellow|orange|lime|pink|magenta|brown)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
(of type[] * []
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Reduce broadband noise from stream using Non-Local Means.
(?strength : float?, ?s : float?, ?patch : int?, ?p : int?, ?research : int?,
?r : int?, ?output : int?, ?o : int?, ?smooth : float?, ?m : float?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set denoising strength. (default: 1e-05)s
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set denoising strength. (default: 1e-05)patch
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set patch duration. (default: 2000)p
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set patch duration. (default: 2000)research
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set research duration. (default: 6000)r
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set research duration. (default: 6000)output
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set output mode. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (i), 1 (o), 2 (n))o
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set output mode. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (i), 1 (o), 2 (n))smooth
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set smooth factor. (default: 11.)m
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set smooth factor. (default: 11.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Reduce broadband noise from stream using Non-Local Means.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?strength : float?, ?s : float?, ?patch : int?, ?p : int?, ?research : int?,
?r : int?, ?output : int?, ?o : int?, ?smooth : float?, ?m : float?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set denoising strength. (default: 1e-05)s
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set denoising strength. (default: 1e-05)patch
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set patch duration. (default: 2000)p
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set patch duration. (default: 2000)research
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set research duration. (default: 6000)r
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set research duration. (default: 6000)output
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set output mode. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (i), 1 (o), 2 (n))o
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set output mode. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (i), 1 (o), 2 (n))smooth
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set smooth factor. (default: 11.)m
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set smooth factor. (default: 11.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Apply Normalized Least-Mean-Fourth algorithm to first audio stream.
(?order : int?, ?mu : float?, ?eps : float?, ?leakage : float?,
?out_mode : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph,, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the filter order. (default: 256)mu
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the filter mu. (default: 0.75)eps
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the filter eps. (default: 1.)leakage
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the filter leakage. (default: 0.)out_mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set output mode. (default: 2, possible values: 0 (i), 1 (d), 2 (o), 3 (n))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Apply Normalized Least-Mean-Fourth algorithm to first audio stream.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?order : int?, ?mu : float?, ?eps : float?, ?leakage : float?,
?out_mode : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the filter order. (default: 256)mu
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the filter mu. (default: 0.75)eps
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the filter eps. (default: 1.)leakage
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the filter leakage. (default: 0.)out_mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set output mode. (default: 2, possible values: 0 (i), 1 (d), 2 (o), 3 (n))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type(, -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Apply Normalized Least-Mean-Squares algorithm to first audio stream.
(?order : int?, ?mu : float?, ?eps : float?, ?leakage : float?,
?out_mode : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph,, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the filter order. (default: 256)mu
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the filter mu. (default: 0.75)eps
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the filter eps. (default: 1.)leakage
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the filter leakage. (default: 0.)out_mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set output mode. (default: 2, possible values: 0 (i), 1 (d), 2 (o), 3 (n))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Apply Normalized Least-Mean-Squares algorithm to first audio stream.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?order : int?, ?mu : float?, ?eps : float?, ?leakage : float?,
?out_mode : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the filter order. (default: 256)mu
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the filter mu. (default: 0.75)eps
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the filter eps. (default: 1.)leakage
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the filter leakage. (default: 0.)out_mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set output mode. (default: 2, possible values: 0 (i), 1 (d), 2 (o), 3 (n))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type(, -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Generate a noise audio signal.
(?sample_rate : int?, ?r : int?, ?amplitude : float?, ?a : float?,
?duration : int?, ?d : int?, ?color : int?, ?colour : int?, ?c : int?,
?seed : int?, ?s : int?, ?nb_samples : int?, ?n : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set sample rate. (default: 48000)r
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set sample rate. (default: 48000)amplitude
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set amplitude. (default: 1.)a
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set amplitude. (default: 1.)duration
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set duration. (default: 0)d
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set duration. (default: 0)color
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set noise color. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (white), 1 (pink), 2 (brown), 3 (blue), 4 (violet), 5 (velvet))colour
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set noise color. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (white), 1 (pink), 2 (brown), 3 (blue), 4 (violet), 5 (velvet))c
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set noise color. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (white), 1 (pink), 2 (brown), 3 (blue), 4 (violet), 5 (velvet))seed
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set random seed. (default: -1)s
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set random seed. (default: -1)nb_samples
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the number of samples per requested frame. (default: 1024)n
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the number of samples per requested frame. (default: 1024)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Generate a noise audio signal.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?sample_rate : int?, ?r : int?, ?amplitude : float?, ?a : float?,
?duration : int?, ?d : int?, ?color : int?, ?colour : int?, ?c : int?,
?seed : int?, ?s : int?, ?nb_samples : int?, ?n : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set sample rate. (default: 48000)r
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set sample rate. (default: 48000)amplitude
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set amplitude. (default: 1.)a
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set amplitude. (default: 1.)duration
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set duration. (default: 0)d
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set duration. (default: 0)color
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set noise color. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (white), 1 (pink), 2 (brown), 3 (blue), 4 (violet), 5 (velvet))colour
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set noise color. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (white), 1 (pink), 2 (brown), 3 (blue), 4 (violet), 5 (velvet))c
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set noise color. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (white), 1 (pink), 2 (brown), 3 (blue), 4 (violet), 5 (velvet))seed
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set random seed. (default: -1)s
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set random seed. (default: -1)nb_samples
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the number of samples per requested frame. (default: 1024)n
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the number of samples per requested frame. (default: 1024)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type() -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Pass the source unchanged to the output.
(ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Pass the source unchanged to the output.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Do absolutely nothing with the input audio.
(ffmpeg.filter.graph, -> unit
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Do absolutely nothing with the input audio.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
(of typeunit
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Null audio source, return empty audio frames.
(?channel_layout : string?, ?cl : string?, ?sample_rate : string?,
?r : string?, ?nb_samples : int?, ?n : int?, ?duration : int?, ?d : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channel_layout. (default: stereo)cl
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channel_layout. (default: stereo)sample_rate
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set sample rate. (default: 44100)r
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set sample rate. (default: 44100)nb_samples
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the number of samples per requested frame. (default: 1024)n
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the number of samples per requested frame. (default: 1024)duration
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the audio duration. (default: -1)d
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the audio duration. (default: -1)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Null audio source, return empty audio frames.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?channel_layout : string?, ?cl : string?, ?sample_rate : string?,
?r : string?, ?nb_samples : int?, ?n : int?, ?duration : int?, ?d : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channel_layout. (default: stereo)cl
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channel_layout. (default: stereo)sample_rate
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set sample rate. (default: 44100)r
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set sample rate. (default: 44100)nb_samples
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the number of samples per requested frame. (default: 1024)n
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the number of samples per requested frame. (default: 1024)duration
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the audio duration. (default: -1)d
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the audio duration. (default: -1)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type() -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Pad audio with silence.
(?packet_size : int?, ?pad_len : int?, ?whole_len : int?, ?pad_dur : int?,
?whole_dur : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set silence packet size. (default: 4096)pad_len
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of samples of silence to add. (default: -1)whole_len
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set minimum target number of samples in the audio stream. (default: -1)pad_dur
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set duration of silence to add. (default: -1)whole_dur
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set minimum target duration in the audio stream. (default: -1)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Pad audio with silence.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?packet_size : int?, ?pad_len : int?, ?whole_len : int?, ?pad_dur : int?,
?whole_dur : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set silence packet size. (default: 4096)pad_len
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of samples of silence to add. (default: -1)whole_len
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set minimum target number of samples in the audio stream. (default: -1)pad_dur
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set duration of silence to add. (default: -1)whole_dur
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set minimum target duration in the audio stream. (default: -1)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Set permissions for the output audio frame.
(?mode : int?, ?seed : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): select permissions mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (none), 1 (ro), 2 (rw), 3 (toggle), 4 (random))seed
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the seed for the random mode. (default: -1)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Set permissions for the output audio frame.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?mode : int?, ?seed : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): select permissions mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (none), 1 (ro), 2 (rw), 3 (toggle), 4 (random))seed
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the seed for the random mode. (default: -1)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Convert input audio to phase meter video output. This filter has dynamic outputs: returned value is a tuple of audio and video outputs. Total number of outputs is determined at runtime.
(?rate : string?, ?r : string?, ?size : string?, ?s : string?, ?rc : int?,
?gc : int?, ?bc : int?, ?mpc : string?, ?video : bool?, ?phasing : bool?,
?tolerance : float?, ?t : float?, ?angle : float?, ?a : float?,
?duration : int?, ?d : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
[] * []
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)r
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)size
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: 800x400)s
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: 800x400)rc
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set red contrast. (default: 2)gc
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set green contrast. (default: 7)bc
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set blue contrast. (default: 1)mpc
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set median phase color. (default: none)video
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): set video output. (default: true)phasing
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): set mono and out-of-phase detection output. (default: false)tolerance
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set phase tolerance for mono detection. (default: 0.)t
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set phase tolerance for mono detection. (default: 0.)angle
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set angle threshold for out-of-phase detection. (default: 170.)a
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set angle threshold for out-of-phase detection. (default: 170.)duration
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set minimum mono or out-of-phase duration in seconds. (default: 2000000)d
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set minimum mono or out-of-phase duration in seconds. (default: 2000000)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Convert input audio to phase meter video output. This filter has dynamic outputs: returned value is a tuple of audio and video outputs. Total number of outputs is determined at runtime.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?rate : string?, ?r : string?, ?size : string?, ?s : string?, ?rc : int?,
?gc : int?, ?bc : int?, ?mpc : string?, ?video : bool?, ?phasing : bool?,
?tolerance : float?, ?t : float?, ?angle : float?, ?a : float?,
?duration : int?, ?d : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)r
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)size
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: 800x400)s
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: 800x400)rc
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set red contrast. (default: 2)gc
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set green contrast. (default: 7)bc
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set blue contrast. (default: 1)mpc
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set median phase color. (default: none)video
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): set video output. (default: true)phasing
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): set mono and out-of-phase detection output. (default: false)tolerance
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set phase tolerance for mono detection. (default: 0.)t
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set phase tolerance for mono detection. (default: 0.)angle
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set angle threshold for out-of-phase detection. (default: 170.)a
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set angle threshold for out-of-phase detection. (default: 170.)duration
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set minimum mono or out-of-phase duration in seconds. (default: 2000000)d
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set minimum mono or out-of-phase duration in seconds. (default: 2000000)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
(of type[] * []
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Add a phasing effect to the audio.
(?in_gain : float?, ?out_gain : float?, ?delay : float?, ?decay : float?,
?speed : float?, ?type : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input gain. (default: 0.4)out_gain
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output gain. (default: 0.74)delay
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set delay in milliseconds. (default: 3.)decay
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set decay. (default: 0.4)speed
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set modulation speed. (default: 0.5)type
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set modulation type. (default: 1, possible values: 1 (triangular), 1 (t), 0 (sinusoidal), 0 (s))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Add a phasing effect to the audio.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?in_gain : float?, ?out_gain : float?, ?delay : float?, ?decay : float?,
?speed : float?, ?type : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input gain. (default: 0.4)out_gain
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output gain. (default: 0.74)delay
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set delay in milliseconds. (default: 3.)decay
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set decay. (default: 0.4)speed
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set modulation speed. (default: 0.5)type
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set modulation type. (default: 1, possible values: 1 (triangular), 1 (t), 0 (sinusoidal), 0 (s))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Apply phase shifting to input audio.
(?shift : float?, ?level : float?, ?order : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set phase shift. (default: 0.)level
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output level. (default: 1.)order
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter order. (default: 8)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Apply phase shifting to input audio.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?shift : float?, ?level : float?, ?order : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set phase shift. (default: 0.)level
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output level. (default: 1.)order
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter order. (default: 8)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Audio Psychoacoustic Clipper.
(?level_in : float?, ?level_out : float?, ?clip : float?, ?diff : bool?,
?adaptive : float?, ?iterations : int?, ?level : bool?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input level. (default: 1.)level_out
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output level. (default: 1.)clip
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set clip level. (default: 1.)diff
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): enable difference. (default: false)adaptive
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set adaptive distortion. (default: 0.5)iterations
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set iterations. (default: 10)level
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): set auto level. (default: false)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Audio Psychoacoustic Clipper.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?level_in : float?, ?level_out : float?, ?clip : float?, ?diff : bool?,
?adaptive : float?, ?iterations : int?, ?level : bool?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input level. (default: 1.)level_out
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output level. (default: 1.)clip
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set clip level. (default: 1.)diff
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): enable difference. (default: false)adaptive
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set adaptive distortion. (default: 0.5)iterations
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set iterations. (default: 10)level
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): set auto level. (default: false)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Audio pulsator.
(?level_in : float?, ?level_out : float?, ?mode : int?, ?amount : float?,
?offset_l : float?, ?offset_r : float?, ?width : float?, ?timing : int?,
?bpm : float?, ?ms : int?, ?hz : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input gain. (default: 1.)level_out
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output gain. (default: 1.)mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (sine), 1 (triangle), 2 (square), 3 (sawup), 4 (sawdown))amount
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set modulation. (default: 1.)offset_l
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set offset L. (default: 0.)offset_r
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set offset R. (default: 0.5)width
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set pulse width. (default: 1.)timing
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set timing. (default: 2, possible values: 0 (bpm), 1 (ms), 2 (hz))bpm
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set BPM. (default: 120.)ms
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set ms. (default: 500)hz
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set frequency. (default: 2.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Audio pulsator.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?level_in : float?, ?level_out : float?, ?mode : int?, ?amount : float?,
?offset_l : float?, ?offset_r : float?, ?width : float?, ?timing : int?,
?bpm : float?, ?ms : int?, ?hz : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input gain. (default: 1.)level_out
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output gain. (default: 1.)mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (sine), 1 (triangle), 2 (square), 3 (sawup), 4 (sawdown))amount
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set modulation. (default: 1.)offset_l
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set offset L. (default: 0.)offset_r
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set offset R. (default: 0.5)width
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set pulse width. (default: 1.)timing
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set timing. (default: 2, possible values: 0 (bpm), 1 (ms), 2 (hz))bpm
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set BPM. (default: 120.)ms
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set ms. (default: 500)hz
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set frequency. (default: 2.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Slow down filtering to match realtime.
(?limit : int?, ?speed : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): sleep time limit. (default: 2000000)speed
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): speed factor. (default: 1.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Slow down filtering to match realtime.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?limit : int?, ?speed : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): sleep time limit. (default: 2000000)speed
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): speed factor. (default: 1.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Resample audio data.
(?sample_rate : int?, ?ich : int?, ?in_channel_count : int?, ?och : int?,
?out_channel_count : int?, ?uch : int?, ?used_channel_count : int?,
?isr : int?, ?in_sample_rate : int?, ?osr : int?, ?out_sample_rate : int?,
?isf : string?, ?in_sample_fmt : string?, ?osf : string?,
?out_sample_fmt : string?, ?tsf : string?, ?internal_sample_fmt : string?,
?ichl : string?, ?in_chlayout : string?, ?ochl : string?,
?out_chlayout : string?, ?uchl : string?, ?used_chlayout : string?,
?clev : float?, ?center_mix_level : float?, ?slev : float?,
?surround_mix_level : float?, ?lfe_mix_level : float?, ?rmvol : float?,
?rematrix_volume : float?, ?rematrix_maxval : float?, ?flags : int?,
?swr_flags : int?, ?dither_scale : float?, ?dither_method : int?,
?filter_size : int?, ?phase_shift : int?, ?linear_interp : bool?,
?exact_rational : bool?, ?cutoff : float?, ?resample_cutoff : float?,
?resampler : int?, ?precision : float?, ?cheby : bool?, ?min_comp : float?,
?min_hard_comp : float?, ?comp_duration : float?, ?max_soft_comp : float?,
?async : float?, ?first_pts : int?, ?matrix_encoding : int?,
?filter_type : int?, ?kaiser_beta : float?, ?output_sample_bits : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Default: 0ich
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set input channel count (Deprecated, use ichl). (default: 0)in_channel_count
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set input channel count (Deprecated, use in_chlayout). (default: 0)och
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set output channel count (Deprecated, use ochl). (default: 0)out_channel_count
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set output channel count (Deprecated, use out_chlayout). (default: 0)uch
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set used channel count. (default: 0)used_channel_count
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set used channel count. (default: 0)isr
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set input sample rate. (default: 0)in_sample_rate
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set input sample rate. (default: 0)osr
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set output sample rate. (default: 0)out_sample_rate
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set output sample rate. (default: 0)isf
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set input sample formatin_sample_fmt
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set input sample formatosf
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set output sample formatout_sample_fmt
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set output sample formattsf
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set internal sample formatinternal_sample_fmt
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set internal sample formatichl
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set input channel layoutin_chlayout
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set input channel layoutochl
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set output channel layoutout_chlayout
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set output channel layoutuchl
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set used channel layoutused_chlayout
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set used channel layoutclev
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set center mix level. (default: 0.707106781187)center_mix_level
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set center mix level. (default: 0.707106781187)slev
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set surround mix level. (default: 0.707106781187)surround_mix_level
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set surround mix Level. (default: 0.707106781187)lfe_mix_level
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set LFE mix level. (default: 0.)rmvol
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set rematrix volume. (default: 1.)rematrix_volume
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set rematrix volume. (default: 1.)rematrix_maxval
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set rematrix maxval. (default: 0.)flags
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set flags. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (res))swr_flags
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set flags. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (res))dither_scale
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set dither scale. (default: 1.)dither_method
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set dither method. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (rectangular), 2 (triangular), 3 (triangular_hp), 65 (lipshitz), 69 (shibata), 70 (low_shibata), 71 (high_shibata), 66 (f_weighted), 67 (modified_e_weighted), 68 (improved_e_weighted))filter_size
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set swr resampling filter size. (default: 32)phase_shift
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set swr resampling phase shift. (default: 10)linear_interp
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): enable linear interpolation. (default: true)exact_rational
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): enable exact rational. (default: true)cutoff
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set cutoff frequency ratio. (default: 0.)resample_cutoff
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set cutoff frequency ratio. (default: 0.)resampler
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set resampling Engine. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (swr), 1 (soxr))precision
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set soxr resampling precision (in bits). (default: 20.)cheby
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): enable soxr Chebyshev passband & higher-precision irrational ratio approximation. (default: false)min_comp
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set minimum difference between timestamps and audio data (in seconds) below which no timestamp compensation of either kind is applied. (default: 3.40282346639e+38)min_hard_comp
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set minimum difference between timestamps and audio data (in seconds) to trigger padding/trimming the data.. (default: 0.1)comp_duration
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set duration (in seconds) over which data is stretched/squeezed to make it match the timestamps.. (default: 1.)max_soft_comp
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set maximum factor by which data is stretched/squeezed to make it match the timestamps.. (default: 0.)async
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): simplified 1 parameter audio timestamp matching, 0(disabled), 1(filling and trimming), >1(maximum stretch/squeeze in samples per second). (default: 0.)first_pts
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Assume the first pts should be this value (in samples).. (default: -9223372036854775808)matrix_encoding
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set matrixed stereo encoding. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (none), 1 (dolby), 2 (dplii))filter_type
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): select swr filter type. (default: 2, possible values: 0 (cubic), 1 (blackman_nuttall), 2 (kaiser))kaiser_beta
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set swr Kaiser window beta. (default: 9.)output_sample_bits
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set swr number of output sample bits. (default: 0)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Resample audio data.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?sample_rate : int?, ?ich : int?, ?in_channel_count : int?, ?och : int?,
?out_channel_count : int?, ?uch : int?, ?used_channel_count : int?,
?isr : int?, ?in_sample_rate : int?, ?osr : int?, ?out_sample_rate : int?,
?isf : string?, ?in_sample_fmt : string?, ?osf : string?,
?out_sample_fmt : string?, ?tsf : string?, ?internal_sample_fmt : string?,
?ichl : string?, ?in_chlayout : string?, ?ochl : string?,
?out_chlayout : string?, ?uchl : string?, ?used_chlayout : string?,
?clev : float?, ?center_mix_level : float?, ?slev : float?,
?surround_mix_level : float?, ?lfe_mix_level : float?, ?rmvol : float?,
?rematrix_volume : float?, ?rematrix_maxval : float?, ?flags : int?,
?swr_flags : int?, ?dither_scale : float?, ?dither_method : int?,
?filter_size : int?, ?phase_shift : int?, ?linear_interp : bool?,
?exact_rational : bool?, ?cutoff : float?, ?resample_cutoff : float?,
?resampler : int?, ?precision : float?, ?cheby : bool?, ?min_comp : float?,
?min_hard_comp : float?, ?comp_duration : float?, ?max_soft_comp : float?,
?async : float?, ?first_pts : int?, ?matrix_encoding : int?,
?filter_type : int?, ?kaiser_beta : float?, ?output_sample_bits : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Default: 0ich
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set input channel count (Deprecated, use ichl). (default: 0)in_channel_count
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set input channel count (Deprecated, use in_chlayout). (default: 0)och
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set output channel count (Deprecated, use ochl). (default: 0)out_channel_count
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set output channel count (Deprecated, use out_chlayout). (default: 0)uch
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set used channel count. (default: 0)used_channel_count
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set used channel count. (default: 0)isr
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set input sample rate. (default: 0)in_sample_rate
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set input sample rate. (default: 0)osr
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set output sample rate. (default: 0)out_sample_rate
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set output sample rate. (default: 0)isf
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set input sample formatin_sample_fmt
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set input sample formatosf
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set output sample formatout_sample_fmt
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set output sample formattsf
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set internal sample formatinternal_sample_fmt
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set internal sample formatichl
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set input channel layoutin_chlayout
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set input channel layoutochl
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set output channel layoutout_chlayout
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set output channel layoutuchl
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set used channel layoutused_chlayout
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set used channel layoutclev
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set center mix level. (default: 0.707106781187)center_mix_level
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set center mix level. (default: 0.707106781187)slev
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set surround mix level. (default: 0.707106781187)surround_mix_level
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set surround mix Level. (default: 0.707106781187)lfe_mix_level
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set LFE mix level. (default: 0.)rmvol
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set rematrix volume. (default: 1.)rematrix_volume
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set rematrix volume. (default: 1.)rematrix_maxval
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set rematrix maxval. (default: 0.)flags
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set flags. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (res))swr_flags
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set flags. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (res))dither_scale
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set dither scale. (default: 1.)dither_method
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set dither method. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (rectangular), 2 (triangular), 3 (triangular_hp), 65 (lipshitz), 69 (shibata), 70 (low_shibata), 71 (high_shibata), 66 (f_weighted), 67 (modified_e_weighted), 68 (improved_e_weighted))filter_size
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set swr resampling filter size. (default: 32)phase_shift
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set swr resampling phase shift. (default: 10)linear_interp
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): enable linear interpolation. (default: true)exact_rational
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): enable exact rational. (default: true)cutoff
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set cutoff frequency ratio. (default: 0.)resample_cutoff
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set cutoff frequency ratio. (default: 0.)resampler
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set resampling Engine. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (swr), 1 (soxr))precision
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set soxr resampling precision (in bits). (default: 20.)cheby
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): enable soxr Chebyshev passband & higher-precision irrational ratio approximation. (default: false)min_comp
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set minimum difference between timestamps and audio data (in seconds) below which no timestamp compensation of either kind is applied. (default: 3.40282346639e+38)min_hard_comp
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set minimum difference between timestamps and audio data (in seconds) to trigger padding/trimming the data.. (default: 0.1)comp_duration
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set duration (in seconds) over which data is stretched/squeezed to make it match the timestamps.. (default: 1.)max_soft_comp
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set maximum factor by which data is stretched/squeezed to make it match the timestamps.. (default: 0.)async
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): simplified 1 parameter audio timestamp matching, 0(disabled), 1(filling and trimming), >1(maximum stretch/squeeze in samples per second). (default: 0.)first_pts
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Assume the first pts should be this value (in samples).. (default: -9223372036854775808)matrix_encoding
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set matrixed stereo encoding. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (none), 1 (dolby), 2 (dplii))filter_type
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): select swr filter type. (default: 2, possible values: 0 (cubic), 1 (blackman_nuttall), 2 (kaiser))kaiser_beta
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set swr Kaiser window beta. (default: 9.)output_sample_bits
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set swr number of output sample bits. (default: 0)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Reverse an audio clip.
(ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Reverse an audio clip.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Reduce noise from speech using Recurrent Neural Networks.
(?model : string?, ?m : string?, ?mix : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set model namem
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set model namemix
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output vs input mix. (default: 1.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Reduce noise from speech using Recurrent Neural Networks.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?model : string?, ?m : string?, ?mix : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set model namem
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set model namemix
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output vs input mix. (default: 1.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Measure Audio Signal-to-Distortion Ratio.
(ffmpeg.filter.graph,, ->
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Measure Audio Signal-to-Distortion Ratio.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type(, -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Segment audio stream. This filter has dynamic outputs: returned value is a tuple of audio and video outputs. Total number of outputs is determined at runtime.
(?timestamps : string?, ?samples : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, -> [] * []
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): timestamps of input at which to split inputsamples
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): samples at which to split input(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Segment audio stream. This filter has dynamic outputs: returned value is a tuple of audio and video outputs. Total number of outputs is determined at runtime.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?timestamps : string?, ?samples : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): timestamps of input at which to split inputsamples
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): samples at which to split input(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
(of type[] * []
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Select audio frames to pass in output. This filter has dynamic outputs: returned value is a tuple of audio and video outputs. Total number of outputs is determined at runtime.
(?expr : string?, ?e : string?, ?outputs : int?, ?n : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
[] * []
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set an expression to use for selecting frames. (default: 1)e
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set an expression to use for selecting frames. (default: 1)outputs
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the number of outputs. (default: 1)n
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the number of outputs. (default: 1)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Select audio frames to pass in output. This filter has dynamic outputs: returned value is a tuple of audio and video outputs. Total number of outputs is determined at runtime.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?expr : string?, ?e : string?, ?outputs : int?, ?n : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set an expression to use for selecting frames. (default: 1)e
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set an expression to use for selecting frames. (default: 1)outputs
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the number of outputs. (default: 1)n
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the number of outputs. (default: 1)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
(of type[] * []
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Send commands to filters.
(?commands : string?, ?c : string?, ?filename : string?, ?f : string?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set commandsc
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set commandsfilename
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set commands filef
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set commands file(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Send commands to filters.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?commands : string?, ?c : string?, ?filename : string?, ?f : string?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set commandsc
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set commandsfilename
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set commands filef
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set commands file(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Set the number of samples for each output audio frames.
(?nb_out_samples : int?, ?n : int?, ?pad : bool?, ?p : bool?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the number of per-frame output samples. (default: 1024)n
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the number of per-frame output samples. (default: 1024)pad
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): pad last frame with zeros. (default: true)p
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): pad last frame with zeros. (default: true)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Set the number of samples for each output audio frames.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?nb_out_samples : int?, ?n : int?, ?pad : bool?, ?p : bool?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the number of per-frame output samples. (default: 1024)n
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the number of per-frame output samples. (default: 1024)pad
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): pad last frame with zeros. (default: true)p
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): pad last frame with zeros. (default: true)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Set PTS for the output audio frame.
(?expr : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Expression determining the frame timestamp. (default: PTS)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Set PTS for the output audio frame.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?expr : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Expression determining the frame timestamp. (default: PTS)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Change the sample rate without altering the data.
(?sample_rate : int?, ?r : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the sample rate. (default: 44100)r
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the sample rate. (default: 44100)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Change the sample rate without altering the data.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?sample_rate : int?, ?r : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the sample rate. (default: 44100)r
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the sample rate. (default: 44100)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Set timebase for the audio output link.
(?expr : string?, ?tb : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set expression determining the output timebase. (default: intb)tb
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set expression determining the output timebase. (default: intb)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Set timebase for the audio output link.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?expr : string?, ?tb : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set expression determining the output timebase. (default: intb)tb
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set expression determining the output timebase. (default: intb)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Show textual information for each audio frame.
(ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Show textual information for each audio frame.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Manipulate audio frame side data.
(?mode : int?, ?type : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set a mode of operation. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (select), 1 (delete))type
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Manipulate audio frame side data.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?mode : int?, ?type : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set a mode of operation. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (select), 1 (delete))type
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Audio Soft Clipper.
(?type : int?, ?threshold : float?, ?output : float?, ?param : float?,
?oversample : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set softclip type. (default: 0, possible values: -1 (hard), 0 (tanh), 1 (atan), 2 (cubic), 3 (exp), 4 (alg), 5 (quintic), 6 (sin), 7 (erf))threshold
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set softclip threshold. (default: 1.)output
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set softclip output gain. (default: 1.)param
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set softclip parameter. (default: 1.)oversample
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set oversample factor. (default: 1)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Audio Soft Clipper.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?type : int?, ?threshold : float?, ?output : float?, ?param : float?,
?oversample : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set softclip type. (default: 0, possible values: -1 (hard), 0 (tanh), 1 (atan), 2 (cubic), 3 (exp), 4 (alg), 5 (quintic), 6 (sin), 7 (erf))threshold
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set softclip threshold. (default: 1.)output
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set softclip output gain. (default: 1.)param
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set softclip parameter. (default: 1.)oversample
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set oversample factor. (default: 1)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Show frequency domain statistics about audio frames.
(?win_size : int?, ?win_func : int?, ?overlap : float?, ?measure : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the window size. (default: 2048)win_func
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set window function. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (rect), 4 (bartlett), 1 (hann), 1 (hanning), 2 (hamming), 3 (blackman), 5 (welch), 6 (flattop), 7 (bharris), 8 (bnuttall), 11 (bhann), 9 (sine), 10 (nuttall), 12 (lanczos), 13 (gauss), 14 (tukey), 15 (dolph), 16 (cauchy), 17 (parzen), 18 (poisson), 19 (bohman), 20 (kaiser))overlap
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set window overlap. (default: 0.5)measure
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): select the parameters which are measured. (default: 4294967295, possible values: 0 (none), 4294967295 (all), 1 (mean), 2 (variance), 4 (centroid), 8 (spread), 16 (skewness), 32 (kurtosis), 64 (entropy), 128 (flatness), 256 (crest), 512 (flux), 1024 (slope), 2048 (decrease), 4096 (rolloff))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Show frequency domain statistics about audio frames.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?win_size : int?, ?win_func : int?, ?overlap : float?, ?measure : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the window size. (default: 2048)win_func
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set window function. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (rect), 4 (bartlett), 1 (hann), 1 (hanning), 2 (hamming), 3 (blackman), 5 (welch), 6 (flattop), 7 (bharris), 8 (bnuttall), 11 (bhann), 9 (sine), 10 (nuttall), 12 (lanczos), 13 (gauss), 14 (tukey), 15 (dolph), 16 (cauchy), 17 (parzen), 18 (poisson), 19 (bohman), 20 (kaiser))overlap
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set window overlap. (default: 0.5)measure
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): select the parameters which are measured. (default: 4294967295, possible values: 0 (none), 4294967295 (all), 1 (mean), 2 (variance), 4 (centroid), 8 (spread), 16 (skewness), 32 (kurtosis), 64 (entropy), 128 (flatness), 256 (crest), 512 (flux), 1024 (slope), 2048 (decrease), 4096 (rolloff))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Pass on the audio input to N audio outputs. This filter has dynamic outputs: returned value is a tuple of audio and video outputs. Total number of outputs is determined at runtime.
(?outputs : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
[] * []
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of outputs. (default: 2)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Pass on the audio input to N audio outputs. This filter has dynamic outputs: returned value is a tuple of audio and video outputs. Total number of outputs is determined at runtime.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?outputs : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of outputs. (default: 2)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
(of type[] * []
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Render ASS subtitles onto input video using the libass library.
(?filename : string?, ?f : string?, ?original_size : string?,
?fontsdir : string?, ?alpha : bool?, ?shaping : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the filename of file to readf
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the filename of file to readoriginal_size
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the size of the original video (used to scale fonts)fontsdir
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the directory containing the fonts to readalpha
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): enable processing of alpha channel. (default: false)shaping
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set shaping engine. (default: -1, possible values: -1 (auto), 0 (simple), 1 (complex))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Render ASS subtitles onto input video using the libass library.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?filename : string?, ?f : string?, ?original_size : string?,
?fontsdir : string?, ?alpha : bool?, ?shaping : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the filename of file to readf
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the filename of file to readoriginal_size
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the size of the original video (used to scale fonts)fontsdir
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the directory containing the fonts to readalpha
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): enable processing of alpha channel. (default: false)shaping
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set shaping engine. (default: -1, possible values: -1 (auto), 0 (simple), 1 (complex))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Show time domain statistics about audio frames.
(?length : float?, ?metadata : bool?, ?reset : int?,
?measure_perchannel : int?, ?measure_overall : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the window length. (default: 0.05)metadata
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): inject metadata in the filtergraph. (default: false)reset
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set the number of frames over which cumulative stats are calculated before being reset. (default: 0)measure_perchannel
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Select the parameters which are measured per channel. (default: 4294967295, possible values: 0 (none), 4294967295 (all), 16384 (Bit_depth), 2048 (Crest_factor), 1 (DC_offset), 32768 (Dynamic_range), 16777216 (Entropy), 4096 (Flat_factor), 16 (Max_difference), 4 (Max_level), 32 (Mean_difference), 8 (Min_difference), 2 (Min_level), 4194304 (Noise_floor), 8388608 (Noise_floor_count), 1048576 (Number_of_Infs), 524288 (Number_of_NaNs), 2097152 (Number_of_denormals), 262144 (Number_of_samples), 8192 (Peak_count), 128 (Peak_level), 64 (RMS_difference), 256 (RMS_level), 512 (RMS_peak), 1024 (RMS_trough), 65536 (Zero_crossings), 131072 (Zero_crossings_rate))measure_overall
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Select the parameters which are measured overall. (default: 4294967295, possible values: 0 (none), 4294967295 (all), 16384 (Bit_depth), 2048 (Crest_factor), 1 (DC_offset), 32768 (Dynamic_range), 16777216 (Entropy), 4096 (Flat_factor), 16 (Max_difference), 4 (Max_level), 32 (Mean_difference), 8 (Min_difference), 2 (Min_level), 4194304 (Noise_floor), 8388608 (Noise_floor_count), 1048576 (Number_of_Infs), 524288 (Number_of_NaNs), 2097152 (Number_of_denormals), 262144 (Number_of_samples), 8192 (Peak_count), 128 (Peak_level), 64 (RMS_difference), 256 (RMS_level), 512 (RMS_peak), 1024 (RMS_trough), 65536 (Zero_crossings), 131072 (Zero_crossings_rate))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Show time domain statistics about audio frames.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?length : float?, ?metadata : bool?, ?reset : int?,
?measure_perchannel : int?, ?measure_overall : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the window length. (default: 0.05)metadata
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): inject metadata in the filtergraph. (default: false)reset
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set the number of frames over which cumulative stats are calculated before being reset. (default: 0)measure_perchannel
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Select the parameters which are measured per channel. (default: 4294967295, possible values: 0 (none), 4294967295 (all), 16384 (Bit_depth), 2048 (Crest_factor), 1 (DC_offset), 32768 (Dynamic_range), 16777216 (Entropy), 4096 (Flat_factor), 16 (Max_difference), 4 (Max_level), 32 (Mean_difference), 8 (Min_difference), 2 (Min_level), 4194304 (Noise_floor), 8388608 (Noise_floor_count), 1048576 (Number_of_Infs), 524288 (Number_of_NaNs), 2097152 (Number_of_denormals), 262144 (Number_of_samples), 8192 (Peak_count), 128 (Peak_level), 64 (RMS_difference), 256 (RMS_level), 512 (RMS_peak), 1024 (RMS_trough), 65536 (Zero_crossings), 131072 (Zero_crossings_rate))measure_overall
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Select the parameters which are measured overall. (default: 4294967295, possible values: 0 (none), 4294967295 (all), 16384 (Bit_depth), 2048 (Crest_factor), 1 (DC_offset), 32768 (Dynamic_range), 16777216 (Entropy), 4096 (Flat_factor), 16 (Max_difference), 4 (Max_level), 32 (Mean_difference), 8 (Min_difference), 2 (Min_level), 4194304 (Noise_floor), 8388608 (Noise_floor_count), 1048576 (Number_of_Infs), 524288 (Number_of_NaNs), 2097152 (Number_of_denormals), 262144 (Number_of_samples), 8192 (Peak_count), 128 (Peak_level), 64 (RMS_difference), 256 (RMS_level), 512 (RMS_peak), 1024 (RMS_trough), 65536 (Zero_crossings), 131072 (Zero_crossings_rate))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Select audio streams This filter has dynamic inputs: last two arguments are lists of audio and video inputs. Total number of inputs is determined at runtime. This filter has dynamic outputs: returned value is a tuple of audio and video outputs. Total number of outputs is determined at runtime.
(?inputs : int?, ?map : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, [],
[]) -> [] * []
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): number of input streams. (default: 2)map
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): input indexes to remap to outputs(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
(of type[]
(of type[]
Ffmpeg filter: Select audio streams This filter has dynamic inputs: last two arguments are lists of audio and video inputs. Total number of inputs is determined at runtime. This filter has dynamic outputs: returned value is a tuple of audio and video outputs. Total number of outputs is determined at runtime.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?inputs : int?, ?map : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): number of input streams. (default: 2)map
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): input indexes to remap to outputs(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
(of type[] * []
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type([], []) -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Boost subwoofer frequencies.
(?dry : float?, ?wet : float?, ?boost : float?, ?decay : float?,
?feedback : float?, ?cutoff : float?, ?slope : float?, ?delay : float?,
?channels : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set dry gain. (default: 1.)wet
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set wet gain. (default: 1.)boost
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set max boost. (default: 2.)decay
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set decay. (default: 0.)feedback
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set feedback. (default: 0.9)cutoff
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set cutoff. (default: 100.)slope
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set slope. (default: 0.5)delay
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set delay. (default: 20.)channels
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels to filter. (default: all)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Boost subwoofer frequencies.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?dry : float?, ?wet : float?, ?boost : float?, ?decay : float?,
?feedback : float?, ?cutoff : float?, ?slope : float?, ?delay : float?,
?channels : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set dry gain. (default: 1.)wet
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set wet gain. (default: 1.)boost
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set max boost. (default: 2.)decay
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set decay. (default: 0.)feedback
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set feedback. (default: 0.9)cutoff
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set cutoff. (default: 100.)slope
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set slope. (default: 0.5)delay
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set delay. (default: 20.)channels
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels to filter. (default: all)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Cut subwoofer frequencies.
(?cutoff : float?, ?order : int?, ?level : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set cutoff frequency. (default: 20.)order
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter order. (default: 10)level
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input level. (default: 1.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Cut subwoofer frequencies.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?cutoff : float?, ?order : int?, ?level : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set cutoff frequency. (default: 20.)order
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter order. (default: 10)level
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input level. (default: 1.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Cut super frequencies.
(?cutoff : float?, ?order : int?, ?level : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set cutoff frequency. (default: 20000.)order
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter order. (default: 10)level
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input level. (default: 1.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Cut super frequencies.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?cutoff : float?, ?order : int?, ?level : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set cutoff frequency. (default: 20000.)order
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter order. (default: 10)level
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input level. (default: 1.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Apply high order Butterworth band-pass filter.
(?centerf : float?, ?order : int?, ?qfactor : float?, ?level : float?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set center frequency. (default: 1000.)order
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter order. (default: 4)qfactor
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set Q-factor. (default: 1.)level
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input level. (default: 1.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Apply high order Butterworth band-pass filter.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?centerf : float?, ?order : int?, ?qfactor : float?, ?level : float?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set center frequency. (default: 1000.)order
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter order. (default: 4)qfactor
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set Q-factor. (default: 1.)level
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input level. (default: 1.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Apply high order Butterworth band-stop filter.
(?centerf : float?, ?order : int?, ?qfactor : float?, ?level : float?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set center frequency. (default: 1000.)order
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter order. (default: 4)qfactor
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set Q-factor. (default: 1.)level
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input level. (default: 1.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Apply high order Butterworth band-stop filter.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?centerf : float?, ?order : int?, ?qfactor : float?, ?level : float?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set center frequency. (default: 1000.)order
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter order. (default: 4)qfactor
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set Q-factor. (default: 1.)level
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input level. (default: 1.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Apply an Adaptive Temporal Averaging Denoiser.
(?0a : float?, ?0b : float?, ?1a : float?, ?1b : float?, ?2a : float?,
?2b : float?, ?s : int?, ?p : int?, ?a : int?, ?0s : float?, ?1s : float?,
?2s : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set threshold A for 1st plane. (default: 0.02)0b
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set threshold B for 1st plane. (default: 0.04)1a
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set threshold A for 2nd plane. (default: 0.02)1b
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set threshold B for 2nd plane. (default: 0.04)2a
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set threshold A for 3rd plane. (default: 0.02)2b
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set threshold B for 3rd plane. (default: 0.04)s
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set how many frames to use. (default: 9)p
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set what planes to filter. (default: 7)a
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set variant of algorithm. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (p), 1 (s))0s
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set sigma for 1st plane. (default: 32767.)1s
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set sigma for 2nd plane. (default: 32767.)2s
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set sigma for 3rd plane. (default: 32767.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Apply an Adaptive Temporal Averaging Denoiser.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?0a : float?, ?0b : float?, ?1a : float?, ?1b : float?, ?2a : float?,
?2b : float?, ?s : int?, ?p : int?, ?a : int?, ?0s : float?, ?1s : float?,
?2s : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set threshold A for 1st plane. (default: 0.02)0b
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set threshold B for 1st plane. (default: 0.04)1a
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set threshold A for 2nd plane. (default: 0.02)1b
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set threshold B for 2nd plane. (default: 0.04)2a
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set threshold A for 3rd plane. (default: 0.02)2b
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set threshold B for 3rd plane. (default: 0.04)s
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set how many frames to use. (default: 9)p
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set what planes to filter. (default: 7)a
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set variant of algorithm. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (p), 1 (s))0s
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set sigma for 1st plane. (default: 32767.)1s
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set sigma for 2nd plane. (default: 32767.)2s
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set sigma for 3rd plane. (default: 32767.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Adjust audio tempo.
(?tempo : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set tempo scale factor. (default: 1.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Adjust audio tempo.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?tempo : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set tempo scale factor. (default: 1.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Apply spectral tilt to audio.
(?freq : float?, ?slope : float?, ?width : float?, ?order : int?,
?level : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set central frequency. (default: 10000.)slope
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter slope. (default: 0.)width
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter width. (default: 1000.)order
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter order. (default: 5)level
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input level. (default: 1.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Apply spectral tilt to audio.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?freq : float?, ?slope : float?, ?width : float?, ?order : int?,
?level : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set central frequency. (default: 10000.)slope
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter slope. (default: 0.)width
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter width. (default: 1000.)order
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter order. (default: 5)level
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input level. (default: 1.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Pick one continuous section from the input, drop the rest.
(?start : int?, ?starti : int?, ?end : int?, ?endi : int?, ?start_pts : int?,
?end_pts : int?, ?duration : int?, ?durationi : int?, ?start_sample : int?,
?end_sample : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Timestamp of the first frame that should be passed. (default: 9223372036854775807)starti
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Timestamp of the first frame that should be passed. (default: 9223372036854775807)end
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Timestamp of the first frame that should be dropped again. (default: 9223372036854775807)endi
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Timestamp of the first frame that should be dropped again. (default: 9223372036854775807)start_pts
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Timestamp of the first frame that should be passed. (default: -9223372036854775808)end_pts
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Timestamp of the first frame that should be dropped again. (default: -9223372036854775808)duration
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Maximum duration of the output. (default: 0)durationi
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Maximum duration of the output. (default: 0)start_sample
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Number of the first audio sample that should be passed to the output. (default: -1)end_sample
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Number of the first audio sample that should be dropped again. (default: 9223372036854775807)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Pick one continuous section from the input, drop the rest.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?start : int?, ?starti : int?, ?end : int?, ?endi : int?, ?start_pts : int?,
?end_pts : int?, ?duration : int?, ?durationi : int?, ?start_sample : int?,
?end_sample : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Timestamp of the first frame that should be passed. (default: 9223372036854775807)starti
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Timestamp of the first frame that should be passed. (default: 9223372036854775807)end
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Timestamp of the first frame that should be dropped again. (default: 9223372036854775807)endi
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Timestamp of the first frame that should be dropped again. (default: 9223372036854775807)start_pts
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Timestamp of the first frame that should be passed. (default: -9223372036854775808)end_pts
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Timestamp of the first frame that should be dropped again. (default: -9223372036854775808)duration
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Maximum duration of the output. (default: 0)durationi
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Maximum duration of the output. (default: 0)start_sample
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Number of the first audio sample that should be passed to the output. (default: -1)end_sample
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Number of the first audio sample that should be dropped again. (default: 9223372036854775807)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Convert input audio to vectorscope video output.
(?mode : int?, ?m : int?, ?rate : string?, ?r : string?, ?size : string?,
?s : string?, ?rc : int?, ?gc : int?, ?bc : int?, ?ac : int?, ?rf : int?,
?gf : int?, ?bf : int?, ?af : int?, ?zoom : float?, ?draw : int?,
?scale : int?, ?swap : bool?, ?mirror : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (lissajous), 1 (lissajous_xy), 2 (polar))m
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (lissajous), 1 (lissajous_xy), 2 (polar))rate
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)r
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)size
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: 400x400)s
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: 400x400)rc
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set red contrast. (default: 40)gc
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set green contrast. (default: 160)bc
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set blue contrast. (default: 80)ac
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set alpha contrast. (default: 255)rf
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set red fade. (default: 15)gf
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set green fade. (default: 10)bf
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set blue fade. (default: 5)af
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set alpha fade. (default: 5)zoom
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set zoom factor. (default: 1.)draw
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set draw mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (dot), 1 (line), 2 (aaline))scale
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set amplitude scale mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (lin), 1 (sqrt), 2 (cbrt), 3 (log))swap
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): swap x axis with y axis. (default: true)mirror
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): mirror axis. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (none), 1 (x), 2 (y), 3 (xy))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Convert input audio to vectorscope video output.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?mode : int?, ?m : int?, ?rate : string?, ?r : string?, ?size : string?,
?s : string?, ?rc : int?, ?gc : int?, ?bc : int?, ?ac : int?, ?rf : int?,
?gf : int?, ?bf : int?, ?af : int?, ?zoom : float?, ?draw : int?,
?scale : int?, ?swap : bool?, ?mirror : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (lissajous), 1 (lissajous_xy), 2 (polar))m
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (lissajous), 1 (lissajous_xy), 2 (polar))rate
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)r
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)size
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: 400x400)s
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: 400x400)rc
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set red contrast. (default: 40)gc
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set green contrast. (default: 160)bc
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set blue contrast. (default: 80)ac
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set alpha contrast. (default: 255)rf
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set red fade. (default: 15)gf
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set green fade. (default: 10)bf
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set blue fade. (default: 5)af
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set alpha fade. (default: 5)zoom
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set zoom factor. (default: 1.)draw
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set draw mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (dot), 1 (line), 2 (aaline))scale
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set amplitude scale mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (lin), 1 (sqrt), 2 (cbrt), 3 (log))swap
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): swap x axis with y axis. (default: true)mirror
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): mirror axis. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (none), 1 (x), 2 (y), 3 (xy))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Apply Average Blur filter.
(?sizeX : int?, ?planes : int?, ?sizeY : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set horizontal size. (default: 1)planes
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set planes to filter. (default: 15)sizeY
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set vertical size. (default: 0)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Apply Average Blur filter.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?sizeX : int?, ?planes : int?, ?sizeY : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set horizontal size. (default: 1)planes
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set planes to filter. (default: 15)sizeY
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set vertical size. (default: 0)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Apply average blur filter
(?sizeX : int?, ?planes : int?, ?sizeY : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set horizontal size. (default: 1)planes
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set planes to filter. (default: 15)sizeY
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set vertical size. (default: 0)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Apply average blur filter. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?sizeX : int?, ?planes : int?, ?sizeY : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set horizontal size. (default: 1)planes
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set planes to filter. (default: 15)sizeY
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set vertical size. (default: 0)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Apply avgblur mask to input video
(?sizeX : int?, ?planes : int?, ?sizeY : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set horizontal radius. (default: 3)planes
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set planes to filter (bitmask). (default: 15)sizeY
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set vertical radius. (default: 3)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Apply avgblur mask to input video. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?sizeX : int?, ?planes : int?, ?sizeY : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set horizontal radius. (default: 3)planes
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set planes to filter (bitmask). (default: 15)sizeY
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set vertical radius. (default: 3)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Generate an Audio Video Sync Test.
(?size : string?, ?s : string?, ?framerate : string?, ?fr : string?,
?samplerate : int?, ?sr : int?, ?amplitude : float?, ?a : float?,
?period : int?, ?p : int?, ?delay : int?, ?dl : int?, ?cycle : bool?,
?c : bool?, ?duration : int?, ?d : int?, ?fg : string?, ?bg : string?,
?ag : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> *
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set frame size. (default: hd720)s
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set frame size. (default: hd720)framerate
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set frame rate. (default: 30)fr
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set frame rate. (default: 30)samplerate
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set sample rate. (default: 44100)sr
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set sample rate. (default: 44100)amplitude
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set beep amplitude. (default: 0.7)a
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set beep amplitude. (default: 0.7)period
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set beep period. (default: 3)p
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set beep period. (default: 3)delay
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set flash delay. (default: 0)dl
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set flash delay. (default: 0)cycle
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): set delay cycle. (default: false)c
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): set delay cycle. (default: false)duration
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set duration. (default: 0)d
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set duration. (default: 0)fg
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set foreground color. (default: white)bg
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set background color. (default: black)ag
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set additional color. (default: gray)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Generate an Audio Video Sync Test.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?size : string?, ?s : string?, ?framerate : string?, ?fr : string?,
?samplerate : int?, ?sr : int?, ?amplitude : float?, ?a : float?,
?period : int?, ?p : int?, ?delay : int?, ?dl : int?, ?cycle : bool?,
?c : bool?, ?duration : int?, ?d : int?, ?fg : string?, ?bg : string?,
?ag : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set frame size. (default: hd720)s
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set frame size. (default: hd720)framerate
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set frame rate. (default: 30)fr
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set frame rate. (default: 30)samplerate
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set sample rate. (default: 44100)sr
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set sample rate. (default: 44100)amplitude
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set beep amplitude. (default: 0.7)a
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set beep amplitude. (default: 0.7)period
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set beep period. (default: 3)p
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set beep period. (default: 3)delay
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set flash delay. (default: 0)dl
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set flash delay. (default: 0)cycle
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): set delay cycle. (default: false)c
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): set delay cycle. (default: false)duration
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set duration. (default: 0)d
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set duration. (default: 0)fg
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set foreground color. (default: white)bg
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set background color. (default: black)ag
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set additional color. (default: gray)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
(of *
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type() -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Cross-correlate two audio streams.
(?size : int?, ?algo : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph,, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set segment size. (default: 256)algo
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set algorithm. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (slow), 1 (fast))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Cross-correlate two audio streams.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?size : int?, ?algo : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set segment size. (default: 256)algo
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set algorithm. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (slow), 1 (fast))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type(, -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Receive commands through ZMQ and broker them to filters.
(?bind_address : string?, ?b : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set bind address. (default: tcp://*:5555)b
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set bind address. (default: tcp://*:5555)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Receive commands through ZMQ and broker them to filters.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?bind_address : string?, ?b : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set bind address. (default: tcp://*:5555)b
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set bind address. (default: tcp://*:5555)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Turns a static background into transparency.
(?threshold : float?, ?similarity : float?, ?blend : float?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the scene change threshold. (default: 0.08)similarity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the similarity. (default: 0.1)blend
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the blend value. (default: 0.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Turns a static background into transparency.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?threshold : float?, ?similarity : float?, ?blend : float?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the scene change threshold. (default: 0.08)similarity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the similarity. (default: 0.1)blend
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the blend value. (default: 0.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Apply a two-pole Butterworth band-pass filter.
(?frequency : float?, ?f : float?, ?width_type : int?, ?t : int?,
?width : float?, ?w : float?, ?csg : bool?, ?mix : float?, ?m : float?,
?channels : string?, ?c : string?, ?normalize : bool?, ?n : bool?,
?transform : int?, ?a : int?, ?precision : int?, ?r : int?,
?blocksize : int?, ?b : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set central frequency. (default: 3000.)f
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set central frequency. (default: 3000.)width_type
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter-width type. (default: 3, possible values: 1 (h), 3 (q), 2 (o), 4 (s), 5 (k))t
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter-width type. (default: 3, possible values: 1 (h), 3 (q), 2 (o), 4 (s), 5 (k))width
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set width. (default: 0.5)w
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set width. (default: 0.5)csg
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): use constant skirt gain. (default: false)mix
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set mix. (default: 1.)m
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set mix. (default: 1.)channels
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels to filter. (default: all)c
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels to filter. (default: all)normalize
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): normalize coefficients. (default: false)n
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): normalize coefficients. (default: false)transform
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set transform type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (di), 1 (dii), 2 (tdi), 3 (tdii), 4 (latt), 5 (svf), 6 (zdf))a
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set transform type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (di), 1 (dii), 2 (tdi), 3 (tdii), 4 (latt), 5 (svf), 6 (zdf))precision
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filtering precision. (default: -1, possible values: -1 (auto), 0 (s16), 1 (s32), 2 (f32), 3 (f64))r
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filtering precision. (default: -1, possible values: -1 (auto), 0 (s16), 1 (s32), 2 (f32), 3 (f64))blocksize
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the block size. (default: 0)b
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the block size. (default: 0)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Apply a two-pole Butterworth band-pass filter.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?frequency : float?, ?f : float?, ?width_type : int?, ?t : int?,
?width : float?, ?w : float?, ?csg : bool?, ?mix : float?, ?m : float?,
?channels : string?, ?c : string?, ?normalize : bool?, ?n : bool?,
?transform : int?, ?a : int?, ?precision : int?, ?r : int?,
?blocksize : int?, ?b : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set central frequency. (default: 3000.)f
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set central frequency. (default: 3000.)width_type
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter-width type. (default: 3, possible values: 1 (h), 3 (q), 2 (o), 4 (s), 5 (k))t
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter-width type. (default: 3, possible values: 1 (h), 3 (q), 2 (o), 4 (s), 5 (k))width
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set width. (default: 0.5)w
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set width. (default: 0.5)csg
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): use constant skirt gain. (default: false)mix
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set mix. (default: 1.)m
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set mix. (default: 1.)channels
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels to filter. (default: all)c
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels to filter. (default: all)normalize
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): normalize coefficients. (default: false)n
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): normalize coefficients. (default: false)transform
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set transform type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (di), 1 (dii), 2 (tdi), 3 (tdii), 4 (latt), 5 (svf), 6 (zdf))a
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set transform type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (di), 1 (dii), 2 (tdi), 3 (tdii), 4 (latt), 5 (svf), 6 (zdf))precision
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filtering precision. (default: -1, possible values: -1 (auto), 0 (s16), 1 (s32), 2 (f32), 3 (f64))r
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filtering precision. (default: -1, possible values: -1 (auto), 0 (s16), 1 (s32), 2 (f32), 3 (f64))blocksize
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the block size. (default: 0)b
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the block size. (default: 0)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Apply a two-pole Butterworth band-reject filter.
(?frequency : float?, ?f : float?, ?width_type : int?, ?t : int?,
?width : float?, ?w : float?, ?mix : float?, ?m : float?,
?channels : string?, ?c : string?, ?normalize : bool?, ?n : bool?,
?transform : int?, ?a : int?, ?precision : int?, ?r : int?,
?blocksize : int?, ?b : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set central frequency. (default: 3000.)f
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set central frequency. (default: 3000.)width_type
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter-width type. (default: 3, possible values: 1 (h), 3 (q), 2 (o), 4 (s), 5 (k))t
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter-width type. (default: 3, possible values: 1 (h), 3 (q), 2 (o), 4 (s), 5 (k))width
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set width. (default: 0.5)w
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set width. (default: 0.5)mix
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set mix. (default: 1.)m
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set mix. (default: 1.)channels
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels to filter. (default: all)c
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels to filter. (default: all)normalize
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): normalize coefficients. (default: false)n
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): normalize coefficients. (default: false)transform
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set transform type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (di), 1 (dii), 2 (tdi), 3 (tdii), 4 (latt), 5 (svf), 6 (zdf))a
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set transform type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (di), 1 (dii), 2 (tdi), 3 (tdii), 4 (latt), 5 (svf), 6 (zdf))precision
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filtering precision. (default: -1, possible values: -1 (auto), 0 (s16), 1 (s32), 2 (f32), 3 (f64))r
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filtering precision. (default: -1, possible values: -1 (auto), 0 (s16), 1 (s32), 2 (f32), 3 (f64))blocksize
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the block size. (default: 0)b
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the block size. (default: 0)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Apply a two-pole Butterworth band-reject filter.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?frequency : float?, ?f : float?, ?width_type : int?, ?t : int?,
?width : float?, ?w : float?, ?mix : float?, ?m : float?,
?channels : string?, ?c : string?, ?normalize : bool?, ?n : bool?,
?transform : int?, ?a : int?, ?precision : int?, ?r : int?,
?blocksize : int?, ?b : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set central frequency. (default: 3000.)f
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set central frequency. (default: 3000.)width_type
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter-width type. (default: 3, possible values: 1 (h), 3 (q), 2 (o), 4 (s), 5 (k))t
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter-width type. (default: 3, possible values: 1 (h), 3 (q), 2 (o), 4 (s), 5 (k))width
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set width. (default: 0.5)w
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set width. (default: 0.5)mix
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set mix. (default: 1.)m
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set mix. (default: 1.)channels
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels to filter. (default: all)c
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels to filter. (default: all)normalize
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): normalize coefficients. (default: false)n
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): normalize coefficients. (default: false)transform
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set transform type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (di), 1 (dii), 2 (tdi), 3 (tdii), 4 (latt), 5 (svf), 6 (zdf))a
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set transform type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (di), 1 (dii), 2 (tdi), 3 (tdii), 4 (latt), 5 (svf), 6 (zdf))precision
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filtering precision. (default: -1, possible values: -1 (auto), 0 (s16), 1 (s32), 2 (f32), 3 (f64))r
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filtering precision. (default: -1, possible values: -1 (auto), 0 (s16), 1 (s32), 2 (f32), 3 (f64))blocksize
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the block size. (default: 0)b
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the block size. (default: 0)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Boost or cut lower frequencies.
(?frequency : float?, ?f : float?, ?width_type : int?, ?t : int?,
?width : float?, ?w : float?, ?gain : float?, ?g : float?, ?poles : int?,
?p : int?, ?mix : float?, ?m : float?, ?channels : string?, ?c : string?,
?normalize : bool?, ?n : bool?, ?transform : int?, ?a : int?,
?precision : int?, ?r : int?, ?blocksize : int?, ?b : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set central frequency. (default: 100.)f
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set central frequency. (default: 100.)width_type
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter-width type. (default: 3, possible values: 1 (h), 3 (q), 2 (o), 4 (s), 5 (k))t
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter-width type. (default: 3, possible values: 1 (h), 3 (q), 2 (o), 4 (s), 5 (k))width
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set width. (default: 0.5)w
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set width. (default: 0.5)gain
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set gain. (default: 0.)g
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set gain. (default: 0.)poles
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of poles. (default: 2)p
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of poles. (default: 2)mix
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set mix. (default: 1.)m
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set mix. (default: 1.)channels
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels to filter. (default: all)c
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels to filter. (default: all)normalize
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): normalize coefficients. (default: false)n
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): normalize coefficients. (default: false)transform
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set transform type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (di), 1 (dii), 2 (tdi), 3 (tdii), 4 (latt), 5 (svf), 6 (zdf))a
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set transform type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (di), 1 (dii), 2 (tdi), 3 (tdii), 4 (latt), 5 (svf), 6 (zdf))precision
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filtering precision. (default: -1, possible values: -1 (auto), 0 (s16), 1 (s32), 2 (f32), 3 (f64))r
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filtering precision. (default: -1, possible values: -1 (auto), 0 (s16), 1 (s32), 2 (f32), 3 (f64))blocksize
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the block size. (default: 0)b
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the block size. (default: 0)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Boost or cut lower frequencies.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?frequency : float?, ?f : float?, ?width_type : int?, ?t : int?,
?width : float?, ?w : float?, ?gain : float?, ?g : float?, ?poles : int?,
?p : int?, ?mix : float?, ?m : float?, ?channels : string?, ?c : string?,
?normalize : bool?, ?n : bool?, ?transform : int?, ?a : int?,
?precision : int?, ?r : int?, ?blocksize : int?, ?b : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set central frequency. (default: 100.)f
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set central frequency. (default: 100.)width_type
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter-width type. (default: 3, possible values: 1 (h), 3 (q), 2 (o), 4 (s), 5 (k))t
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filter-width type. (default: 3, possible values: 1 (h), 3 (q), 2 (o), 4 (s), 5 (k))width
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set width. (default: 0.5)w
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set width. (default: 0.5)gain
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set gain. (default: 0.)g
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set gain. (default: 0.)poles
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of poles. (default: 2)p
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of poles. (default: 2)mix
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set mix. (default: 1.)m
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set mix. (default: 1.)channels
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels to filter. (default: all)c
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels to filter. (default: all)normalize
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): normalize coefficients. (default: false)n
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): normalize coefficients. (default: false)transform
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set transform type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (di), 1 (dii), 2 (tdi), 3 (tdii), 4 (latt), 5 (svf), 6 (zdf))a
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set transform type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (di), 1 (dii), 2 (tdi), 3 (tdii), 4 (latt), 5 (svf), 6 (zdf))precision
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filtering precision. (default: -1, possible values: -1 (auto), 0 (s16), 1 (s32), 2 (f32), 3 (f64))r
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filtering precision. (default: -1, possible values: -1 (auto), 0 (s16), 1 (s32), 2 (f32), 3 (f64))blocksize
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the block size. (default: 0)b
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the block size. (default: 0)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Compute bounding box for each frame.
(?min_val : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set minimum luminance value for bounding box. (default: 16)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Compute bounding box for each frame.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?min_val : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set minimum luminance value for bounding box. (default: 16)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Benchmark part of a filtergraph.
(?action : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set action. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (start), 1 (stop))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Benchmark part of a filtergraph.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?action : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set action. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (start), 1 (stop))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Apply Bilateral filter.
(?sigmaS : float?, ?sigmaR : float?, ?planes : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set spatial sigma. (default: 0.1)sigmaR
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set range sigma. (default: 0.1)planes
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set planes to filter. (default: 1)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Apply Bilateral filter.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?sigmaS : float?, ?sigmaR : float?, ?planes : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set spatial sigma. (default: 0.1)sigmaR
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set range sigma. (default: 0.1)planes
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set planes to filter. (default: 1)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: GPU accelerated bilateral filter
(?sigmaS : float?, ?sigmaR : float?, ?window_size : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set spatial sigma. (default: 0.1)sigmaR
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set range sigma. (default: 0.1)window_size
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set neighbours window_size. (default: 1)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: GPU accelerated bilateral filter. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?sigmaS : float?, ?sigmaR : float?, ?window_size : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set spatial sigma. (default: 0.1)sigmaR
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set range sigma. (default: 0.1)window_size
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set neighbours window_size. (default: 1)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Apply a biquad IIR filter with the given coefficients.
(?a0 : float?, ?a1 : float?, ?a2 : float?, ?b0 : float?, ?b1 : float?,
?b2 : float?, ?mix : float?, ?m : float?, ?channels : string?, ?c : string?,
?normalize : bool?, ?n : bool?, ?transform : int?, ?a : int?,
?precision : int?, ?r : int?, ?blocksize : int?, ?b : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): Default: 1.a1
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): Default: 0.a2
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): Default: 0.b0
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): Default: 0.b1
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): Default: 0.b2
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): Default: 0.mix
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set mix. (default: 1.)m
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set mix. (default: 1.)channels
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels to filter. (default: all)c
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels to filter. (default: all)normalize
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): normalize coefficients. (default: false)n
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): normalize coefficients. (default: false)transform
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set transform type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (di), 1 (dii), 2 (tdi), 3 (tdii), 4 (latt), 5 (svf), 6 (zdf))a
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set transform type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (di), 1 (dii), 2 (tdi), 3 (tdii), 4 (latt), 5 (svf), 6 (zdf))precision
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filtering precision. (default: -1, possible values: -1 (auto), 0 (s16), 1 (s32), 2 (f32), 3 (f64))r
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filtering precision. (default: -1, possible values: -1 (auto), 0 (s16), 1 (s32), 2 (f32), 3 (f64))blocksize
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the block size. (default: 0)b
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the block size. (default: 0)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Apply a biquad IIR filter with the given coefficients.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?a0 : float?, ?a1 : float?, ?a2 : float?, ?b0 : float?, ?b1 : float?,
?b2 : float?, ?mix : float?, ?m : float?, ?channels : string?, ?c : string?,
?normalize : bool?, ?n : bool?, ?transform : int?, ?a : int?,
?precision : int?, ?r : int?, ?blocksize : int?, ?b : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): Default: 1.a1
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): Default: 0.a2
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): Default: 0.b0
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): Default: 0.b1
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): Default: 0.b2
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): Default: 0.mix
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set mix. (default: 1.)m
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set mix. (default: 1.)channels
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels to filter. (default: all)c
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set channels to filter. (default: all)normalize
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): normalize coefficients. (default: false)n
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): normalize coefficients. (default: false)transform
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set transform type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (di), 1 (dii), 2 (tdi), 3 (tdii), 4 (latt), 5 (svf), 6 (zdf))a
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set transform type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (di), 1 (dii), 2 (tdi), 3 (tdii), 4 (latt), 5 (svf), 6 (zdf))precision
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filtering precision. (default: -1, possible values: -1 (auto), 0 (s16), 1 (s32), 2 (f32), 3 (f64))r
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filtering precision. (default: -1, possible values: -1 (auto), 0 (s16), 1 (s32), 2 (f32), 3 (f64))blocksize
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the block size. (default: 0)b
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the block size. (default: 0)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Measure bit plane noise.
(?bitplane : int?, ?filter : bool?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set bit plane to use for measuring noise. (default: 1)filter
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): show noisy pixels. (default: false)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Measure bit plane noise.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?bitplane : int?, ?filter : bool?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set bit plane to use for measuring noise. (default: 1)filter
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): show noisy pixels. (default: false)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
FFmpeg aac_adtstoasc bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, source(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(audio=ffmpeg.copy,
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg av1_frame_merge bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(video=ffmpeg.copy,
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg av1_frame_split bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(video=ffmpeg.copy,
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg av1_metadata bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, ?chroma_sample_position : int?, ?color_primaries : int?,
?color_range : int?, ?delete_padding : bool?, ?matrix_coefficients : int?,
?num_ticks_per_picture : int?, ?td : int?, ?tick_rate : string?,
?transfer_characteristics : int?, source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) ->
source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.chroma_sample_position
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set chroma sample position (section 6.4.2). (default: -1, possible values: 0 (unknown), 1 (vertical), 2 (colocated))color_primaries
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set color primaries (section 6.4.2). (default: -1)color_range
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set color range flag (section 6.4.2). (default: -1, possible values: 0 (tv), 1 (pc))delete_padding
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): Delete all Padding OBUs. (default: false)matrix_coefficients
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set matrix coefficients (section 6.4.2). (default: -1)num_ticks_per_picture
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set display ticks per picture for CFR streams. (default: -1)td
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Temporal Delimiter OBU. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (pass), 1 (insert), 2 (remove))tick_rate
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Set display tick rate (time_scale / num_units_in_display_tick). (default: 0/1)transfer_characteristics
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set transfer characteristics (section 6.4.2). (default: -1)(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, source(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(audio=ffmpeg.copy,
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(video=ffmpeg.copy,
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg dca_core bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, source(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(audio=ffmpeg.copy,
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg dts2pts bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(video=ffmpeg.copy,
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, ?freq : int?, source(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) ->
source(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.freq
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): When to dump extradata. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (k), 0 (keyframe), 1 (e), 1 (all))(unlabeled)
(of typesource(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, ?freq : int?, source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) ->
source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.freq
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): When to dump extradata. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (k), 0 (keyframe), 1 (e), 1 (all))(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg dv_error_marker bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, ?color : string?, ?sta : int?, source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) ->
source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.color
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set color. (default: yellow)sta
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): specify which error status value to match. (default: 65534, possible values: 1 (ok), 4 (Aa), 16 (Ba), 64 (Ca), 128 (erri), 32768 (erru), 32896 (err), 1024 (Ab), 4096 (Bb), 16384 (Cb), 1028 (A), 4112 (B), 16448 (C), 84 (a), 21504 (b), 11050 (res), 54484 (notok), 54485 (notres))(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg eac3_core bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, source(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(audio=ffmpeg.copy,
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg extract_extradata bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, ?remove : int?, source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) ->
source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.remove
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): remove the extradata from the bitstream. (default: 0)(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg filter_units bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, ?pass_types : string?, ?remove_types : string?,
source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.pass_types
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): List of unit types to pass through the filter.remove_types
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): List of unit types to remove in the filter.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg h264_metadata bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, ?aud : int?, ?chroma_sample_loc_type : int?,
?colour_primaries : int?, ?crop_bottom : int?, ?crop_left : int?,
?crop_right : int?, ?crop_top : int?, ?delete_filler : int?,
?display_orientation : int?, ?fixed_frame_rate_flag : int?, ?flip : int?,
?level : int?, ?matrix_coefficients : int?,
?overscan_appropriate_flag : int?, ?rotate : float?,
?sample_aspect_ratio : string?, ?sei_user_data : string?,
?tick_rate : string?, ?transfer_characteristics : int?,
?video_format : int?, ?video_full_range_flag : int?,
?zero_new_constraint_set_flags : bool?, source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) ->
source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.aud
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Access Unit Delimiter NAL units. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (pass), 1 (insert), 2 (remove))chroma_sample_loc_type
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set chroma sample location type (figure E-1). (default: -1)colour_primaries
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set colour primaries (table E-3). (default: -1)crop_bottom
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set bottom border crop offset. (default: -1)crop_left
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set left border crop offset. (default: -1)crop_right
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set right border crop offset. (default: -1)crop_top
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set top border crop offset. (default: -1)delete_filler
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Delete all filler (both NAL and SEI). (default: 0)display_orientation
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Display orientation SEI. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (pass), 1 (insert), 2 (remove), 3 (extract))fixed_frame_rate_flag
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set VUI fixed frame rate flag. (default: -1)flip
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set flip in display orientation SEI. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (horizontal), 2 (vertical))level
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set level (table A-1). (default: -2, possible values: -1 (auto), 10 (1), 9 (1b), 11 (1.1), 12 (1.2), 13 (1.3), 20 (2), 21 (2.1), 22 (2.2), 30 (3), 31 (3.1), 32 (3.2), 40 (4), 41 (4.1), 42 (4.2), 50 (5), 51 (5.1), 52 (5.2), 60 (6), 61 (6.1), 62 (6.2))matrix_coefficients
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set matrix coefficients (table E-5). (default: -1)overscan_appropriate_flag
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set VUI overscan appropriate flag. (default: -1)rotate
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): Set rotation in display orientation SEI (anticlockwise angle in degrees). (default: nan)sample_aspect_ratio
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Set sample aspect ratio (table E-1). (default: 0/1)sei_user_data
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Insert SEI user data (UUID+string)tick_rate
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Set VUI tick rate (time_scale / num_units_in_tick). (default: 0/1)transfer_characteristics
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set transfer characteristics (table E-4). (default: -1)video_format
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set video format (table E-2). (default: -1)video_full_range_flag
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set video full range flag. (default: -1)zero_new_constraint_set_flags
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): Set constraint_set4_flag / constraint_set5_flag to zero. (default: false)(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg h264_mp4toannexb bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(video=ffmpeg.copy,
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg h264_redundant_pps bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(video=ffmpeg.copy,
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg hapqa_extract bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, ?texture : int?, source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) ->
source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.texture
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): texture to keep. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (color), 1 (alpha))(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg hevc_metadata bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, ?aud : int?, ?chroma_sample_loc_type : int?,
?colour_primaries : int?, ?crop_bottom : int?, ?crop_left : int?,
?crop_right : int?, ?crop_top : int?, ?level : int?,
?matrix_coefficients : int?, ?num_ticks_poc_diff_one : int?,
?sample_aspect_ratio : string?, ?tick_rate : string?,
?transfer_characteristics : int?, ?video_format : int?,
?video_full_range_flag : int?, source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) ->
source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.aud
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Access Unit Delimiter NAL units. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (pass), 1 (insert), 2 (remove))chroma_sample_loc_type
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set chroma sample location type (figure E-1). (default: -1)colour_primaries
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set colour primaries (table E-3). (default: -1)crop_bottom
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set bottom border crop offset. (default: -1)crop_left
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set left border crop offset. (default: -1)crop_right
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set right border crop offset. (default: -1)crop_top
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set top border crop offset. (default: -1)level
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set level (tables A.6 and A.7). (default: -2, possible values: -1 (auto), 30 (1), 60 (2), 63 (2.1), 90 (3), 93 (3.1), 120 (4), 123 (4.1), 150 (5), 153 (5.1), 156 (5.2), 180 (6), 183 (6.1), 186 (6.2), 255 (8.5))matrix_coefficients
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set matrix coefficients (table E-5). (default: -1)num_ticks_poc_diff_one
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set VPS and VUI number of ticks per POC increment. (default: -1)sample_aspect_ratio
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Set sample aspect ratio (table E-1). (default: 0/1)tick_rate
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Set VPS and VUI tick rate (time_scale / num_units_in_tick). (default: 0/1)transfer_characteristics
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set transfer characteristics (table E-4). (default: -1)video_format
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set video format (table E-2). (default: -1)video_full_range_flag
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set video full range flag. (default: -1)(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg hevc_mp4toannexb bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(video=ffmpeg.copy,
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg imxdump bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(video=ffmpeg.copy,
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg media100_to_mjpegb bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(video=ffmpeg.copy,
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg mjpeg2jpeg bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(video=ffmpeg.copy,
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg mjpegadump bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(video=ffmpeg.copy,
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, source(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(audio=ffmpeg.copy,
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(video=ffmpeg.copy,
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg mp3decomp bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, source(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(audio=ffmpeg.copy,
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg mpeg2_metadata bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, ?colour_primaries : int?, ?display_aspect_ratio : string?,
?frame_rate : string?, ?matrix_coefficients : int?,
?transfer_characteristics : int?, ?video_format : int?,
source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.colour_primaries
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set colour primaries (table 6-7). (default: -1)display_aspect_ratio
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Set display aspect ratio (table 6-3). (default: 0/1)frame_rate
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Set frame rate. (default: 0/1)matrix_coefficients
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set matrix coefficients (table 6-9). (default: -1)transfer_characteristics
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set transfer characteristics (table 6-8). (default: -1)video_format
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set video format (table 6-6). (default: -1)(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg mpeg4_unpack_bframes bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(video=ffmpeg.copy,
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, ?amount : string?, ?drop : string?, ?dropamount : int?,
source(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.amount
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Default: 0(unlabeled)
(of typesource(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, ?amount : string?, ?drop : string?, ?dropamount : int?,
source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.amount
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Default: 0(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, source(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(audio=ffmpeg.copy,
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(video=ffmpeg.copy,
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg opus_metadata bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, ?gain : int?, source(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) ->
source(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.gain
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Gain, actual amplification is pow(10, gain/(20.0*256)). (default: 0)(unlabeled)
(of typesource(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg pcm_rechunk bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, ?frame_rate : string?, ?n : int?, ?nb_out_samples : int?,
?p : bool?, ?pad : bool?, ?r : string?, source(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) ->
source(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.frame_rate
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of packets per second. (default: 0/1)n
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the number of per-packet output samples. (default: 1024)nb_out_samples
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the number of per-packet output samples. (default: 1024)p
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): pad last packet with zeros. (default: true)pad
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): pad last packet with zeros. (default: true)r
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of packets per second. (default: 0/1)(unlabeled)
(of typesource(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg prores_metadata bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, ?color_primaries : int?, ?color_trc : int?,
?colorspace : int?, source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) ->
source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.color_primaries
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): select color primaries. (default: -1, possible values: -1 (auto), 0 (unknown), 1 (bt709), 5 (bt470bg), 6 (smpte170m), 9 (bt2020), 11 (smpte431), 12 (smpte432))color_trc
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): select color transfer. (default: -1, possible values: -1 (auto), 0 (unknown), 1 (bt709), 16 (smpte2084), 18 (arib-std-b67))colorspace
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): select colorspace. (default: -1, possible values: -1 (auto), 0 (unknown), 1 (bt709), 6 (smpte170m), 9 (bt2020nc))(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, ?freq : int?, source(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) ->
source(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.freq
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Default: 0, possible values: 2 (k), 0 (keyframe), 1 (e), 1 (all)(unlabeled)
(of typesource(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, ?freq : int?, source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) ->
source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.freq
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Default: 0, possible values: 2 (k), 0 (keyframe), 1 (e), 1 (all)(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, ?dts : string?, ?duration : string?, ?pts : string?,
?time_base : string?, ?ts : string?, source(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) ->
source(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.dts
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set expression for packet DTSduration
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set expression for packet duration. (default: DURATION)pts
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set expression for packet PTStime_base
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set output timebase. (default: 0/1)ts
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set expression for packet PTS and DTS. (default: TS)(unlabeled)
(of typesource(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, ?dts : string?, ?duration : string?, ?pts : string?,
?time_base : string?, ?ts : string?, source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) ->
source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.dts
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set expression for packet DTSduration
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set expression for packet duration. (default: DURATION)pts
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set expression for packet PTStime_base
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set output timebase. (default: 0/1)ts
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set expression for packet PTS and DTS. (default: TS)(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, source(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(audio=ffmpeg.copy,
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(video=ffmpeg.copy,
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg trace_headers bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(video=ffmpeg.copy,
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg truehd_core bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, source(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(audio=ffmpeg.copy,
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(audio=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg vp9_metadata bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, ?color_range : int?, ?color_space : int?,
source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.color_range
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set colour range (section 7.2.2). (default: -1, possible values: 0 (tv), 1 (pc))color_space
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set colour space (section 7.2.2). (default: -1, possible values: 0 (unknown), 1 (bt601), 2 (bt709), 3 (smpte170), 4 (smpte240), 5 (bt2020), 7 (rgb))(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg vp9_raw_reorder bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(video=ffmpeg.copy,
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg vp9_superframe bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(video=ffmpeg.copy,
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
FFmpeg vp9_superframe_split bitstream filter. See ffmpeg documentation for more details.
(?id : string?, source(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)) -> source(video=ffmpeg.copy,
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Force the value of the source ID.(unlabeled)
(of typesource(video=ffmpeg.copy, 'a)
(of type() -> [string * float]
): Length of buffered data.clock
(of typeclock
): The source’s clockduration
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of the duration of the current track.elapsed
(of type() -> float
): Elapsed time in the current track.fallible
(of typebool
): Indicate if a source may fail, i.e. may not be ready to
(of type() -> string
): Identifier of the source.is_active
(of type() -> bool
if the source is active, i.e. it is continuously animated by its own clock whenever it is ready. Typically,true
for outputs and sources such asinput.http
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate if a source is ready to stream. This does not mean that the source is currently streaming, just that its resources are all properly initialized.is_up
(of type() -> bool
): Indicate that the source can be asked to produce some data at any time. This istrue
when the source is currently being used or if it could be used at any time, typically inside aswitch
(of type() -> [string * string]?
): Return the last metadata from the source.log
(of type{level : (() -> int?).{set : (int) -> unit}}
): Get or set the source’s log level, from1
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on metadata packets.on_shutdown
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called when source shuts down.on_track
(of type((([string * string]) -> unit)) -> unit
): Call a given handler on new tracks.on_wake_up
(of type((() -> unit)) -> unit
): Register a function to be called after the source is asked to get ready. This is when, for instance, the source’s final ID is set.register_command
(of type(?usage : string?, description : string, string, ((string) -> string)) -> unit
): Register a server command for this source. Command is registered under the source’s id namespace when it gets up and de-registered when it gets down.remaining
(of type() -> float
): Estimation of remaining time in the current track.reset_last_metadata_on_track
(of type(() -> bool).{set : (bool) -> unit}
): Iftrue
, the source’slast_metadata
is reset on each new track. If a metadata is present along with the track mark, then it becomes the newlast_metadata
, otherwise,last_metadata becomes
(of type(float) -> float
): Seek forward, in seconds (returns the amount of time effectively seeked).self_sync
(of type() -> bool
): Is the source currently controlling its own real-time loop.skip
(of type() -> unit
): Skip to the next track.time
(of type() -> float
): Get a source’s time, based on its assigned clock.
Ffmpeg filter: Detect video intervals that are (almost) black.
(?d : float?, ?black_min_duration : float?, ?picture_black_ratio_th : float?,
?pic_th : float?, ?pixel_black_th : float?, ?pix_th : float?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set minimum detected black duration in seconds. (default: 2.)black_min_duration
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set minimum detected black duration in seconds. (default: 2.)picture_black_ratio_th
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the picture black ratio threshold. (default: 0.98)pic_th
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the picture black ratio threshold. (default: 0.98)pixel_black_th
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the pixel black threshold. (default: 0.1)pix_th
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the pixel black threshold. (default: 0.1)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Detect video intervals that are (almost) black.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?d : float?, ?black_min_duration : float?, ?picture_black_ratio_th : float?,
?pic_th : float?, ?pixel_black_th : float?, ?pix_th : float?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set minimum detected black duration in seconds. (default: 2.)black_min_duration
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set minimum detected black duration in seconds. (default: 2.)picture_black_ratio_th
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the picture black ratio threshold. (default: 0.98)pic_th
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the picture black ratio threshold. (default: 0.98)pixel_black_th
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the pixel black threshold. (default: 0.1)pix_th
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the pixel black threshold. (default: 0.1)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Detect frames that are (almost) black.
(?amount : int?, ?threshold : int?, ?thresh : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): percentage of the pixels that have to be below the threshold for the frame to be considered black. (default: 98)threshold
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): threshold below which a pixel value is considered black. (default: 32)thresh
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): threshold below which a pixel value is considered black. (default: 32)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Detect frames that are (almost) black.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?amount : int?, ?threshold : int?, ?thresh : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): percentage of the pixels that have to be below the threshold for the frame to be considered black. (default: 98)threshold
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): threshold below which a pixel value is considered black. (default: 32)thresh
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): threshold below which a pixel value is considered black. (default: 32)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Blend two video frames into each other.
(?c0_mode : int?, ?c1_mode : int?, ?c2_mode : int?, ?c3_mode : int?,
?all_mode : int?, ?c0_expr : string?, ?c1_expr : string?,
?c2_expr : string?, ?c3_expr : string?, ?all_expr : string?,
?c0_opacity : float?, ?c1_opacity : float?, ?c2_opacity : float?,
?c3_opacity : float?, ?all_opacity : float?, ?eof_action : int?,
?shortest : bool?, ?repeatlast : bool?, ?ts_sync_mode : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph,, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set component #0 blend mode. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (addition), 28 (addition128), 28 (grainmerge), 2 (and), 3 (average), 4 (burn), 5 (darken), 6 (difference), 7 (difference128), 7 (grainextract), 8 (divide), 9 (dodge), 10 (exclusion), 32 (extremity), 31 (freeze), 27 (glow), 11 (hardlight), 25 (hardmix), 30 (heat), 12 (lighten), 26 (linearlight), 13 (multiply), 29 (multiply128), 14 (negation), 0 (normal), 15 (or), 16 (overlay), 17 (phoenix), 18 (pinlight), 19 (reflect), 20 (screen), 21 (softlight), 22 (subtract), 23 (vividlight), 24 (xor), 33 (softdifference), 34 (geometric), 35 (harmonic), 36 (bleach), 37 (stain), 38 (interpolate), 39 (hardoverlay))c1_mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set component #1 blend mode. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (addition), 28 (addition128), 28 (grainmerge), 2 (and), 3 (average), 4 (burn), 5 (darken), 6 (difference), 7 (difference128), 7 (grainextract), 8 (divide), 9 (dodge), 10 (exclusion), 32 (extremity), 31 (freeze), 27 (glow), 11 (hardlight), 25 (hardmix), 30 (heat), 12 (lighten), 26 (linearlight), 13 (multiply), 29 (multiply128), 14 (negation), 0 (normal), 15 (or), 16 (overlay), 17 (phoenix), 18 (pinlight), 19 (reflect), 20 (screen), 21 (softlight), 22 (subtract), 23 (vividlight), 24 (xor), 33 (softdifference), 34 (geometric), 35 (harmonic), 36 (bleach), 37 (stain), 38 (interpolate), 39 (hardoverlay))c2_mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set component #2 blend mode. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (addition), 28 (addition128), 28 (grainmerge), 2 (and), 3 (average), 4 (burn), 5 (darken), 6 (difference), 7 (difference128), 7 (grainextract), 8 (divide), 9 (dodge), 10 (exclusion), 32 (extremity), 31 (freeze), 27 (glow), 11 (hardlight), 25 (hardmix), 30 (heat), 12 (lighten), 26 (linearlight), 13 (multiply), 29 (multiply128), 14 (negation), 0 (normal), 15 (or), 16 (overlay), 17 (phoenix), 18 (pinlight), 19 (reflect), 20 (screen), 21 (softlight), 22 (subtract), 23 (vividlight), 24 (xor), 33 (softdifference), 34 (geometric), 35 (harmonic), 36 (bleach), 37 (stain), 38 (interpolate), 39 (hardoverlay))c3_mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set component #3 blend mode. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (addition), 28 (addition128), 28 (grainmerge), 2 (and), 3 (average), 4 (burn), 5 (darken), 6 (difference), 7 (difference128), 7 (grainextract), 8 (divide), 9 (dodge), 10 (exclusion), 32 (extremity), 31 (freeze), 27 (glow), 11 (hardlight), 25 (hardmix), 30 (heat), 12 (lighten), 26 (linearlight), 13 (multiply), 29 (multiply128), 14 (negation), 0 (normal), 15 (or), 16 (overlay), 17 (phoenix), 18 (pinlight), 19 (reflect), 20 (screen), 21 (softlight), 22 (subtract), 23 (vividlight), 24 (xor), 33 (softdifference), 34 (geometric), 35 (harmonic), 36 (bleach), 37 (stain), 38 (interpolate), 39 (hardoverlay))all_mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set blend mode for all components. (default: -1, possible values: 1 (addition), 28 (addition128), 28 (grainmerge), 2 (and), 3 (average), 4 (burn), 5 (darken), 6 (difference), 7 (difference128), 7 (grainextract), 8 (divide), 9 (dodge), 10 (exclusion), 32 (extremity), 31 (freeze), 27 (glow), 11 (hardlight), 25 (hardmix), 30 (heat), 12 (lighten), 26 (linearlight), 13 (multiply), 29 (multiply128), 14 (negation), 0 (normal), 15 (or), 16 (overlay), 17 (phoenix), 18 (pinlight), 19 (reflect), 20 (screen), 21 (softlight), 22 (subtract), 23 (vividlight), 24 (xor), 33 (softdifference), 34 (geometric), 35 (harmonic), 36 (bleach), 37 (stain), 38 (interpolate), 39 (hardoverlay))c0_expr
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set color component #0 expressionc1_expr
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set color component #1 expressionc2_expr
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set color component #2 expressionc3_expr
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set color component #3 expressionall_expr
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set expression for all color componentsc0_opacity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set color component #0 opacity. (default: 1.)c1_opacity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set color component #1 opacity. (default: 1.)c2_opacity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set color component #2 opacity. (default: 1.)c3_opacity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set color component #3 opacity. (default: 1.)all_opacity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set opacity for all color components. (default: 1.)eof_action
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Action to take when encountering EOF from secondary input . (default: 0, possible values: 0 (repeat), 1 (endall), 2 (pass))shortest
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): force termination when the shortest input terminates. (default: false)repeatlast
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): extend last frame of secondary streams beyond EOF. (default: true)ts_sync_mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How strictly to sync streams based on secondary input timestamps. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (default), 1 (nearest))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Blend two video frames into each other.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?c0_mode : int?, ?c1_mode : int?, ?c2_mode : int?, ?c3_mode : int?,
?all_mode : int?, ?c0_expr : string?, ?c1_expr : string?,
?c2_expr : string?, ?c3_expr : string?, ?all_expr : string?,
?c0_opacity : float?, ?c1_opacity : float?, ?c2_opacity : float?,
?c3_opacity : float?, ?all_opacity : float?, ?eof_action : int?,
?shortest : bool?, ?repeatlast : bool?, ?ts_sync_mode : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set component #0 blend mode. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (addition), 28 (addition128), 28 (grainmerge), 2 (and), 3 (average), 4 (burn), 5 (darken), 6 (difference), 7 (difference128), 7 (grainextract), 8 (divide), 9 (dodge), 10 (exclusion), 32 (extremity), 31 (freeze), 27 (glow), 11 (hardlight), 25 (hardmix), 30 (heat), 12 (lighten), 26 (linearlight), 13 (multiply), 29 (multiply128), 14 (negation), 0 (normal), 15 (or), 16 (overlay), 17 (phoenix), 18 (pinlight), 19 (reflect), 20 (screen), 21 (softlight), 22 (subtract), 23 (vividlight), 24 (xor), 33 (softdifference), 34 (geometric), 35 (harmonic), 36 (bleach), 37 (stain), 38 (interpolate), 39 (hardoverlay))c1_mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set component #1 blend mode. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (addition), 28 (addition128), 28 (grainmerge), 2 (and), 3 (average), 4 (burn), 5 (darken), 6 (difference), 7 (difference128), 7 (grainextract), 8 (divide), 9 (dodge), 10 (exclusion), 32 (extremity), 31 (freeze), 27 (glow), 11 (hardlight), 25 (hardmix), 30 (heat), 12 (lighten), 26 (linearlight), 13 (multiply), 29 (multiply128), 14 (negation), 0 (normal), 15 (or), 16 (overlay), 17 (phoenix), 18 (pinlight), 19 (reflect), 20 (screen), 21 (softlight), 22 (subtract), 23 (vividlight), 24 (xor), 33 (softdifference), 34 (geometric), 35 (harmonic), 36 (bleach), 37 (stain), 38 (interpolate), 39 (hardoverlay))c2_mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set component #2 blend mode. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (addition), 28 (addition128), 28 (grainmerge), 2 (and), 3 (average), 4 (burn), 5 (darken), 6 (difference), 7 (difference128), 7 (grainextract), 8 (divide), 9 (dodge), 10 (exclusion), 32 (extremity), 31 (freeze), 27 (glow), 11 (hardlight), 25 (hardmix), 30 (heat), 12 (lighten), 26 (linearlight), 13 (multiply), 29 (multiply128), 14 (negation), 0 (normal), 15 (or), 16 (overlay), 17 (phoenix), 18 (pinlight), 19 (reflect), 20 (screen), 21 (softlight), 22 (subtract), 23 (vividlight), 24 (xor), 33 (softdifference), 34 (geometric), 35 (harmonic), 36 (bleach), 37 (stain), 38 (interpolate), 39 (hardoverlay))c3_mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set component #3 blend mode. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (addition), 28 (addition128), 28 (grainmerge), 2 (and), 3 (average), 4 (burn), 5 (darken), 6 (difference), 7 (difference128), 7 (grainextract), 8 (divide), 9 (dodge), 10 (exclusion), 32 (extremity), 31 (freeze), 27 (glow), 11 (hardlight), 25 (hardmix), 30 (heat), 12 (lighten), 26 (linearlight), 13 (multiply), 29 (multiply128), 14 (negation), 0 (normal), 15 (or), 16 (overlay), 17 (phoenix), 18 (pinlight), 19 (reflect), 20 (screen), 21 (softlight), 22 (subtract), 23 (vividlight), 24 (xor), 33 (softdifference), 34 (geometric), 35 (harmonic), 36 (bleach), 37 (stain), 38 (interpolate), 39 (hardoverlay))all_mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set blend mode for all components. (default: -1, possible values: 1 (addition), 28 (addition128), 28 (grainmerge), 2 (and), 3 (average), 4 (burn), 5 (darken), 6 (difference), 7 (difference128), 7 (grainextract), 8 (divide), 9 (dodge), 10 (exclusion), 32 (extremity), 31 (freeze), 27 (glow), 11 (hardlight), 25 (hardmix), 30 (heat), 12 (lighten), 26 (linearlight), 13 (multiply), 29 (multiply128), 14 (negation), 0 (normal), 15 (or), 16 (overlay), 17 (phoenix), 18 (pinlight), 19 (reflect), 20 (screen), 21 (softlight), 22 (subtract), 23 (vividlight), 24 (xor), 33 (softdifference), 34 (geometric), 35 (harmonic), 36 (bleach), 37 (stain), 38 (interpolate), 39 (hardoverlay))c0_expr
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set color component #0 expressionc1_expr
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set color component #1 expressionc2_expr
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set color component #2 expressionc3_expr
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set color component #3 expressionall_expr
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set expression for all color componentsc0_opacity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set color component #0 opacity. (default: 1.)c1_opacity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set color component #1 opacity. (default: 1.)c2_opacity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set color component #2 opacity. (default: 1.)c3_opacity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set color component #3 opacity. (default: 1.)all_opacity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set opacity for all color components. (default: 1.)eof_action
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Action to take when encountering EOF from secondary input . (default: 0, possible values: 0 (repeat), 1 (endall), 2 (pass))shortest
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): force termination when the shortest input terminates. (default: false)repeatlast
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): extend last frame of secondary streams beyond EOF. (default: true)ts_sync_mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How strictly to sync streams based on secondary input timestamps. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (default), 1 (nearest))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type(, -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Blend two video frames in Vulkan
(?c0_mode : int?, ?c1_mode : int?, ?c2_mode : int?, ?c3_mode : int?,
?all_mode : int?, ?c0_opacity : float?, ?c1_opacity : float?,
?c2_opacity : float?, ?c3_opacity : float?, ?all_opacity : float?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph,, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set component #0 blend mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (normal), 13 (multiply))c1_mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set component #1 blend mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (normal), 13 (multiply))c2_mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set component #2 blend mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (normal), 13 (multiply))c3_mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set component #3 blend mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (normal), 13 (multiply))all_mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set blend mode for all components. (default: -1, possible values: 0 (normal), 13 (multiply))c0_opacity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set color component #0 opacity. (default: 1.)c1_opacity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set color component #1 opacity. (default: 1.)c2_opacity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set color component #2 opacity. (default: 1.)c3_opacity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set color component #3 opacity. (default: 1.)all_opacity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set opacity for all color components. (default: 1.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Blend two video frames in Vulkan. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?c0_mode : int?, ?c1_mode : int?, ?c2_mode : int?, ?c3_mode : int?,
?all_mode : int?, ?c0_opacity : float?, ?c1_opacity : float?,
?c2_opacity : float?, ?c3_opacity : float?, ?all_opacity : float?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set component #0 blend mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (normal), 13 (multiply))c1_mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set component #1 blend mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (normal), 13 (multiply))c2_mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set component #2 blend mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (normal), 13 (multiply))c3_mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set component #3 blend mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (normal), 13 (multiply))all_mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set blend mode for all components. (default: -1, possible values: 0 (normal), 13 (multiply))c0_opacity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set color component #0 opacity. (default: 1.)c1_opacity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set color component #1 opacity. (default: 1.)c2_opacity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set color component #2 opacity. (default: 1.)c3_opacity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set color component #3 opacity. (default: 1.)all_opacity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set opacity for all color components. (default: 1.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type(, -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Blockdetect filter.
(?period_min : int?, ?period_max : int?, ?planes : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Minimum period to search for. (default: 3)period_max
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Maximum period to search for. (default: 24)planes
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set planes to filter. (default: 1)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Blockdetect filter.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?period_min : int?, ?period_max : int?, ?planes : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Minimum period to search for. (default: 3)period_max
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Maximum period to search for. (default: 24)planes
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set planes to filter. (default: 1)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Blurdetect filter.
(?high : float?, ?low : float?, ?radius : int?, ?block_pct : int?,
?block_width : int?, ?block_height : int?, ?planes : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set high threshold. (default: 0.117647058824)low
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set low threshold. (default: 0.0588235294118)radius
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): search radius for maxima detection. (default: 50)block_pct
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): block pooling threshold when calculating blurriness. (default: 80)block_width
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): block size for block-based abbreviation of blurriness. (default: -1)block_height
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): block size for block-based abbreviation of blurriness. (default: -1)planes
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set planes to filter. (default: 1)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Blurdetect filter.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?high : float?, ?low : float?, ?radius : int?, ?block_pct : int?,
?block_width : int?, ?block_height : int?, ?planes : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set high threshold. (default: 0.117647058824)low
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set low threshold. (default: 0.0588235294118)radius
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): search radius for maxima detection. (default: 50)block_pct
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): block pooling threshold when calculating blurriness. (default: 80)block_width
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): block size for block-based abbreviation of blurriness. (default: -1)block_height
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): block size for block-based abbreviation of blurriness. (default: -1)planes
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set planes to filter. (default: 1)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Block-Matching 3D denoiser. This filter has dynamic inputs: last two arguments are lists of audio and video inputs. Total number of inputs is determined at runtime.
(?sigma : float?, ?block : int?, ?bstep : int?, ?group : int?, ?range : int?,
?mstep : int?, ?thmse : float?, ?hdthr : float?, ?estim : int?,
?ref : bool?, ?planes : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, [],
[]) ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set denoising strength. (default: 1.)block
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set size of local patch. (default: 16)bstep
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set sliding step for processing blocks. (default: 4)group
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set maximal number of similar blocks. (default: 1)range
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set block matching range. (default: 9)mstep
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set step for block matching. (default: 1)thmse
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set threshold of mean square error for block matching. (default: 0.)hdthr
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set hard threshold for 3D transfer domain. (default: 2.7)estim
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filtering estimation mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (basic), 1 (final))ref
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): have reference stream. (default: false)planes
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set planes to filter. (default: 7)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
(of type[]
(of type[]
Ffmpeg filter: Block-Matching 3D denoiser. This filter has dynamic inputs: last two arguments are lists of audio and video inputs. Total number of inputs is determined at runtime.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?sigma : float?, ?block : int?, ?bstep : int?, ?group : int?, ?range : int?,
?mstep : int?, ?thmse : float?, ?hdthr : float?, ?estim : int?,
?ref : bool?, ?planes : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set denoising strength. (default: 1.)block
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set size of local patch. (default: 16)bstep
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set sliding step for processing blocks. (default: 4)group
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set maximal number of similar blocks. (default: 1)range
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set block matching range. (default: 9)mstep
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set step for block matching. (default: 1)thmse
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set threshold of mean square error for block matching. (default: 0.)hdthr
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set hard threshold for 3D transfer domain. (default: 2.7)estim
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set filtering estimation mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (basic), 1 (final))ref
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): have reference stream. (default: false)planes
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set planes to filter. (default: 7)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type([], []) -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Blur the input.
(?luma_radius : string?, ?lr : string?, ?luma_power : int?, ?lp : int?,
?chroma_radius : string?, ?cr : string?, ?chroma_power : int?, ?cp : int?,
?alpha_radius : string?, ?ar : string?, ?alpha_power : int?, ?ap : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Radius of the luma blurring box. (default: 2)lr
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Radius of the luma blurring box. (default: 2)luma_power
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How many times should the boxblur be applied to luma. (default: 2)lp
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How many times should the boxblur be applied to luma. (default: 2)chroma_radius
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Radius of the chroma blurring boxcr
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Radius of the chroma blurring boxchroma_power
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How many times should the boxblur be applied to chroma. (default: -1)cp
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How many times should the boxblur be applied to chroma. (default: -1)alpha_radius
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Radius of the alpha blurring boxar
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Radius of the alpha blurring boxalpha_power
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How many times should the boxblur be applied to alpha. (default: -1)ap
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How many times should the boxblur be applied to alpha. (default: -1)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Blur the input.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?luma_radius : string?, ?lr : string?, ?luma_power : int?, ?lp : int?,
?chroma_radius : string?, ?cr : string?, ?chroma_power : int?, ?cp : int?,
?alpha_radius : string?, ?ar : string?, ?alpha_power : int?, ?ap : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Radius of the luma blurring box. (default: 2)lr
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Radius of the luma blurring box. (default: 2)luma_power
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How many times should the boxblur be applied to luma. (default: 2)lp
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How many times should the boxblur be applied to luma. (default: 2)chroma_radius
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Radius of the chroma blurring boxcr
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Radius of the chroma blurring boxchroma_power
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How many times should the boxblur be applied to chroma. (default: -1)cp
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How many times should the boxblur be applied to chroma. (default: -1)alpha_radius
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Radius of the alpha blurring boxar
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Radius of the alpha blurring boxalpha_power
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How many times should the boxblur be applied to alpha. (default: -1)ap
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How many times should the boxblur be applied to alpha. (default: -1)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Apply boxblur filter to input video
(?luma_radius : string?, ?lr : string?, ?luma_power : int?, ?lp : int?,
?chroma_radius : string?, ?cr : string?, ?chroma_power : int?, ?cp : int?,
?alpha_radius : string?, ?ar : string?, ?alpha_power : int?, ?ap : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Radius of the luma blurring box. (default: 2)lr
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Radius of the luma blurring box. (default: 2)luma_power
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How many times should the boxblur be applied to luma. (default: 2)lp
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How many times should the boxblur be applied to luma. (default: 2)chroma_radius
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Radius of the chroma blurring boxcr
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Radius of the chroma blurring boxchroma_power
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How many times should the boxblur be applied to chroma. (default: -1)cp
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How many times should the boxblur be applied to chroma. (default: -1)alpha_radius
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Radius of the alpha blurring boxar
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Radius of the alpha blurring boxalpha_power
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How many times should the boxblur be applied to alpha. (default: -1)ap
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How many times should the boxblur be applied to alpha. (default: -1)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Apply boxblur filter to input video. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?luma_radius : string?, ?lr : string?, ?luma_power : int?, ?lp : int?,
?chroma_radius : string?, ?cr : string?, ?chroma_power : int?, ?cp : int?,
?alpha_radius : string?, ?ar : string?, ?alpha_power : int?, ?ap : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Radius of the luma blurring box. (default: 2)lr
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Radius of the luma blurring box. (default: 2)luma_power
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How many times should the boxblur be applied to luma. (default: 2)lp
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How many times should the boxblur be applied to luma. (default: 2)chroma_radius
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Radius of the chroma blurring boxcr
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Radius of the chroma blurring boxchroma_power
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How many times should the boxblur be applied to chroma. (default: -1)cp
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How many times should the boxblur be applied to chroma. (default: -1)alpha_radius
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Radius of the alpha blurring boxar
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Radius of the alpha blurring boxalpha_power
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How many times should the boxblur be applied to alpha. (default: -1)ap
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How many times should the boxblur be applied to alpha. (default: -1)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Bauer stereo-to-binaural filter.
(?profile : int?, ?fcut : int?, ?feed : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Apply a pre-defined crossfeed level. (default: 2949820, possible values: 2949820 (default), 3932860 (cmoy), 6226570 (jmeier))fcut
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set cut frequency (in Hz). (default: 0)feed
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set feed level (in Hz). (default: 0)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Bauer stereo-to-binaural filter.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?profile : int?, ?fcut : int?, ?feed : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Apply a pre-defined crossfeed level. (default: 2949820, possible values: 2949820 (default), 3932860 (cmoy), 6226570 (jmeier))fcut
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set cut frequency (in Hz). (default: 0)feed
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set feed level (in Hz). (default: 0)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Deinterlace the input image.
(?mode : int?, ?parity : int?, ?deint : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): specify the interlacing mode. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (send_frame), 1 (send_field))parity
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): specify the assumed picture field parity. (default: -1, possible values: 0 (tff), 1 (bff), -1 (auto))deint
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): specify which frames to deinterlace. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (all), 1 (interlaced))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Deinterlace the input image.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?mode : int?, ?parity : int?, ?deint : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): specify the interlacing mode. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (send_frame), 1 (send_field))parity
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): specify the assumed picture field parity. (default: -1, possible values: 0 (tff), 1 (bff), -1 (auto))deint
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): specify which frames to deinterlace. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (all), 1 (interlaced))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Contrast Adaptive Sharpen.
(?strength : float?, ?planes : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the sharpening strength. (default: 0.)planes
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set what planes to filter. (default: 7)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Contrast Adaptive Sharpen.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?strength : float?, ?planes : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the sharpening strength. (default: 0.)planes
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set what planes to filter. (default: 7)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Create pattern generated by an elementary cellular automaton.
(?filename : string?, ?f : string?, ?pattern : string?, ?p : string?,
?rate : string?, ?r : string?, ?size : string?, ?s : string?, ?rule : int?,
?random_fill_ratio : float?, ?ratio : float?, ?random_seed : int?,
?seed : int?, ?scroll : bool?, ?start_full : bool?, ?full : bool?,
?stitch : bool?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): read initial pattern from filef
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): read initial pattern from filepattern
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set initial patternp
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set initial patternrate
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)r
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)size
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video sizes
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video sizerule
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set rule. (default: 110)random_fill_ratio
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set fill ratio for filling initial grid randomly. (default: 0.61803398875)ratio
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set fill ratio for filling initial grid randomly. (default: 0.61803398875)random_seed
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the seed for filling the initial grid randomly. (default: -1)seed
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the seed for filling the initial grid randomly. (default: -1)scroll
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): scroll pattern downward. (default: true)start_full
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): start filling the whole video. (default: false)full
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): start filling the whole video. (default: true)stitch
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): stitch boundaries. (default: true)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Create pattern generated by an elementary cellular automaton.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?filename : string?, ?f : string?, ?pattern : string?, ?p : string?,
?rate : string?, ?r : string?, ?size : string?, ?s : string?, ?rule : int?,
?random_fill_ratio : float?, ?ratio : float?, ?random_seed : int?,
?seed : int?, ?scroll : bool?, ?start_full : bool?, ?full : bool?,
?stitch : bool?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): read initial pattern from filef
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): read initial pattern from filepattern
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set initial patternp
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set initial patternrate
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)r
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)size
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video sizes
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video sizerule
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set rule. (default: 110)random_fill_ratio
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set fill ratio for filling initial grid randomly. (default: 0.61803398875)ratio
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set fill ratio for filling initial grid randomly. (default: 0.61803398875)random_seed
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the seed for filling the initial grid randomly. (default: -1)seed
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the seed for filling the initial grid randomly. (default: -1)scroll
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): scroll pattern downward. (default: true)start_full
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): start filling the whole video. (default: false)full
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): start filling the whole video. (default: true)stitch
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): stitch boundaries. (default: true)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type() -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Remap audio channels.
(?map : string?, ?channel_layout : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): A comma-separated list of input channel numbers in output order.channel_layout
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Output channel layout.(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Remap audio channels.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?map : string?, ?channel_layout : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): A comma-separated list of input channel numbers in output order.channel_layout
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Output channel layout.(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Split audio into per-channel streams. This filter has dynamic outputs: returned value is a tuple of audio and video outputs. Total number of outputs is determined at runtime.
(?channel_layout : string?, ?channels : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, -> [] * []
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Input channel layout.. (default: stereo)channels
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Channels to extract.. (default: all)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Split audio into per-channel streams. This filter has dynamic outputs: returned value is a tuple of audio and video outputs. Total number of outputs is determined at runtime.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?channel_layout : string?, ?channels : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Input channel layout.. (default: stereo)channels
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): Channels to extract.. (default: all)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
(of type[] * []
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Add a chorus effect to the audio.
(?in_gain : float?, ?out_gain : float?, ?delays : string?, ?decays : string?,
?speeds : string?, ?depths : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input gain. (default: 0.4)out_gain
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output gain. (default: 0.4)delays
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set delaysdecays
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set decaysspeeds
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set speedsdepths
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set depths(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Add a chorus effect to the audio.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?in_gain : float?, ?out_gain : float?, ?delays : string?, ?decays : string?,
?speeds : string?, ?depths : string?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input gain. (default: 0.4)out_gain
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output gain. (default: 0.4)delays
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set delaysdecays
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set decaysspeeds
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set speedsdepths
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set depths(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Offset chroma of input video (chromatic aberration)
(?dist_x : float?, ?dist_y : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): Set horizontal distortion amount. (default: 0.)dist_y
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): Set vertical distortion amount. (default: 0.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Offset chroma of input video (chromatic aberration). Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?dist_x : float?, ?dist_y : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): Set horizontal distortion amount. (default: 0.)dist_y
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): Set vertical distortion amount. (default: 0.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Turns a certain color range into gray.
(?color : string?, ?similarity : float?, ?blend : float?, ?yuv : bool?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the chromahold key color. (default: black)similarity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the chromahold similarity value. (default: 0.01)blend
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the chromahold blend value. (default: 0.)yuv
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): color parameter is in yuv instead of rgb. (default: false)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Turns a certain color range into gray.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?color : string?, ?similarity : float?, ?blend : float?, ?yuv : bool?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the chromahold key color. (default: black)similarity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the chromahold similarity value. (default: 0.01)blend
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the chromahold blend value. (default: 0.)yuv
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): color parameter is in yuv instead of rgb. (default: false)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Turns a certain color into transparency. Operates on YUV colors.
(?color : string?, ?similarity : float?, ?blend : float?, ?yuv : bool?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the chromakey key color. (default: black)similarity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the chromakey similarity value. (default: 0.01)blend
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the chromakey key blend value. (default: 0.)yuv
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): color parameter is in yuv instead of rgb. (default: false)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Turns a certain color into transparency. Operates on YUV colors.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?color : string?, ?similarity : float?, ?blend : float?, ?yuv : bool?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the chromakey key color. (default: black)similarity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the chromakey similarity value. (default: 0.01)blend
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the chromakey key blend value. (default: 0.)yuv
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): color parameter is in yuv instead of rgb. (default: false)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: GPU accelerated chromakey filter
(?color : string?, ?similarity : float?, ?blend : float?, ?yuv : bool?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the chromakey key color. (default: black)similarity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the chromakey similarity value. (default: 0.01)blend
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the chromakey key blend value. (default: 0.)yuv
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): color parameter is in yuv instead of rgb. (default: false)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: GPU accelerated chromakey filter. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?color : string?, ?similarity : float?, ?blend : float?, ?yuv : bool?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the chromakey key color. (default: black)similarity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the chromakey similarity value. (default: 0.01)blend
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the chromakey key blend value. (default: 0.)yuv
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): color parameter is in yuv instead of rgb. (default: false)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Reduce chrominance noise.
(?thres : float?, ?sizew : int?, ?sizeh : int?, ?stepw : int?, ?steph : int?,
?threy : float?, ?threu : float?, ?threv : float?, ?distance : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set y+u+v threshold. (default: 30.)sizew
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set horizontal patch size. (default: 5)sizeh
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set vertical patch size. (default: 5)stepw
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set horizontal step. (default: 1)steph
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set vertical step. (default: 1)threy
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set y threshold. (default: 200.)threu
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set u threshold. (default: 200.)threv
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set v threshold. (default: 200.)distance
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set distance type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (manhattan), 1 (euclidean))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Reduce chrominance noise.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?thres : float?, ?sizew : int?, ?sizeh : int?, ?stepw : int?, ?steph : int?,
?threy : float?, ?threu : float?, ?threv : float?, ?distance : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set y+u+v threshold. (default: 30.)sizew
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set horizontal patch size. (default: 5)sizeh
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set vertical patch size. (default: 5)stepw
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set horizontal step. (default: 1)steph
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set vertical step. (default: 1)threy
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set y threshold. (default: 200.)threu
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set u threshold. (default: 200.)threv
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set v threshold. (default: 200.)distance
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set distance type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (manhattan), 1 (euclidean))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Shift chroma.
(?cbh : int?, ?cbv : int?, ?crh : int?, ?crv : int?, ?edge : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): shift chroma-blue horizontally. (default: 0)cbv
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): shift chroma-blue vertically. (default: 0)crh
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): shift chroma-red horizontally. (default: 0)crv
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): shift chroma-red vertically. (default: 0)edge
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set edge operation. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (smear), 1 (wrap))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Shift chroma.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?cbh : int?, ?cbv : int?, ?crh : int?, ?crv : int?, ?edge : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): shift chroma-blue horizontally. (default: 0)cbv
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): shift chroma-blue vertically. (default: 0)crh
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): shift chroma-red horizontally. (default: 0)crv
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): shift chroma-red vertically. (default: 0)edge
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set edge operation. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (smear), 1 (wrap))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Video CIE scope.
(?system : int?, ?cie : int?, ?gamuts : int?, ?size : int?, ?s : int?,
?intensity : float?, ?i : float?, ?contrast : float?, ?corrgamma : bool?,
?showwhite : bool?, ?gamma : float?, ?fill : bool?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set color system. (default: 7, possible values: 0 (ntsc), 0 (470m), 1 (ebu), 1 (470bg), 2 (smpte), 3 (240m), 4 (apple), 5 (widergb), 6 (cie1931), 7 (hdtv), 7 (rec709), 8 (uhdtv), 8 (rec2020), 9 (dcip3))cie
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set cie system. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (xyy), 1 (ucs), 2 (luv))gamuts
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set what gamuts to draw. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (ntsc), 1 (470m), 2 (ebu), 2 (470bg), 4 (smpte), 8 (240m), 16 (apple), 32 (widergb), 64 (cie1931), 128 (hdtv), 128 (rec709), 256 (uhdtv), 256 (rec2020), 512 (dcip3))size
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set ciescope size. (default: 512)s
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set ciescope size. (default: 512)intensity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set ciescope intensity. (default: 0.001)i
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set ciescope intensity. (default: 0.001)contrast
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): Default: 0.75corrgamma
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): Default: trueshowwhite
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): Default: falsegamma
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): Default: 2.6fill
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): fill with CIE colors. (default: true)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Video CIE scope.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?system : int?, ?cie : int?, ?gamuts : int?, ?size : int?, ?s : int?,
?intensity : float?, ?i : float?, ?contrast : float?, ?corrgamma : bool?,
?showwhite : bool?, ?gamma : float?, ?fill : bool?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set color system. (default: 7, possible values: 0 (ntsc), 0 (470m), 1 (ebu), 1 (470bg), 2 (smpte), 3 (240m), 4 (apple), 5 (widergb), 6 (cie1931), 7 (hdtv), 7 (rec709), 8 (uhdtv), 8 (rec2020), 9 (dcip3))cie
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set cie system. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (xyy), 1 (ucs), 2 (luv))gamuts
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set what gamuts to draw. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (ntsc), 1 (470m), 2 (ebu), 2 (470bg), 4 (smpte), 8 (240m), 16 (apple), 32 (widergb), 64 (cie1931), 128 (hdtv), 128 (rec709), 256 (uhdtv), 256 (rec2020), 512 (dcip3))size
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set ciescope size. (default: 512)s
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set ciescope size. (default: 512)intensity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set ciescope intensity. (default: 0.001)i
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set ciescope intensity. (default: 0.001)contrast
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): Default: 0.75corrgamma
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): Default: trueshowwhite
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): Default: falsegamma
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): Default: 2.6fill
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): fill with CIE colors. (default: true)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Visualize information about some codecs.
(?mv : int?, ?qp : bool?, ?mv_type : int?, ?mvt : int?, ?frame_type : int?,
?ft : int?, ?block : bool?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set motion vectors to visualize. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (pf), 2 (bf), 4 (bb))qp
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): Default: falsemv_type
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set motion vectors type. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (fp), 2 (bp))mvt
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set motion vectors type. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (fp), 2 (bp))frame_type
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set frame types to visualize motion vectors of. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (if), 2 (pf), 4 (bf))ft
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set frame types to visualize motion vectors of. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (if), 2 (pf), 4 (bf))block
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): set block partitioning structure to visualize. (default: false)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Visualize information about some codecs.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?mv : int?, ?qp : bool?, ?mv_type : int?, ?mvt : int?, ?frame_type : int?,
?ft : int?, ?block : bool?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set motion vectors to visualize. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (pf), 2 (bf), 4 (bb))qp
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): Default: falsemv_type
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set motion vectors type. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (fp), 2 (bp))mvt
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set motion vectors type. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (fp), 2 (bp))frame_type
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set frame types to visualize motion vectors of. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (if), 2 (pf), 4 (bf))ft
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set frame types to visualize motion vectors of. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (if), 2 (pf), 4 (bf))block
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): set block partitioning structure to visualize. (default: false)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Provide an uniformly colored input.
(?color : string?, ?c : string?, ?size : string?, ?s : string?,
?rate : string?, ?r : string?, ?duration : int?, ?d : int?, ?sar : string?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set color. (default: black)c
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set color. (default: black)size
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: 320x240)s
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: 320x240)rate
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)r
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)duration
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set video duration. (default: -1)d
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set video duration. (default: -1)sar
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video sample aspect ratio. (default: 1/1)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Provide an uniformly colored input.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?color : string?, ?c : string?, ?size : string?, ?s : string?,
?rate : string?, ?r : string?, ?duration : int?, ?d : int?, ?sar : string?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set color. (default: black)c
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set color. (default: black)size
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: 320x240)s
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: 320x240)rate
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)r
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)duration
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set video duration. (default: -1)d
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set video duration. (default: -1)sar
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video sample aspect ratio. (default: 1/1)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type() -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Adjust the color balance.
(?rs : float?, ?gs : float?, ?bs : float?, ?rm : float?, ?gm : float?,
?bm : float?, ?rh : float?, ?gh : float?, ?bh : float?, ?pl : bool?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set red shadows. (default: 0.)gs
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set green shadows. (default: 0.)bs
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set blue shadows. (default: 0.)rm
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set red midtones. (default: 0.)gm
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set green midtones. (default: 0.)bm
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set blue midtones. (default: 0.)rh
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set red highlights. (default: 0.)gh
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set green highlights. (default: 0.)bh
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set blue highlights. (default: 0.)pl
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): preserve lightness. (default: false)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Adjust the color balance.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?rs : float?, ?gs : float?, ?bs : float?, ?rm : float?, ?gm : float?,
?bm : float?, ?rh : float?, ?gh : float?, ?bh : float?, ?pl : bool?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set red shadows. (default: 0.)gs
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set green shadows. (default: 0.)bs
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set blue shadows. (default: 0.)rm
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set red midtones. (default: 0.)gm
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set green midtones. (default: 0.)bm
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set blue midtones. (default: 0.)rh
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set red highlights. (default: 0.)gh
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set green highlights. (default: 0.)bh
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set blue highlights. (default: 0.)pl
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): preserve lightness. (default: false)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Adjust colors by mixing color channels.
(?rr : float?, ?rg : float?, ?rb : float?, ?ra : float?, ?gr : float?,
?gg : float?, ?gb : float?, ?ga : float?, ?br : float?, ?bg : float?,
?bb : float?, ?ba : float?, ?ar : float?, ?ag : float?, ?ab : float?,
?aa : float?, ?pc : int?, ?pa : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the red gain for the red channel. (default: 1.)rg
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the green gain for the red channel. (default: 0.)rb
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the blue gain for the red channel. (default: 0.)ra
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the alpha gain for the red channel. (default: 0.)gr
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the red gain for the green channel. (default: 0.)gg
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the green gain for the green channel. (default: 1.)gb
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the blue gain for the green channel. (default: 0.)ga
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the alpha gain for the green channel. (default: 0.)br
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the red gain for the blue channel. (default: 0.)bg
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the green gain for the blue channel. (default: 0.)bb
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the blue gain for the blue channel. (default: 1.)ba
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the alpha gain for the blue channel. (default: 0.)ar
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the red gain for the alpha channel. (default: 0.)ag
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the green gain for the alpha channel. (default: 0.)ab
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the blue gain for the alpha channel. (default: 0.)aa
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the alpha gain for the alpha channel. (default: 1.)pc
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the preserve color mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (none), 1 (lum), 2 (max), 3 (avg), 4 (sum), 5 (nrm), 6 (pwr))pa
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the preserve color amount. (default: 0.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Adjust colors by mixing color channels.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?rr : float?, ?rg : float?, ?rb : float?, ?ra : float?, ?gr : float?,
?gg : float?, ?gb : float?, ?ga : float?, ?br : float?, ?bg : float?,
?bb : float?, ?ba : float?, ?ar : float?, ?ag : float?, ?ab : float?,
?aa : float?, ?pc : int?, ?pa : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the red gain for the red channel. (default: 1.)rg
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the green gain for the red channel. (default: 0.)rb
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the blue gain for the red channel. (default: 0.)ra
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the alpha gain for the red channel. (default: 0.)gr
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the red gain for the green channel. (default: 0.)gg
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the green gain for the green channel. (default: 1.)gb
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the blue gain for the green channel. (default: 0.)ga
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the alpha gain for the green channel. (default: 0.)br
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the red gain for the blue channel. (default: 0.)bg
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the green gain for the blue channel. (default: 0.)bb
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the blue gain for the blue channel. (default: 1.)ba
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the alpha gain for the blue channel. (default: 0.)ar
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the red gain for the alpha channel. (default: 0.)ag
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the green gain for the alpha channel. (default: 0.)ab
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the blue gain for the alpha channel. (default: 0.)aa
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the alpha gain for the alpha channel. (default: 1.)pc
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the preserve color mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (none), 1 (lum), 2 (max), 3 (avg), 4 (sum), 5 (nrm), 6 (pwr))pa
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the preserve color amount. (default: 0.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Generate color checker chart.
(?rate : string?, ?r : string?, ?duration : int?, ?d : int?, ?sar : string?,
?patch_size : string?, ?preset : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)r
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)duration
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set video duration. (default: -1)d
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set video duration. (default: -1)sar
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video sample aspect ratio. (default: 1/1)patch_size
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the single patch size. (default: 64x64)preset
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the color checker chart preset. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (reference), 1 (skintones))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Generate color checker chart.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?rate : string?, ?r : string?, ?duration : int?, ?d : int?, ?sar : string?,
?patch_size : string?, ?preset : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)r
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)duration
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set video duration. (default: -1)d
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set video duration. (default: -1)sar
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video sample aspect ratio. (default: 1/1)patch_size
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the single patch size. (default: 64x64)preset
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the color checker chart preset. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (reference), 1 (skintones))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type() -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Adjust color contrast between RGB components.
(?rc : float?, ?gm : float?, ?by : float?, ?rcw : float?, ?gmw : float?,
?byw : float?, ?pl : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the red-cyan contrast. (default: 0.)gm
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the green-magenta contrast. (default: 0.)by
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the blue-yellow contrast. (default: 0.)rcw
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the red-cyan weight. (default: 0.)gmw
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the green-magenta weight. (default: 0.)byw
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the blue-yellow weight. (default: 0.)pl
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the amount of preserving lightness. (default: 0.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Adjust color contrast between RGB components.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?rc : float?, ?gm : float?, ?by : float?, ?rcw : float?, ?gmw : float?,
?byw : float?, ?pl : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the red-cyan contrast. (default: 0.)gm
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the green-magenta contrast. (default: 0.)by
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the blue-yellow contrast. (default: 0.)rcw
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the red-cyan weight. (default: 0.)gmw
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the green-magenta weight. (default: 0.)byw
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the blue-yellow weight. (default: 0.)pl
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the amount of preserving lightness. (default: 0.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Adjust color white balance selectively for blacks and whites.
(?rl : float?, ?bl : float?, ?rh : float?, ?bh : float?,
?saturation : float?, ?analyze : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the red shadow spot. (default: 0.)bl
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the blue shadow spot. (default: 0.)rh
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the red highlight spot. (default: 0.)bh
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the blue highlight spot. (default: 0.)saturation
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the amount of saturation. (default: 1.)analyze
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the analyze mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (manual), 1 (average), 2 (minmax), 3 (median))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Adjust color white balance selectively for blacks and whites.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?rl : float?, ?bl : float?, ?rh : float?, ?bh : float?,
?saturation : float?, ?analyze : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the red shadow spot. (default: 0.)bl
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the blue shadow spot. (default: 0.)rh
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the red highlight spot. (default: 0.)bh
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the blue highlight spot. (default: 0.)saturation
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the amount of saturation. (default: 1.)analyze
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the analyze mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (manual), 1 (average), 2 (minmax), 3 (median))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Turns a certain color range into gray. Operates on RGB colors.
(?color : string?, ?similarity : float?, ?blend : float?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the colorhold key color. (default: black)similarity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the colorhold similarity value. (default: 0.01)blend
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the colorhold blend value. (default: 0.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Turns a certain color range into gray. Operates on RGB colors.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?color : string?, ?similarity : float?, ?blend : float?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the colorhold key color. (default: black)similarity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the colorhold similarity value. (default: 0.01)blend
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the colorhold blend value. (default: 0.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Overlay a solid color on the video stream.
(?hue : float?, ?saturation : float?, ?lightness : float?, ?mix : float?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the hue. (default: 0.)saturation
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the saturation. (default: 0.5)lightness
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the lightness. (default: 0.5)mix
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the mix of source lightness. (default: 1.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Overlay a solid color on the video stream.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?hue : float?, ?saturation : float?, ?lightness : float?, ?mix : float?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the hue. (default: 0.)saturation
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the saturation. (default: 0.5)lightness
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the lightness. (default: 0.5)mix
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the mix of source lightness. (default: 1.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Turns a certain color into transparency. Operates on RGB colors.
(?color : string?, ?similarity : float?, ?blend : float?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the colorkey key color. (default: black)similarity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the colorkey similarity value. (default: 0.01)blend
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the colorkey key blend value. (default: 0.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Turns a certain color into transparency. Operates on RGB colors.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?color : string?, ?similarity : float?, ?blend : float?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the colorkey key color. (default: black)similarity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the colorkey similarity value. (default: 0.01)blend
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the colorkey key blend value. (default: 0.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Turns a certain color into transparency. Operates on RGB colors.
(?color : string?, ?similarity : float?, ?blend : float?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the colorkey key color. (default: black)similarity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the colorkey similarity value. (default: 0.01)blend
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the colorkey key blend value. (default: 0.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Turns a certain color into transparency. Operates on RGB colors.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?color : string?, ?similarity : float?, ?blend : float?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the colorkey key color. (default: black)similarity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the colorkey similarity value. (default: 0.01)blend
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the colorkey key blend value. (default: 0.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Adjust the color levels.
(?rimin : float?, ?gimin : float?, ?bimin : float?, ?aimin : float?,
?rimax : float?, ?gimax : float?, ?bimax : float?, ?aimax : float?,
?romin : float?, ?gomin : float?, ?bomin : float?, ?aomin : float?,
?romax : float?, ?gomax : float?, ?bomax : float?, ?aomax : float?,
?preserve : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input red black point. (default: 0.)gimin
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input green black point. (default: 0.)bimin
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input blue black point. (default: 0.)aimin
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input alpha black point. (default: 0.)rimax
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input red white point. (default: 1.)gimax
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input green white point. (default: 1.)bimax
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input blue white point. (default: 1.)aimax
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input alpha white point. (default: 1.)romin
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output red black point. (default: 0.)gomin
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output green black point. (default: 0.)bomin
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output blue black point. (default: 0.)aomin
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output alpha black point. (default: 0.)romax
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output red white point. (default: 1.)gomax
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output green white point. (default: 1.)bomax
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output blue white point. (default: 1.)aomax
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output alpha white point. (default: 1.)preserve
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set preserve color mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (none), 1 (lum), 2 (max), 3 (avg), 4 (sum), 5 (nrm), 6 (pwr))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Adjust the color levels.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?rimin : float?, ?gimin : float?, ?bimin : float?, ?aimin : float?,
?rimax : float?, ?gimax : float?, ?bimax : float?, ?aimax : float?,
?romin : float?, ?gomin : float?, ?bomin : float?, ?aomin : float?,
?romax : float?, ?gomax : float?, ?bomax : float?, ?aomax : float?,
?preserve : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input red black point. (default: 0.)gimin
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input green black point. (default: 0.)bimin
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input blue black point. (default: 0.)aimin
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input alpha black point. (default: 0.)rimax
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input red white point. (default: 1.)gimax
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input green white point. (default: 1.)bimax
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input blue white point. (default: 1.)aimax
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set input alpha white point. (default: 1.)romin
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output red black point. (default: 0.)gomin
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output green black point. (default: 0.)bomin
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output blue black point. (default: 0.)aomin
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output alpha black point. (default: 0.)romax
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output red white point. (default: 1.)gomax
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output green white point. (default: 1.)bomax
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output blue white point. (default: 1.)aomax
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output alpha white point. (default: 1.)preserve
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set preserve color mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (none), 1 (lum), 2 (max), 3 (avg), 4 (sum), 5 (nrm), 6 (pwr))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Apply custom Color Maps to video stream.
(?patch_size : string?, ?nb_patches : int?, ?type : int?, ?kernel : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph,,, ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set patch size. (default: 64x64)nb_patches
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of patches. (default: 0)type
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the target type used. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (relative), 1 (absolute))kernel
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the kernel used for measuring color difference. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (euclidean), 1 (weuclidean))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Apply custom Color Maps to video stream.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?patch_size : string?, ?nb_patches : int?, ?type : int?, ?kernel : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set patch size. (default: 64x64)nb_patches
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of patches. (default: 0)type
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the target type used. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (relative), 1 (absolute))kernel
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the kernel used for measuring color difference. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (euclidean), 1 (weuclidean))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type(,, -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Convert color matrix.
(?src : int?, ?dst : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set source color matrix. (default: -1, possible values: 0 (bt709), 1 (fcc), 2 (bt601), 2 (bt470), 2 (bt470bg), 2 (smpte170m), 3 (smpte240m), 4 (bt2020))dst
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set destination color matrix. (default: -1, possible values: 0 (bt709), 1 (fcc), 2 (bt601), 2 (bt470), 2 (bt470bg), 2 (smpte170m), 3 (smpte240m), 4 (bt2020))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Convert color matrix.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?src : int?, ?dst : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set source color matrix. (default: -1, possible values: 0 (bt709), 1 (fcc), 2 (bt601), 2 (bt470), 2 (bt470bg), 2 (smpte170m), 3 (smpte240m), 4 (bt2020))dst
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set destination color matrix. (default: -1, possible values: 0 (bt709), 1 (fcc), 2 (bt601), 2 (bt470), 2 (bt470bg), 2 (smpte170m), 3 (smpte240m), 4 (bt2020))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Convert between colorspaces.
(?all : int?, ?space : int?, ?range : int?, ?primaries : int?, ?trc : int?,
?format : int?, ?fast : bool?, ?dither : int?, ?wpadapt : int?,
?iall : int?, ?ispace : int?, ?irange : int?, ?iprimaries : int?,
?itrc : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set all color properties together. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (bt470m), 2 (bt470bg), 3 (bt601-6-525), 4 (bt601-6-625), 5 (bt709), 6 (smpte170m), 7 (smpte240m), 8 (bt2020))space
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Output colorspace. (default: 2, possible values: 1 (bt709), 4 (fcc), 5 (bt470bg), 6 (smpte170m), 7 (smpte240m), 8 (ycgco), 0 (gbr), 9 (bt2020nc), 9 (bt2020ncl))range
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Output color range. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (tv), 1 (mpeg), 2 (pc), 2 (jpeg))primaries
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Output color primaries. (default: 2, possible values: 1 (bt709), 4 (bt470m), 5 (bt470bg), 6 (smpte170m), 7 (smpte240m), 10 (smpte428), 8 (film), 11 (smpte431), 12 (smpte432), 9 (bt2020), 22 (jedec-p22), 22 (ebu3213))trc
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Output transfer characteristics. (default: 2, possible values: 1 (bt709), 4 (bt470m), 4 (gamma22), 5 (bt470bg), 5 (gamma28), 6 (smpte170m), 7 (smpte240m), 8 (linear), 13 (srgb), 13 (iec61966-2-1), 11 (xvycc), 11 (iec61966-2-4), 14 (bt2020-10), 15 (bt2020-12))format
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Output pixel format. (default: -1, possible values: 0 (yuv420p), 62 (yuv420p10), 123 (yuv420p12), 4 (yuv422p), 64 (yuv422p10), 127 (yuv422p12), 5 (yuv444p), 68 (yuv444p10), 131 (yuv444p12))fast
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): Ignore primary chromaticity and gamma correction. (default: false)dither
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Dithering mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (none), 1 (fsb))wpadapt
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Whitepoint adaptation method. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (bradford), 1 (vonkries), 2 (identity))iall
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set all input color properties together. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (bt470m), 2 (bt470bg), 3 (bt601-6-525), 4 (bt601-6-625), 5 (bt709), 6 (smpte170m), 7 (smpte240m), 8 (bt2020))ispace
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Input colorspace. (default: 2, possible values: 1 (bt709), 4 (fcc), 5 (bt470bg), 6 (smpte170m), 7 (smpte240m), 8 (ycgco), 0 (gbr), 9 (bt2020nc), 9 (bt2020ncl))irange
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Input color range. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (tv), 1 (mpeg), 2 (pc), 2 (jpeg))iprimaries
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Input color primaries. (default: 2, possible values: 1 (bt709), 4 (bt470m), 5 (bt470bg), 6 (smpte170m), 7 (smpte240m), 10 (smpte428), 8 (film), 11 (smpte431), 12 (smpte432), 9 (bt2020), 22 (jedec-p22), 22 (ebu3213))itrc
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Input transfer characteristics. (default: 2, possible values: 1 (bt709), 4 (bt470m), 4 (gamma22), 5 (bt470bg), 5 (gamma28), 6 (smpte170m), 7 (smpte240m), 8 (linear), 13 (srgb), 13 (iec61966-2-1), 11 (xvycc), 11 (iec61966-2-4), 14 (bt2020-10), 15 (bt2020-12))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Convert between colorspaces.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?all : int?, ?space : int?, ?range : int?, ?primaries : int?, ?trc : int?,
?format : int?, ?fast : bool?, ?dither : int?, ?wpadapt : int?,
?iall : int?, ?ispace : int?, ?irange : int?, ?iprimaries : int?,
?itrc : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set all color properties together. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (bt470m), 2 (bt470bg), 3 (bt601-6-525), 4 (bt601-6-625), 5 (bt709), 6 (smpte170m), 7 (smpte240m), 8 (bt2020))space
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Output colorspace. (default: 2, possible values: 1 (bt709), 4 (fcc), 5 (bt470bg), 6 (smpte170m), 7 (smpte240m), 8 (ycgco), 0 (gbr), 9 (bt2020nc), 9 (bt2020ncl))range
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Output color range. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (tv), 1 (mpeg), 2 (pc), 2 (jpeg))primaries
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Output color primaries. (default: 2, possible values: 1 (bt709), 4 (bt470m), 5 (bt470bg), 6 (smpte170m), 7 (smpte240m), 10 (smpte428), 8 (film), 11 (smpte431), 12 (smpte432), 9 (bt2020), 22 (jedec-p22), 22 (ebu3213))trc
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Output transfer characteristics. (default: 2, possible values: 1 (bt709), 4 (bt470m), 4 (gamma22), 5 (bt470bg), 5 (gamma28), 6 (smpte170m), 7 (smpte240m), 8 (linear), 13 (srgb), 13 (iec61966-2-1), 11 (xvycc), 11 (iec61966-2-4), 14 (bt2020-10), 15 (bt2020-12))format
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Output pixel format. (default: -1, possible values: 0 (yuv420p), 62 (yuv420p10), 123 (yuv420p12), 4 (yuv422p), 64 (yuv422p10), 127 (yuv422p12), 5 (yuv444p), 68 (yuv444p10), 131 (yuv444p12))fast
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): Ignore primary chromaticity and gamma correction. (default: false)dither
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Dithering mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (none), 1 (fsb))wpadapt
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Whitepoint adaptation method. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (bradford), 1 (vonkries), 2 (identity))iall
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Set all input color properties together. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (bt470m), 2 (bt470bg), 3 (bt601-6-525), 4 (bt601-6-625), 5 (bt709), 6 (smpte170m), 7 (smpte240m), 8 (bt2020))ispace
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Input colorspace. (default: 2, possible values: 1 (bt709), 4 (fcc), 5 (bt470bg), 6 (smpte170m), 7 (smpte240m), 8 (ycgco), 0 (gbr), 9 (bt2020nc), 9 (bt2020ncl))irange
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Input color range. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (tv), 1 (mpeg), 2 (pc), 2 (jpeg))iprimaries
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Input color primaries. (default: 2, possible values: 1 (bt709), 4 (bt470m), 5 (bt470bg), 6 (smpte170m), 7 (smpte240m), 10 (smpte428), 8 (film), 11 (smpte431), 12 (smpte432), 9 (bt2020), 22 (jedec-p22), 22 (ebu3213))itrc
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Input transfer characteristics. (default: 2, possible values: 1 (bt709), 4 (bt470m), 4 (gamma22), 5 (bt470bg), 5 (gamma28), 6 (smpte170m), 7 (smpte240m), 8 (linear), 13 (srgb), 13 (iec61966-2-1), 11 (xvycc), 11 (iec61966-2-4), 14 (bt2020-10), 15 (bt2020-12))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: CUDA accelerated video color converter
(?range : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Output video range. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (tv), 1 (mpeg), 2 (pc), 2 (jpeg))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: CUDA accelerated video color converter. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?range : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Output video range. (default: 0, possible values: 1 (tv), 1 (mpeg), 2 (pc), 2 (jpeg))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Generate colors spectrum.
(?size : string?, ?s : string?, ?rate : string?, ?r : string?,
?duration : int?, ?d : int?, ?sar : string?, ?type : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: 320x240)s
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: 320x240)rate
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)r
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)duration
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set video duration. (default: -1)d
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set video duration. (default: -1)sar
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video sample aspect ratio. (default: 1/1)type
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the color spectrum type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (black), 1 (white), 2 (all))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Generate colors spectrum.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?size : string?, ?s : string?, ?rate : string?, ?r : string?,
?duration : int?, ?d : int?, ?sar : string?, ?type : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: 320x240)s
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video size. (default: 320x240)rate
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)r
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video rate. (default: 25)duration
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set video duration. (default: -1)d
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set video duration. (default: -1)sar
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set video sample aspect ratio. (default: 1/1)type
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the color spectrum type. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (black), 1 (white), 2 (all))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type() -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Adjust color temperature of video.
(?temperature : float?, ?mix : float?, ?pl : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the temperature in Kelvin. (default: 6500.)mix
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the mix with filtered output. (default: 1.)pl
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the amount of preserving lightness. (default: 0.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Adjust color temperature of video.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?temperature : float?, ?mix : float?, ?pl : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the temperature in Kelvin. (default: 6500.)mix
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the mix with filtered output. (default: 1.)pl
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set the amount of preserving lightness. (default: 0.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Compress or expand audio dynamic range.
(?attacks : string?, ?decays : string?, ?points : string?,
?soft-knee : float?, ?gain : float?, ?volume : float?, ?delay : float?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set time over which increase of volume is determined. (default: 0)decays
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set time over which decrease of volume is determined. (default: 0.8)points
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set points of transfer function. (default: -70/-70|-60/-20|1/0)soft-knee
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set soft-knee. (default: 0.01)gain
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output gain. (default: 0.)volume
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set initial volume. (default: 0.)delay
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set delay for samples before sending them to volume adjuster. (default: 0.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Compress or expand audio dynamic range.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?attacks : string?, ?decays : string?, ?points : string?,
?soft-knee : float?, ?gain : float?, ?volume : float?, ?delay : float?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set time over which increase of volume is determined. (default: 0)decays
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set time over which decrease of volume is determined. (default: 0.8)points
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set points of transfer function. (default: -70/-70|-60/-20|1/0)soft-knee
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set soft-knee. (default: 0.01)gain
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set output gain. (default: 0.)volume
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set initial volume. (default: 0.)delay
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set delay for samples before sending them to volume adjuster. (default: 0.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Audio Compensation Delay Line.
(?mm : int?, ?cm : int?, ?m : int?, ?dry : float?, ?wet : float?,
?temp : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set mm distance. (default: 0)cm
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set cm distance. (default: 0)m
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set meter distance. (default: 0)dry
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set dry amount. (default: 0.)wet
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set wet amount. (default: 1.)temp
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set temperature °C. (default: 20)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Audio Compensation Delay Line.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?mm : int?, ?cm : int?, ?m : int?, ?dry : float?, ?wet : float?,
?temp : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set mm distance. (default: 0)cm
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set cm distance. (default: 0)m
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set meter distance. (default: 0)dry
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set dry amount. (default: 0.)wet
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set wet amount. (default: 1.)temp
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set temperature °C. (default: 20)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Concatenate audio and video streams. This filter has dynamic inputs: last two arguments are lists of audio and video inputs. Total number of inputs is determined at runtime. This filter has dynamic outputs: returned value is a tuple of audio and video outputs. Total number of outputs is determined at runtime.
(?n : int?, ?v : int?, ?a : int?, ?unsafe : bool?, ffmpeg.filter.graph,
[], []) ->
[] * []
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): specify the number of segments. (default: 2)v
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): specify the number of video streams. (default: 1)a
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): specify the number of audio streams. (default: 0)unsafe
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): enable unsafe mode. (default: false)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
(of type[]
(of type[]
Ffmpeg filter: Concatenate audio and video streams. This filter has dynamic inputs: last two arguments are lists of audio and video inputs. Total number of inputs is determined at runtime. This filter has dynamic outputs: returned value is a tuple of audio and video outputs. Total number of outputs is determined at runtime.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?n : int?, ?v : int?, ?a : int?, ?unsafe : bool?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): specify the number of segments. (default: 2)v
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): specify the number of video streams. (default: 1)a
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): specify the number of audio streams. (default: 0)unsafe
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): enable unsafe mode. (default: false)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
(of type[] * []
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type([], []) -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Apply convolution filter.
(?0m : string?, ?1m : string?, ?2m : string?, ?3m : string?, ?0rdiv : float?,
?1rdiv : float?, ?2rdiv : float?, ?3rdiv : float?, ?0bias : float?,
?1bias : float?, ?2bias : float?, ?3bias : float?, ?0mode : int?,
?1mode : int?, ?2mode : int?, ?3mode : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set matrix for 1st plane. (default: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0)1m
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set matrix for 2nd plane. (default: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0)2m
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set matrix for 3rd plane. (default: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0)3m
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set matrix for 4th plane. (default: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0)0rdiv
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set rdiv for 1st plane. (default: 0.)1rdiv
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set rdiv for 2nd plane. (default: 0.)2rdiv
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set rdiv for 3rd plane. (default: 0.)3rdiv
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set rdiv for 4th plane. (default: 0.)0bias
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set bias for 1st plane. (default: 0.)1bias
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set bias for 2nd plane. (default: 0.)2bias
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set bias for 3rd plane. (default: 0.)3bias
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set bias for 4th plane. (default: 0.)0mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set matrix mode for 1st plane. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (square), 1 (row), 2 (column))1mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set matrix mode for 2nd plane. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (square), 1 (row), 2 (column))2mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set matrix mode for 3rd plane. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (square), 1 (row), 2 (column))3mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set matrix mode for 4th plane. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (square), 1 (row), 2 (column))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Apply convolution filter.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?0m : string?, ?1m : string?, ?2m : string?, ?3m : string?, ?0rdiv : float?,
?1rdiv : float?, ?2rdiv : float?, ?3rdiv : float?, ?0bias : float?,
?1bias : float?, ?2bias : float?, ?3bias : float?, ?0mode : int?,
?1mode : int?, ?2mode : int?, ?3mode : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set matrix for 1st plane. (default: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0)1m
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set matrix for 2nd plane. (default: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0)2m
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set matrix for 3rd plane. (default: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0)3m
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set matrix for 4th plane. (default: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0)0rdiv
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set rdiv for 1st plane. (default: 0.)1rdiv
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set rdiv for 2nd plane. (default: 0.)2rdiv
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set rdiv for 3rd plane. (default: 0.)3rdiv
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set rdiv for 4th plane. (default: 0.)0bias
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set bias for 1st plane. (default: 0.)1bias
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set bias for 2nd plane. (default: 0.)2bias
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set bias for 3rd plane. (default: 0.)3bias
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set bias for 4th plane. (default: 0.)0mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set matrix mode for 1st plane. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (square), 1 (row), 2 (column))1mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set matrix mode for 2nd plane. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (square), 1 (row), 2 (column))2mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set matrix mode for 3rd plane. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (square), 1 (row), 2 (column))3mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set matrix mode for 4th plane. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (square), 1 (row), 2 (column))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Apply convolution mask to input video
(?0m : string?, ?1m : string?, ?2m : string?, ?3m : string?, ?0rdiv : float?,
?1rdiv : float?, ?2rdiv : float?, ?3rdiv : float?, ?0bias : float?,
?1bias : float?, ?2bias : float?, ?3bias : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set matrix for 2nd plane. (default: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0)1m
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set matrix for 2nd plane. (default: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0)2m
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set matrix for 3rd plane. (default: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0)3m
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set matrix for 4th plane. (default: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0)0rdiv
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set rdiv for 1nd plane. (default: 1.)1rdiv
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set rdiv for 2nd plane. (default: 1.)2rdiv
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set rdiv for 3rd plane. (default: 1.)3rdiv
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set rdiv for 4th plane. (default: 1.)0bias
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set bias for 1st plane. (default: 0.)1bias
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set bias for 2nd plane. (default: 0.)2bias
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set bias for 3rd plane. (default: 0.)3bias
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set bias for 4th plane. (default: 0.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Apply convolution mask to input video. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?0m : string?, ?1m : string?, ?2m : string?, ?3m : string?, ?0rdiv : float?,
?1rdiv : float?, ?2rdiv : float?, ?3rdiv : float?, ?0bias : float?,
?1bias : float?, ?2bias : float?, ?3bias : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set matrix for 2nd plane. (default: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0)1m
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set matrix for 2nd plane. (default: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0)2m
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set matrix for 3rd plane. (default: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0)3m
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set matrix for 4th plane. (default: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0)0rdiv
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set rdiv for 1nd plane. (default: 1.)1rdiv
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set rdiv for 2nd plane. (default: 1.)2rdiv
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set rdiv for 3rd plane. (default: 1.)3rdiv
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set rdiv for 4th plane. (default: 1.)0bias
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set bias for 1st plane. (default: 0.)1bias
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set bias for 2nd plane. (default: 0.)2bias
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set bias for 3rd plane. (default: 0.)3bias
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set bias for 4th plane. (default: 0.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Convolve first video stream with second video stream.
(?planes : int?, ?impulse : int?, ?noise : float?, ?eof_action : int?,
?shortest : bool?, ?repeatlast : bool?, ?ts_sync_mode : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph,, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set planes to convolve. (default: 7)impulse
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): when to process impulses. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (first), 1 (all))noise
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set noise. (default: 1e-07)eof_action
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Action to take when encountering EOF from secondary input . (default: 0, possible values: 0 (repeat), 1 (endall), 2 (pass))shortest
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): force termination when the shortest input terminates. (default: false)repeatlast
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): extend last frame of secondary streams beyond EOF. (default: true)ts_sync_mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How strictly to sync streams based on secondary input timestamps. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (default), 1 (nearest))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Convolve first video stream with second video stream.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?planes : int?, ?impulse : int?, ?noise : float?, ?eof_action : int?,
?shortest : bool?, ?repeatlast : bool?, ?ts_sync_mode : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set planes to convolve. (default: 7)impulse
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): when to process impulses. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (first), 1 (all))noise
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set noise. (default: 1e-07)eof_action
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Action to take when encountering EOF from secondary input . (default: 0, possible values: 0 (repeat), 1 (endall), 2 (pass))shortest
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): force termination when the shortest input terminates. (default: false)repeatlast
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): extend last frame of secondary streams beyond EOF. (default: true)ts_sync_mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How strictly to sync streams based on secondary input timestamps. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (default), 1 (nearest))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type(, -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Copy the input video unchanged to the output.
(ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Copy the input video unchanged to the output.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Calculate the correlation between two video streams.
(?eof_action : int?, ?shortest : bool?, ?repeatlast : bool?,
?ts_sync_mode : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph,, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Action to take when encountering EOF from secondary input . (default: 0, possible values: 0 (repeat), 1 (endall), 2 (pass))shortest
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): force termination when the shortest input terminates. (default: false)repeatlast
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): extend last frame of secondary streams beyond EOF. (default: true)ts_sync_mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How strictly to sync streams based on secondary input timestamps. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (default), 1 (nearest))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Calculate the correlation between two video streams.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?eof_action : int?, ?shortest : bool?, ?repeatlast : bool?,
?ts_sync_mode : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Action to take when encountering EOF from secondary input . (default: 0, possible values: 0 (repeat), 1 (endall), 2 (pass))shortest
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): force termination when the shortest input terminates. (default: false)repeatlast
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): extend last frame of secondary streams beyond EOF. (default: true)ts_sync_mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): How strictly to sync streams based on secondary input timestamps. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (default), 1 (nearest))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type(, -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Find and cover a user specified object.
(?cover : string?, ?mode : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): cover bitmap filenamemode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set removal mode. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (cover), 1 (blur))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Find and cover a user specified object.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?cover : string?, ?mode : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): cover bitmap filenamemode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set removal mode. (default: 1, possible values: 0 (cover), 1 (blur))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Crop the input video.
(?out_w : string?, ?w : string?, ?out_h : string?, ?h : string?,
?x : string?, ?y : string?, ?keep_aspect : bool?, ?exact : bool?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the width crop area expression. (default: iw)w
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the width crop area expression. (default: iw)out_h
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the height crop area expression. (default: ih)h
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the height crop area expression. (default: ih)x
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the x crop area expression. (default: (in_w-out_w)/2)y
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the y crop area expression. (default: (in_h-out_h)/2)keep_aspect
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): keep aspect ratio. (default: false)exact
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): do exact cropping. (default: false)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Crop the input video.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?out_w : string?, ?w : string?, ?out_h : string?, ?h : string?,
?x : string?, ?y : string?, ?keep_aspect : bool?, ?exact : bool?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the width crop area expression. (default: iw)w
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the width crop area expression. (default: iw)out_h
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the height crop area expression. (default: ih)h
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the height crop area expression. (default: ih)x
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the x crop area expression. (default: (in_w-out_w)/2)y
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set the y crop area expression. (default: (in_h-out_h)/2)keep_aspect
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): keep aspect ratio. (default: false)exact
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): do exact cropping. (default: false)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Auto-detect crop size.
(?limit : float?, ?round : int?, ?reset : int?, ?skip : int?,
?reset_count : int?, ?max_outliers : int?, ?mode : int?, ?high : float?,
?low : float?, ?mv_threshold : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): Threshold below which the pixel is considered black. (default: 0.0941176470588)round
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Value by which the width/height should be divisible. (default: 16)reset
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Recalculate the crop area after this many frames. (default: 0)skip
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Number of initial frames to skip. (default: 2)reset_count
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Recalculate the crop area after this many frames. (default: 0)max_outliers
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Threshold count of outliers. (default: 0)mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (black), 1 (mvedges))high
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): Set high threshold for edge detection. (default: 0.0980392156863)low
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): Set low threshold for edge detection. (default: 0.0588235294118)mv_threshold
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): motion vector threshold when estimating video window size. (default: 8)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Auto-detect crop size.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?limit : float?, ?round : int?, ?reset : int?, ?skip : int?,
?reset_count : int?, ?max_outliers : int?, ?mode : int?, ?high : float?,
?low : float?, ?mv_threshold : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): Threshold below which the pixel is considered black. (default: 0.0941176470588)round
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Value by which the width/height should be divisible. (default: 16)reset
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Recalculate the crop area after this many frames. (default: 0)skip
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Number of initial frames to skip. (default: 2)reset_count
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Recalculate the crop area after this many frames. (default: 0)max_outliers
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): Threshold count of outliers. (default: 0)mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (black), 1 (mvedges))high
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): Set high threshold for edge detection. (default: 0.0980392156863)low
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): Set low threshold for edge detection. (default: 0.0588235294118)mv_threshold
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): motion vector threshold when estimating video window size. (default: 8)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Apply headphone crossfeed filter.
(?strength : float?, ?range : float?, ?slope : float?, ?level_in : float?,
?level_out : float?, ?block_size : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set crossfeed strength. (default: 0.2)range
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set soundstage wideness. (default: 0.5)slope
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set curve slope. (default: 0.5)level_in
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set level in. (default: 0.9)level_out
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set level out. (default: 1.)block_size
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the block size. (default: 0)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Apply headphone crossfeed filter.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?strength : float?, ?range : float?, ?slope : float?, ?level_in : float?,
?level_out : float?, ?block_size : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set crossfeed strength. (default: 0.2)range
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set soundstage wideness. (default: 0.5)slope
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set curve slope. (default: 0.5)level_in
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set level in. (default: 0.9)level_out
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set level out. (default: 1.)block_size
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the block size. (default: 0)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Simple audio noise sharpening filter.
(?i : float?, ?c : bool?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set intensity. (default: 2.)c
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): enable clipping. (default: true)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Simple audio noise sharpening filter.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?i : float?, ?c : bool?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set intensity. (default: 2.)c
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): enable clipping. (default: true)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Delay filtering to match a cue.
(?cue : int?, ?preroll : int?, ?buffer : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): cue unix timestamp in microseconds. (default: 0)preroll
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): preroll duration in seconds. (default: 0)buffer
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): buffer duration in seconds. (default: 0)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Delay filtering to match a cue.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?cue : int?, ?preroll : int?, ?buffer : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): cue unix timestamp in microseconds. (default: 0)preroll
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): preroll duration in seconds. (default: 0)buffer
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): buffer duration in seconds. (default: 0)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Adjust components curves.
(?preset : int?, ?master : string?, ?m : string?, ?red : string?,
?r : string?, ?green : string?, ?g : string?, ?blue : string?, ?b : string?,
?all : string?, ?psfile : string?, ?plot : string?, ?interp : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): select a color curves preset. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (none), 1 (color_negative), 2 (cross_process), 3 (darker), 4 (increase_contrast), 5 (lighter), 6 (linear_contrast), 7 (medium_contrast), 8 (negative), 9 (strong_contrast), 10 (vintage))master
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set master points coordinatesm
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set master points coordinatesred
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set red points coordinatesr
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set red points coordinatesgreen
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set green points coordinatesg
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set green points coordinatesblue
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set blue points coordinatesb
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set blue points coordinatesall
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set points coordinates for all componentspsfile
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set Photoshop curves file nameplot
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): save Gnuplot script of the curves in specified fileinterp
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): specify the kind of interpolation. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (natural), 1 (pchip))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Adjust components curves.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?preset : int?, ?master : string?, ?m : string?, ?red : string?,
?r : string?, ?green : string?, ?g : string?, ?blue : string?, ?b : string?,
?all : string?, ?psfile : string?, ?plot : string?, ?interp : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): select a color curves preset. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (none), 1 (color_negative), 2 (cross_process), 3 (darker), 4 (increase_contrast), 5 (lighter), 6 (linear_contrast), 7 (medium_contrast), 8 (negative), 9 (strong_contrast), 10 (vintage))master
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set master points coordinatesm
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set master points coordinatesred
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set red points coordinatesr
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set red points coordinatesgreen
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set green points coordinatesg
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set green points coordinatesblue
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set blue points coordinatesb
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set blue points coordinatesall
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set points coordinates for all componentspsfile
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set Photoshop curves file nameplot
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): save Gnuplot script of the curves in specified fileinterp
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): specify the kind of interpolation. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (natural), 1 (pchip))(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Video data analysis.
(?size : string?, ?s : string?, ?x : int?, ?y : int?, ?mode : int?,
?axis : bool?, ?opacity : float?, ?format : int?, ?components : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set output size. (default: hd720)s
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set output size. (default: hd720)x
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set x offset. (default: 0)y
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set y offset. (default: 0)mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set scope mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (mono), 1 (color), 2 (color2))axis
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): draw column/row numbers. (default: false)opacity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set background opacity. (default: 0.75)format
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set display number format. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (hex), 1 (dec))components
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set components to display. (default: 15)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Video data analysis.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?size : string?, ?s : string?, ?x : int?, ?y : int?, ?mode : int?,
?axis : bool?, ?opacity : float?, ?format : int?, ?components : int?,
ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set output size. (default: hd720)s
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set output size. (default: hd720)x
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set x offset. (default: 0)y
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set y offset. (default: 0)mode
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set scope mode. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (mono), 1 (color), 2 (color2))axis
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): draw column/row numbers. (default: false)opacity
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set background opacity. (default: 0.75)format
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set display number format. (default: 0, possible values: 0 (hex), 1 (dec))components
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set components to display. (default: 15)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Apply Directional Blur filter.
(?angle : float?, ?radius : float?, ?planes : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set angle. (default: 45.)radius
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set radius. (default: 5.)planes
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set planes to filter. (default: 15)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Apply Directional Blur filter.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?angle : float?, ?radius : float?, ?planes : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set angle. (default: 45.)radius
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set radius. (default: 5.)planes
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set planes to filter. (default: 15)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Apply a DC shift to the audio.
(?shift : float?, ?limitergain : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set DC shift. (default: 0.)limitergain
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set limiter gain. (default: 0.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Apply a DC shift to the audio.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?shift : float?, ?limitergain : float?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set DC shift. (default: 0.)limitergain
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set limiter gain. (default: 0.)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Denoise frames using 2D DCT.
(?sigma : float?, ?s : float?, ?overlap : int?, ?expr : string?,
?e : string?, ?n : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set noise sigma constant. (default: 0.)s
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set noise sigma constant. (default: 0.)overlap
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of block overlapping pixels. (default: -1)expr
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set coefficient factor expressione
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set coefficient factor expressionn
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the block size, expressed in bits. (default: 3)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
Ffmpeg filter: Denoise frames using 2D DCT.. Use this operator to initiate the filter independently of its inputs, to be able to send commands to the filter instance.
(?sigma : float?, ?s : float?, ?overlap : int?, ?expr : string?,
?e : string?, ?n : int?, ffmpeg.filter.graph) -> unit
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set noise sigma constant. (default: 0.)s
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set noise sigma constant. (default: 0.)overlap
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set number of block overlapping pixels. (default: -1)expr
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set coefficient factor expressione
(of typestring?
, which defaults tonull
): set coefficient factor expressionn
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set the block size, expressed in bits. (default: 3)(unlabeled)
(of typeffmpeg.filter.graph
): Filter output(s)process_command
(of type(?fast : bool, string, string) -> string
):process_command(?fast, "command", "argument")
sends the given command to this filter. Setfast
to only execute the command when it is fast.set_input
(of type( -> unit
): Set the filter’s input(s)
Ffmpeg filter: Debands video.
(?1thr : float?, ?2thr : float?, ?3thr : float?, ?4thr : float?,
?range : int?, ?r : int?, ?direction : float?, ?d : float?, ?blur : bool?,
?b : bool?, ?coupling : bool?, ?c : bool?, ffmpeg.filter.graph, ->
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set 1st plane threshold. (default: 0.02)2thr
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set 2nd plane threshold. (default: 0.02)3thr
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set 3rd plane threshold. (default: 0.02)4thr
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set 4th plane threshold. (default: 0.02)range
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set range. (default: 16)r
(of typeint?
, which defaults tonull
): set range. (default: 16)direction
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set direction. (default: 6.28318530718)d
(of typefloat?
, which defaults tonull
): set direction. (default: 6.28318530718)blur
(of typebool?
, which defaults tonull
): set blur. (default: true